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ashley 03-20-2011 05:41 PM

Theres a bristol worm living in frogspawn head
I got a frag of branching frogspawn a few weeks ago and I noticed that one head looked dead on one half and alive on the other half. I didn't think too much of it because maybe it was damaged in the move. But the dead half still had tiny shriveled up tenticles (I guess thats what you call them?) in a small spot so maybe it would come back.
So far it hasn't, they are still there but tiny and shriveled. But then I noticed there is a very small bristol worm living in that side of the head. I've seen it come out to look for food then retreat right back into the head. Could that be why the coral appears dead on that side? I've tried removing the worm but theres no way to grab it, its pretty small and quick.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get it out of there without hurting the coral?

skabooya 03-20-2011 05:58 PM

Its not dead its just angry. My coral was like that when disturbed for a long time. I would suggest a FW dip. It kills/releases bristle worms pretty darn fast. Have a toothpick ready to help probe it out of that head just in case it wont let go. Just a fast dip is all it will need, about 20 seconds.
I would see first if FW will hurt your frogspawn. I dont think it will but im not positive. I hope someone chimes in on that.

ashley 03-21-2011 01:02 AM

Ok thanks. I was thinking the same thing, but I was nervous to try incase FW dip would hurt the frogspawn. I've even tried sucking it out with my siphon but it gets it there pretty good.

Navarchus 03-21-2011 03:13 AM

Bristle worms can be found in any cracks and holes. Usually they don’t bother any livestock buy may feast on dead or dying animals.

if you can post a pic of the coral it will help me estimate its condition and recommend you what can be done.

ashley 03-21-2011 04:23 PM

Ok heres some pics

You can see theres not much left at all on the right, but the left side has a good bunch. Usually as the day goes on the right side does come out a bit more, but its still very stringy and pitifull looking.

And the worm in question. Its pretty red, could it possibly be a fireworm? (its in the center)

hillegom 03-21-2011 05:39 PM

not a fireworm. The one you have is red and dark brown as well.
Just an ordinary bristleworm IMO Beneficial when small. I would leave it. You have lots more you cannot see. Look into the tank at night with a flashlight with red cellophane over the lens. Be surprised at what you see.

ashley 03-21-2011 07:28 PM

Oh I know, I see them all the time. I'm just concerned that this one living in there is bothering the coral.

Navarchus 03-21-2011 10:52 PM

Do you implement low nutrients regime in your tanks? Do you add some carbon source like v.s.v? What kind of light source do you use?
I wouldn’t be worried too much of the warm but the coral looks little low on the zooxantelas

ashley 03-23-2011 02:40 AM

I don't really know what low nutrient regimes are, I'm still pretty new at this! I feed my corals about 2 times a week. I don't use carbon but I use Purigen and chemi-pure elite. I use t-5 lighting, 4x 54watts and its a 40gal tank. Are you saying that it looks low because of the colour? It is actually much more green and pink in person, my camera is bad for picking up colours. Or is it the coral in general?
One of the other heads was damaged on the one side as well but that one is healing up nicely. I think this one might be a goner though


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