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Old 01-17-2017, 10:14 AM
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DKoKoMan DKoKoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Yikes! Could you cover the overflow with a black acrylic lid? I get them made at a plastics shop here, costs about $10.

Maintenance, stocking, and feeding techniques can keep NO3 and PO4 at close to zero levels, but not everyone wants to follow that method. Biopellets are a good option - they work just fine in a TLF reactor. Most of the issues with biopellets are when people use too many. A lot of tanks that need biopellets also need GFO. I prefer biopellets over liquid carbon dosing (vodka/vinegar/NOPOX/etc) because there is less chance of bacteria film IME.

Mindy the black acrylic lid is a great idea and I will see if I can find one. I have definitely reduced and altered my feeding habits in hope to cut down on PO4. I am thinking I will get a TLF 150 reactor and run bio pellets as part of my system. ***This is why I need to finish my basement faster to transfer the 75g in to a 150g ***

Originally Posted by TimT View Post
Lots of good info in this thread and I'd like to add a few things.

The most cost effective method of lowering high phosphate levels is to use Foz Down. It is best to slowly lower the Phosphate levels as you can easily shock the corals. Recommendation is no more than 0.25mg/l per 24hr period, even better is 0.25mg/l in a 48 hr period, especially if you have sensitive corals. Phosphate levels can be easily maintained between .02mg/l and .03mg/l with Foz Down and no need to use GFO.

I just started using the Foz Down and can add it again today. From what I have been hearing it is a great product for reduction of PO4. I'm not sure what the negative is for long term use though.

If your water sample is over range(too high Phosphate level) in your tester you can dilute sample by 50% or 75% with RO/DI water and then just multiply the results by 2 or 3.

Never thought of manipulating the water sample this way to register for testing. I'm hoping to get the phosphate down slowly and consistently to prevent any further shock.

300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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