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Old 02-07-2017, 05:16 AM
ReefMadness ReefMadness is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Saskatoon
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Originally Posted by Wheelman76 View Post
Give tech support in the states a call and ask to speak to Tullio , really nice guy. He told me that because of the way the Reefbright is designed with the sort of T5 reflector they use , that it really minimizes that burning or hotspot effect that you get from some LED's (really cool design). I was concerned about the same thing as you when I first got mine , and was asking him about the dimmer. He said if I was worried about the extra par that I should just start off only running it an hour or two a day and slowly increase , and not bother with the dimmer.
I had planned for an acclimation period to the fixture itself just to be cautious but it makes sense that once the corals are all ok with the extra light it could run without bleaching.
I suppose I could adjust the photo-period or brightness with my current set-up should things get hairy too.
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