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niloc16 08-16-2008 03:58 AM

and i continue on, WHY??????
some may remember it was about a year ago that i whined and complained to you guys that i had a wicked bout with dinos that wiped ALOT of stuff out. well just with my luck almost a year later it happens again. this time its not dinos it was a change in salt. why i switched i still have no clue. i went from IO to seachem reef salt and after the bucket was done and i just started the second one disaster hit and has been continuing. i'm doing my best with tons of water changes but with summer and what not its hard to find the time. i took pics tonight to vent to you, but i will not put comparison pics up to what the colonies used to look like because then it would really bum me out.

niloc16 08-16-2008 03:59 AM

niloc16 08-16-2008 04:00 AM

fkshiu 08-16-2008 04:06 AM

Are you sure it wasn't the heat?

This hobby can really try your patience sometimes.

Chowder 08-16-2008 04:11 AM

Colin really sorry to hear about your losses. Have you figured out what it is that is causing it? I use Seachem as well and have had some losses myself but I also just switched to a new bigger tank and kinda owned it to that.

niloc16 08-16-2008 04:22 AM

heat is not the issue, i have central air the temp rarely changes. the only thing changed is the salt. i've tested for everything i can and everything seems ok although the CA and ALK were high because of the salt

michika 08-16-2008 04:26 AM

That really really sucks. I say go back to your old salt, and see what happens.

Underwater 08-16-2008 04:31 AM

OMG!!! I am SO sorry to hear about this! I have a pit in my stomach as I scroll through your pictures. Like so many of us, I have been there and there is no way to describe the feelings you go through with stuff like this.

Best of luck to you...I've admired your corals for some time now and hope that you are back to making us all jealous again very soon!

Chaloupa 08-16-2008 04:50 AM

Oh Colin! How very awful. You went through so much last year and now this??? How horrible! Your's was a tank I LOVED!

Hmmm strange though...I use Seachem exclusively and have for over a year with no problems.......

marie 08-16-2008 05:02 AM

Some of those corals look the same as mine :cry: .
I know what your going through I'm still having some issues with my tank that started in dec. I never changed salt brands though, in my case it happened after I treated the tank with inteceptor.

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