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Old 02-14-2017, 11:20 PM
RobsReefRoom RobsReefRoom is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Calgary
Posts: 3
RobsReefRoom is on a distinguished road

So the wife repainted the living room and since the tank was empty it was easy to move before we filled it again.

Then i decided to drill the tank myself....
Scary moment... didnt know if i was going to mess up , or if it was tempered glass.

Got the first one ! with a template

little less worried this time i free handed the second hole.

made sure the overflow box was sitting at the right water level

so i sealed her up and decided to leak test it!

but what did the custom sump from concepts look like?

So it took me 50 tries to figure out my rockscape, but so fun!

not that one...


then i waited for this rock to cycle the tank, and was going to add the contents of my 55 gallon after.

so i added everything a couple months later and put everything in as fast as i could!

So now the system is 180 Gallon Display
And a 45 Gallon Sump

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