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Old 11-07-2016, 01:33 AM
gmann gmann is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Richmond
Posts: 407
gmann is on a distinguished road
Default LPS corals receding

so ive noticed that a couple of my scolies have started to recede (some more than others) and pretty much all my euphyllia are now dead. i have increased gyre output from 40% to about 50-60% to combat algea, which i assume is why my euphyllia are now done, but i dont get why the scolies are dying.

Here are my paramters. I have noticed that they have risen since i switched from AF reef salt to Salinity.

Salinity: 37ppt
Cal: 440 - salifert
KH: 8.8 - salifert
nitrate:0 - api
phos: 0.04 - hanna
water changes: every 4 weeks, about 60 gallons (25%) using Canadian Springs bottles

based on web searches, all seem to be fine except my phos, but even when i had a phos reading of 0, i still had algea issues, so im not quite sure what im to do anymore.

i've been dosing phosdown every 2 days to combat the algea issue. zeobak 12 drops every wed & sat, and upped my skimmer to fill up every 2-3 days. I don't dose any alk or ca and my parameters stay steady. Feeding has been cut back to once per day.

Is there somthing i am missing or not doing that is causing this?
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