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Old 02-05-2017, 06:36 AM
Imy112 Imy112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cujo#31 View Post
I have nothing against RR Canada. However you just keep over-paying for the same livestock. It helps them pay for advertising��
Each to their own
A simple request thru your GB organizer gets you a REAL.....unsaturated picture. You just won't get to "window shop". You have to know what you are after. Either way he is guaranteed to have what you want....for less money
Hello all,

I'm not very active on this forum as I generally frequent GTAA as I live in Toronto.

I will attest to this guys stuff. I now literally visit him every week(literally broke at this point lol) and his tank is beyond word. His live stock it beyond anything you've seen and only collects the highest end corals.

LPS from rainbow master bowerbanki's to master scolys
Sps from Walt Disney to RR Jawdropper
Softys from wwc bounce to OG stratosphere zoa's (literally the only guy in Canada-(assumed lol) I know that has these)

All corals are of the highest quality! Not to mention the most bueatiful Achilles tang and gem tang swimming around his massive tank.

He is the real deal and I hope no one misses out on purchasing corals from him. For everyone's info he has a Facebook page which I'm told was recently updated.

Happy reefing... review over
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