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Seamonkey 06-11-2004 03:38 AM

Dwarf Angel suggestions
Hi all,

I have successfully completed my swap over from a 20 gal reef to a 45 gal. (Thanks for all your email support Brad, could not have done it without you). I have 2 clowns a sixline wrasse and a small goby. I would really like to add a dwarf angel. Anyone had any particular success with a particular species. I like Flame, lemonpeel and the Coral Beauty.
Need one that is reef friendly. :biggrin:

DOO-E 06-11-2004 03:46 AM

I have one that is reef friendly. A coral Beauty. A really beautiful fish and completly reef safe. Well actually no angel is reef safe. They say use with caustion. But it all depends on the fish some eat corals some dont. Thankfuly mine dont. Really luv her a great personality.

JTrigger 06-11-2004 04:01 AM

I've had a flame, Potter's, and CB in the past... all three were reef-friendly... but like everyone says.. you're always taking a risk... I have read in placs that a CB is associated with a lesser relative risk of nipping and that a lemonpeel might be associated with a modestly increased risk... but who knows.


hockey nut 06-11-2004 05:15 AM

I have a flame as well. Hasn't been aggressive at all that i've seen. He/she is always active and loves to follow my sixline wrass around. From what i've been told and read, make it one of your last fish to add to the tank. HTH ....... Cheers

EmilyB 06-11-2004 05:24 AM

Doo-e please..... :rolleyes: two mushrooms don't count as a reef tank.

The dwarfs are a gamble.

I've kept a coral beauty and a flame in a full reef. They picked at open brains and clams, some cup corals, irritating them to the point of removal (ultimately of the fish). They also compete heavily for food with gentler, nicer fish... :mrgreen: :razz:

DOO-E 06-11-2004 01:05 PM

First of all i just got a hole bunch of them. I also have GSPs and had been taking care of some SPS for a week for a guy so he can upgrade his tank. The coral beauty doesnt even touch the GSP's just looks at them. The looked at the SPS but he never once pecked at it.

smokinreefer 06-11-2004 04:27 PM

a nice small dwarf to consider would be a cherub or flameback.

i've had good success with both of those in the past, none of which ate any corals, softies, LPS, sps or clams.

or a completely reef safe angel would be the GENsomethinorother species... like a swallowtail.

Quinn 06-11-2004 04:36 PM

Genicanthus spp. :smile: As you said, plankton-feeders according to Fishbase.

Doug 06-11-2004 05:03 PM

Doo-e, please watch the language


DOO-E 06-11-2004 06:01 PM

Sorry about that i meant to change it but my computer crashed then i couldnt get back on the net wont happen again

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