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Old 11-25-2016, 01:23 AM
SpongeAl SpongeAl is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Posts: 20
SpongeAl is on a distinguished road

I say sand, it just looks better IMO.

I put just enough in to cover the bottom at the front, tapered up to about 1" or so at the back.

Its mostly cosmetic, but there definitely is bristle worms etc in 1" of sand.

All I have to to is give a a blast with the baster once in a while before a water change.

By all means though, if it was to accommodate a favorite fish, then I guess go bare bottom if you have to, otherwise a 1/2" or so of seafloor special is not going to cause really any extra work.

The sand will mask the detritus temporarily from site, as well as give habitat to fauna that might help clean up detritus a bit between water changes, at the very least some of them may provide a snack for an inhabitant.
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