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Old 03-05-2017, 08:47 PM
newbie2 newbie2 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: ponoka ab
Posts: 35
newbie2 is on a distinguished road

I moved a 120g literally two feet, cleaned rock a bit, removed sand, and re-ran my electrical and it took almost seven hours in total start to finish. I had 150g inn tubs (thought I had a lot) and ran out of tubs. Used some buckets. I also planned on using my water over again and only had 50 gallons extra water. Ran out of than too. Had to make r/o to top up last 10 gallons (thankfully I had aquaforest salt that mixes fast). I would definitely ask local reefers for buckets/tubs, powerheads, heaters etc. and help. There was two of us but needed more hands to speed it up.
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