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Old 12-06-2004, 02:56 AM
jess128 jess128 is offline
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Location: Edmonton (very north)
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Default livestock questions

I just got 2 clownfish and they're doing really well. All water parameters are perfect and I'm going to get a bit of a cleaner crew next week. I have a few questions about what I want to add:

1. What kind of coral would be best to add? This is my first tank, so something easy to keep would be perfect.

2. I want to have a maroon clownfish, coral beauty angelfish, and some anthias in my tank. Which should I add first? I don't think I'll be getting the maroon clown soon, I'm a little nervous about having 2 different types of clown in one tank (it's a 65g) Are anthias easy to keep? Or would the angelfish be best?
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