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Old 11-11-2016, 12:41 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Calgary,AB
Posts: 476
Roskoreef is on a distinguished road
Default update

well since having a son i havent updated my build threadand alot has happened, it is a reef after all.

another minor crash, ive concluded it was when i changed out my zeo stones in my reactor after going a little too long without changing them. phosphates were running high nefore hand and i was able to turn my lights up and get good growth. Without thinking i stripped most of the nutrients out of the tank and got a whackload of burnt tips, chalices melting and overall poor sps heath as a result. sigh.

i revamped my aquascape after and am somewhat starting over with my acros

some pics before the "crash"

red planet was doing great

rr blue orchid was growing

this is the only acro unaffected - emerald in the sky stag from coralmaster, still going strong

rr man of steel

tank now after rescape

most new acros ive added are doing great exept for colour is sorta pale on most but inproving

this was my first coral, a green frogspawn and it finally after 2 yrs has a baby!

first red planet hanging in there

sweet branching merulinia

emerald in the sky stag , seems to be doing better than ever

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