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Old 11-28-2016, 04:08 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Maple Ridge
Posts: 349
Animal-Chin is on a distinguished road

I dose my alk into the return chamber and the calcium into the fuge chamber. I have them on timers so they each turn on once every 60 mintues but 30 minutes apart from each other so the alk and cal don't get dosed together. I like to separate the 2 to ensure I don't get rapid calcification in any of my pumps, this is also why I don't dose into the skimmer chamber and alwasy dose after the skimmer chamber.

When i first set up my dosing system I had the calcium and alk dosing at the same time. Within a few weeks (if I recall correctly) I had pretty much destroyed all my pumps with moving parts and they were totally calcified. By spreading the dosing out this has never happened again.

Just my experience.
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