Thread: Testing water
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Old 03-18-2017, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Sharkbait-huhaha View Post
Oh com'n Galizio, I have not had one coral die on me, because I didn't check my parameters lol, But I did have corals die on me from stinging one another, BJD, or having a not so reef safe fish.

Like many other said in this thread, it really depends on what you keep in your tank, and how much you're willing to invest in it.

So I continue... day 201... parameters.. still no clue.

As long as my little nieces and nephews can come over each time, and look in awe, I am a happy camper.

For those curious whats lurking in my tank...

It might not be as grand as some of the amazing tanks I have seen in this CanReef community, but its my piece of the pie, They way I like it
Just out of curiosity, how is your Saddle Valentini Puffer with your Torch & Hammers? I love these little buggers but I am worried they will nip everything to death
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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