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Douglas 07-11-2008 12:08 PM

Getting my new copperband to eat.
Hi everyone. I recently added a new copperband to my tank. I watched him eat at the fish store, but pellets. I'm trying to get him to eat frozen food. Any ideas? I Could you any advice. Doug

fishytime 07-11-2008 12:40 PM

Could try a garlic additive. Or Michikas food.

Black Phantom 07-11-2008 01:28 PM

If he's eating pellets I would be real happy with that. They are known to be very picky eaters. I lost two that just wouldn't eat anything.
Once he's been in the tank for a while and really well adjusted I think you could try some other foods.
A lot has to do with how much he has to compete against the other fish for food. My tank might have been too aggresive for a Copperband.

sphelps 07-11-2008 01:47 PM

Sounds like you just need a little more patience, if was eating pellets at the store once it's settled in it will probably eat whatever you feed it. If not you can get live clams from superstore, crack them open and place it in the tank. The copperband won't be able to resist.

michika 07-11-2008 02:05 PM

Keep feeding the pellets, and then start adding in frozen food to a container with the pellets, and let them together soak in tank water so they can absorb each other's smell/taste. Then slowly add the mixture over a period of 10 or so minutes to the tank.

Delphinus 07-11-2008 04:34 PM

Eating pellets is awesome. I wish I could get mine to eat pellets, I have to feed mine mysis (only food besides mussels and oysters and Manilla clams that he'll touch).

Basically mixing pellets in with mysis and/or Michika's food is probably the best bet.

Frankly though if he's eating anything at all I would continue to offer that until you see him eating other foods - they are soooo stubborn, if they don't like what you're offering, they will starve to death rather than try some..

Delphinus 07-11-2008 05:29 PM

Geez, the way I worded that it looks like *I* think eating pellets is awesome. Just to clarify ... if your CBB is eating pellets, that is an awesome development as it means this individual is open to trying exotic ("exotic" to him or her, anyhow) foods, and this bodes well for the long-term life of this fish. Good luck!

Drock169 07-11-2008 06:27 PM

Careful with feeding CBB clams, I've heard of them developing a taste for it and going after the clams in your tank.

Delphinus 07-11-2008 07:25 PM

Interestingly, I had heard that but I had also heard the exact opposite - in that by feeding clams you can avoid them going after your ornamental clams. It makes sense in a different kind of way - if they're not starving to death they won't be as desperate for food. FWIW, two years now with mine and feeding the occasional shellfish, and in with clams in the same tank, touch wood - no issues as yet. I can't convince mine to eat any kind of prepared foods - even Michika's home made food which is a hit with everyone else in the tank, is shunned. Mysis and shellfish it is then.

Edit/PS: I'm pretty sure that if one of my clams got injured or stressed though - that there would be a different story. Hopefully if/when that ever happens I'll be able to intervene, guess all I can do is hope for the best that it doesn't happen. Because I'm pretty sure the smell of clam blood would spell instant disaster.

Douglas 07-13-2008 10:58 PM

Well.....I've tried the clam, the mysis, brine, and pellets (that is was eating), and different combinations suggested, and nothing.(everything else in the tank is thriving, and nothing is picking on him) He now seems to be struggling. (Drat! such a beautiful fish). I've turned of one of my circulation pumps also to give him some relief, any more suggestions?

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