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Old 12-29-2016, 01:14 AM
Brighteyes_13's Avatar
Brighteyes_13 Brighteyes_13 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 138
Brighteyes_13 is on a distinguished road

The LFS who helped me set up wasnt convinced my rock was done with the cycle, wanted me to try to force a new cycle. every day i fed a whole cube of frozen mysis to 10 crabs... lucky crabs lol.

my ammonia never budged, nor did my nitrites. If anything it made me more reassured my rock was indeed fully cycled and capable of dealing with a bioload.
I think if i had lights over it the whole time i may have had a bloom sooner.

Regardless of the diatoms, i have no regrets with the feeding. A water change will help bring down some of the nutrients, and now i can adjust my feeding to be more practical.
how many times does it take starting from scratch to make your dream a reality?

Starting new setup as of Oct/16
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