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Old 02-12-2017, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by SoloSK71 View Post
Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but has anyone actually tested the 'coral and livestock' question with their insurance company? I (un)lucked into a couple of tank failure threads on RC (tanks breaking, not what we normally call a tank crash) and not one of them got coverage for the coral or livestock. Fire, tank broke, tree fell on, the tank was covered as was equipment but never any of the living inhabitants.


I have enquired about it from a couple of insurance companies not one will cover the contents inside the tank if there is a tank failure or its damaged from say a child throwing an object and breaking the tank they will cover the tank itself and possibly any equipment damaged as long as it can be proven it was caused directly by tank failure.

As far as any livestock and coral you are SOL as fish and inverts are not coverable as they are not considered pets nor are they considered property the same goes for coral. With that being said you can get extra insurance on your tank to cover replacement costs up to a certain amount.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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