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Canadian Man 07-14-2002 03:21 AM

In Calgary now, get together?
If you get a chance to read this than thanks very much for the visit Dez. Was a pleasure meeting you and we will be talking more soon!

Dez 07-14-2002 04:32 AM

In Calgary now, get together?
Hey, I'm in Calgary this weekend. Wasn't expecting to be. Can I see some tanks? My number is 238-1185. You can ask for Desmond. Looking forward to hearing from you. In the south end, right by Kim's place.


Dez 07-14-2002 07:58 PM

In Calgary now, get together?
Thank you for having me over Jonathan. Looking forward to having you over in a few weeks. Caley said that the second weekend in August should be okay for you guys to come over. You've got a really nice set-up.


Delphinus 07-15-2002 01:32 AM

In Calgary now, get together?
It turns out Dez's Mom is one of my orchid buddies. Small world.

Have a safe trip back home, Dez, and say hi to your folks from me & Linda!


Canadian Man 07-15-2002 01:47 AM

In Calgary now, get together?
Tony, did Dez get a chance to come and see your setup's?

Delphinus 07-15-2002 12:28 PM

In Calgary now, get together?
Yeah, he caught me late last night after I came home from a brief rafting excursion this weekend.

(BTW, not much feels better the 8C water of the Kicking Horse when it's >30C outside! Highly recommended...)

Two things I have learned this weekend though.

1. The most incredible heat waves happen when you take off for a little while, just to cook your tanks. On the plus side, by the looks of things, my 75g never exceeded 29C/84F. Still a little hot for my liking, but it's right at the maximum of the "tolerable range" for most things. My 50g hit 86. That is above my "freak out" limit for some things but luckily I know the things in that tank will be able to take it, and plus, last year after our little heat wave I changed things around to try to prevent future overheating (since at that time I had temps >90F in the tank) and it's nice to know that the changes have had an effect.

2. Turning on the lights after normal lights out, really, really freaks my yellow tang out. Noticed after Dez left, my tang was right freaked out: pacing, bashing himself into the glass, and gasping. Took several hours after I turned the lights back off for him to settle back down. So new rule from now on, no tank visitors after 9. Man, I feel so bad for him that I turned his world upside-down like that. I am a bad dad to my tanks. :(

Tau2301 07-15-2002 12:38 PM

In Calgary now, get together?
Yes, it was good to meet Dez and show him my tank.

It sounds like he has a very good setup and I would like to see it some day. Maybe Alan could add some pictures of his sump & grow out tank to Dez's Web page.

web page

Canadian Man 07-15-2002 12:57 PM

In Calgary now, get together?
I am going to Edmonton in August, If there is no pics of Dez's set up yet i will take some to show you guy's.

Bob I 07-16-2002 04:47 AM

In Calgary now, get together?
Tony, I found out a long time ago that Yellow Tangs dictate when lights out will occur. That time is around when they think sunset is. If you think Tangs give that type of trouble, you should try Moorish Idols.
BTW that heat problem is why I no longer have tanks upstairs. I get sick and tired of worrying about a couple of days of heat outside. I have been wanting to move that FW tank upstairs, but even though I don't much care for the fish, I still will wait for cooler weather.

[ 15 July 2002, 12:50: Message edited by: Bob Ipema ]

Dez 07-17-2002 03:05 PM

In Calgary now, get together?
Thank you so much everyone for letting me see your tanks. I quite enjoyed the short visits. Sorry Tony about your yellow tang. I hope you will accept my deepest apologies. My parents were tickled pink to find out that you knew them...he he. Jonathan, looking forward to having you over, and you might have to bring pictures back to Calgary, I don't have my own internet anymore so pictures are a little bit more difficult to send. Thanks again.


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