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reefer403 05-15-2012 03:44 AM

Frog Spawn Coral Dying?
My tank has been up and running a couple months now. Everything seems to be flourishing. Today I noticed 1 of a 2 branch frog spawn coral was comp[leted retracted, and I could see the calcerous base. It seems that the coral has been releasing its own fleshy chunks. I used to have a colony of trumpet coral a while back in a other tank, and one of them died and it is the same "look" of calcium base. Parameters are good, nothing unusual.
I kept it at the bottom of the tank in a mid flow area. Anyone have experience and maybe could provide insight? I hate hate hate nopt knowing what I have done wrong as I would like to avoid in the future. All I know is everything seems good and it had flourished in this spot for 6 weeks. This was an overnight occurence.


Nano 05-15-2012 03:50 AM

What are your water parameters?

fishytime 05-15-2012 03:52 AM

and your list of suspects (fish)?....

reefer403 05-15-2012 03:56 AM

Phosphate .25
Calcium is high @ 600 or more (New aragonite sand bed??)
Calcium carbonate is 8

no real suspects-
6 line wrasse
coral beauty
bicolor blenny
2 damsel

I noticed a small cyano outbreak in one corner, the branch was in this area- is this a possible culprit?

The frogspawn has literally "let go" of all its flesh on this branch

reefwars 05-15-2012 03:58 AM

i read your only other post and it says temp is getting high???

parameters are out of whack also, explains the cyano could also explain the coral death.

what are you adding to your tank???

fishytime 05-15-2012 04:01 AM

the coral beauty could be a suspect but I would lean towards the sheer number of fish you have in a relatively brand new tank.....that is quite the bioload for a tank that is only a couple monthes old....

reefwars 05-15-2012 04:05 AM

high temp, super high calcium ....alk will prob be off a bit too same with ph....i would work on getting these at the levels they need to be at, if theres alot of evaporation be sure to top off as needed so salinity doesnt get to high .

i agree with doug you may have to much instability happening ,kinda has a snowball effect ,its usually your corals and fish that let you know.

reefer403 05-15-2012 04:07 AM

Temp is good, constant 26 degrees now that I have the A/C unit in my house.

Bioload is too big? tell me more? what is common practise? I have done my research and thought guidelines had been followed appropriately. Started with the 2 damsel. Then 3 weeks later added the blenny, firefish and coral beauty.

Just added the wrasse 4 days ago.

Only one new fish in last 5 this too much?


reefer403 05-15-2012 04:09 AM

How do i lower calcium when none has been added? It is just from my aragonite sand bed I figured. Have not dosed with anything. Regular water change every 7 days with RO/DI
Top off fresh water to keep at 1.024 daily

reefwars 05-15-2012 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by reefer403 (Post 716824)
How do i lower calcium when none has been added? It is just from my aragonite sand bed I figured. Have not dosed with anything. Regular water change every 7 days with RO/DI
Top off fresh water to keep at 1.024 daily

how big is your tank??

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