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Beanz 12-08-2010 04:53 AM

10 gallon nano reef build
Hi all just thought that since I'm starting up this new 10 gallon tank that i would post my progress. I have already siliconed some acrylic in place for the skimmer to b housed and some LR the filter cheato and the return pump with a spray bar. I thought that this little compartment would b handy for the skimmer cause then i dont have to keep adding water every day, especially if i got on vacation or am not here for a couple days, casue the tank water overflows into the first chamber and that level will always b the same (also providing good flow into the skimmer). Then it will flow into the second part where the LR and cheato will be located so that will b good flow over the LR and through the cheato for some good biological filtration. Anyways the equipment that i plan on using consists of:

This stuff i already have laying around
10 gallon tank
Oceanic biocube protien skimmer
Wal-Mart HOB filter
Koralia nano powerhead
Quiet-One 1200

For lighting (maybe a nice Christmas present hint hint parents :biggrin:)
JBJ 70w K-2 Viper HQI

A question I have for u guys is do u think I'll need a chiller with this light. I have never used MH's before only T5s on my 45. I was planning on having the light high enough to cover the whole tank with light so would this not cause the tank to heat up a lot???

I gotta go tho so ill post some pics of the tank tomorrow. Maybe add some LR from my 45, sand and water. Hopefully the silicon will b dry.

Cheers, Ian

Wayne 12-08-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Beanz (Post 571467)
A question I have for u guys is do u think I'll need a chiller with this light. I have never used MH's before only T5s on my 45. I was planning on having the light high enough to cover the whole tank with light so would this not cause the tank to heat up a lot???

You may very well have problems with evaporation running metal halides. I would employ some sort of chiller if you can't position the light far enough away from the water for desired temp. I can only assume that if you want metal halides you are planning on a reef setup?

Beanz 12-08-2010 04:11 PM

Ya I do plan on keeping a mixed reef in this tank. Well I guess I have a while to decide on a light but do u think this 70w fixture would b enough to keep some hardy sps, zoas/palys, and some lps. Or if I plan on keeping sps do u think I should go with the 150w version. Or would the sps just need to b higher in the tank with the 70w. I will have some time to test the temp. when I do get a light to c if I will need a chiller cause the tank will still b cycling. If I do need a chiller what would b a good one for this small of a tank? O and is there any other equipment that u can think of?

Cheers, Ian

Wayne 12-08-2010 10:31 PM

A 70w over a 10 gallon should be enough for sps, you will need supplimental lighting (atinics). Have you looked into chillers?

Beanz 12-08-2010 11:34 PM

ok sweet, um i have a coralife dual t5 fixture that has a daylight and an actinic bulb i could probably just get another actinic bulb instead of the daylight. the only problem i c with having this other light on the tank is it would b under the MH and block the light... would i b able to get away with this u think? or what would b another option? and do you really need the blues or is it just aesthetics? i was maybe thinking of some diy leds and hanging then somehow so the MH light is not obstructed. maybe even going with just an led setup. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... hahaha

Cheers, Ian

TheMikey 12-09-2010 07:44 PM

I wouldn't say it was strictly necessary to put supplemental lighting over your tank. You certainly wouldn't need it for growth and a 8-10 hour photoperiod with either a 14K or 20K halide bulb should give you good colouration and growth.

The only think you need to worry about is evaporation.

Beanz 12-10-2010 02:45 AM

Ok thats good news that i dont have to spend more money on some blue lights. But i have no idea about what to look for in a chiller. Like what power do i need maybe u could suggest one that i should use. i dont want to go overkill with it and waste money on one thats too powerful and have the tank b too cold.

Cheers, Ian

Wayne 12-10-2010 03:30 AM

Iceprobe is one to look into, I would see if I could drill into my HOB filter and mount the probe there.

Beanz 12-10-2010 04:04 AM

ok ill look into that thanks.

Beanz 12-11-2010 06:24 AM

well idk y i cant post pics on the thread so here is the photobucket link it has some pics from my other tank too

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