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Old 02-17-2017, 05:42 AM
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Stones Stones is offline
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Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
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It sounds like most people aren't experiencing the same problems I was having regarding stray voltage. Perhaps I just had a few bad heaters or the seals went over time as the HLLE did come on very suddenly and the same heater had been in the sump the entire time.

I much preferred the titanium heating elements as you don't have to worry about cracking like you do with a glass heater but for now I'm back to all glass heaters in my stocked tanks.

Originally Posted by DKoKoMan View Post
Blah sorry to hear! I hope your able to rebound and get the tank back on track.
Sadly my tank has been shut down for over 2 years now and I won't be setting another large reef tank up in my current house.

Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
I'm running titanium heaters in mine as well. If I have a cut on my hand (which is pretty much 90% of the time, lol) I feel some stray voltage as well. It's been so slight that I've never actually measured it or tried to chase it down. I'll have to check it....
Daplatapus, I would check your system to see if the stray voltage drops significantly when the heater is unplugged. If so, I'd either replace the heater or add grounding probes to your tank and sump.

Most livestock seems relatively unaffected by stray voltage but certain species like large angels and certain tangs will develop HLLE quite rapidly if there is an excess of stray voltage.
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