WTB Base rock (Calgary)
As the title says, I am looking for some base rock to help offset the cost of LR.
Please PM me with lbs and price Thank you :) |
Anyone? |
J&L sells base rock, and you can get a 40lb box of "reef bones" from MOPS.ca for $79.00 plus around $30.00 to ship irt to Calgary.:mrgreen:
depending on the ammout i might be able to get the carib sea reefbones or reef rock for $80 in calgary
I'm going to need a bunch of base rock too. Wanna split shipping?
anyone wanna split a 40lb order of reef bones? i only want 20lbs
everytime ive gotten reefbones thier is 3 rocks in the box so for your 20lb share it would probably be 1 rock
40 lbs and only 3 rocks? pretty big wow
ya i'd ask for smaller |
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