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saltwaterseahorses 05-02-2010 02:02 AM

what are easier to care for?
whats easier?

zenafish 05-05-2010 12:37 PM

Barbs hands down. Fry are benthic, born larger and eat BBS from the start. I have had success raising barb fry either in their own tank or in the same tank with the parents.

Reidi has palegic fry that needs a kreisel to keep the fry suspended in the water. Need a green water environment with rotifers. Lots of water changes. I've done it with success but lots of work...

rayjay 05-05-2010 11:46 PM

I agree with that but you don't need a kreisel, just any method to keep them from surfacing.
I too found it best to use greenwater and I change the water totally every 2 days in each nursery.

Diana 05-06-2010 04:02 AM

Ah yes barb fry are easier to rear, however my reidis were much more prolific than my barbs. :)

zenafish 05-06-2010 12:41 PM

reidi has much larger broods, BTW, due to their naturally low survival rate of palegic fry...

sorta like sea in a thousand makes it :p

Diana 05-08-2010 04:53 PM

I don't just mean brood size, I mean bam bam babies every two weeks for years. I actually had to change the temp to reduce the frequency. alls i'm saying, if you can get it right and raise the fry i would say reidis are easier to breed (which is the question?). barb fry are easier to care for.

i do prefer barbs though, and would get those again over reidis

zenafish 05-09-2010 02:26 AM

That's interesting...Diana...yours went a little differently than mine did...

my barbs and reidi both (quite literally) pumped out babies like clockwork every 2 wks when I had them. I had to change the photoperiod to get them to stop. Bad idea coz after that they never bred for me again after that :(

My barbs would throw 20-40 fry each batch, whereas the reidi averaged 250 per batch

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