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Lance 11-26-2008 05:20 PM

Ricordea killer?
What in hell is eating my ricordea? 4 rics, each the size of a toonie have disappeared in as many nights. I haven't added new livestock to the tank in months. Set a trap for the last two nights, and nothing in it except nassarius snails. Anybody have any suggestions to the culprit? Tank is one year old and occupants are:

SF tang
coral beauty
2 occelaris clowns
ruby-headed wrasse
mandarin dragonet
yellow watchman goby
blue gudgeon
pajama cardinal
scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
2x hermits
12x astraea snails
4x mid-size turbos
10x nassarius snails
3x feather dusters

The only posible fish culprits could be the coral beauty and fox face, but I have had both for many months and never noticed them show any interest in the rics. All the fish are well fed and fat. The 2 hermits have also been in the tank for a long time. I'm thinking maybe a larger crab that has grown unnoticed in the tank.
Any suggestions?

Chowder 11-26-2008 07:57 PM

I have had Rics go missing before in my tank. In my case they were not happy with where I placed them (to much flow). They let go of the rock that they were on and ended up in the rockwork at the back of my tank. Not sure if this is what is happening with you but it is a posibilty. It could also be a crab and an enuice worm could be the culprit that is seen in this thread.


Chowder 11-26-2008 08:06 PM

Also if they are Yumas it is posible that they are in to much light where they might melt or again let go of the rock they are attached to.


marie 11-26-2008 10:09 PM

Set a trap using a ricordea as bait. My bet is a worm

Lance 11-26-2008 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Chowder (Post 363330)
I have had Rics go missing before in my tank. In my case they were not happy with where I placed them (to much flow). They let go of the rock that they were on and ended up in the rockwork at the back of my tank. Not sure if this is what is happening with you but it is a posibilty. It could also be a crab and an enuice worm could be the culprit that is seen in this thread.


Thanks for the reply. Pretty sure it's not flow or lighting issues, as these Rics have been in the same spot for 8 months. I haven't changed anything except for a Fiji purple over a true actinic about 5 months ago. Pretty sure it's some kind of nightime creepy, crawly.

Lance 11-26-2008 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 363365)
Set a trap using a ricordea as bait. My bet is a worm

I'll try that tonight. Thanks, Marie.

christyf5 11-26-2008 10:28 PM

I vote worm as well. Eunicids are voracious eaters and pretty much unstoppable until you get it out of there.

marie 11-27-2008 02:08 AM

If I could be sure he would never touch my sps I would take the dear fellow (whatever he may be) off your hands.
I have numerous hairy mushrooms that could be on the menu :mrgreen:

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