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EdsonFOWLR 03-19-2014 02:03 PM

Stocking List Thoughts!
I am in the process of building a 122 Gallon FOWLR tank with a 60 Gallon sump, and have put together a stocking list of the fish I was thinking about stocking it with. What are every ones thoughts on the fish I plan on adding?

(2) common clownfish

(1) Royal Gramma

(5) Blue/green chromis

(1) Banggi Cardinal

(1) Firefish

(1) Carpenters Flasher Wrasse

(1) Blue Hippo Tang

(1) Yellow Tang

(1) One spot foxface

(1) Chalk Bass

(1) Flame Angelfish or

(1) Coral Beauty Angelfish

Leah 03-19-2014 03:06 PM

Looks good to may want to add the Angels at the same time.

Reef Pilot 03-19-2014 03:11 PM

I would trade the Blue Hippo Tang for a Kole Tang. Doesn't grow as big, but a great algae muncher. Not aggressive either, and should get along fine with your Yellow Tang (mine does).

And I like Butterfly fish. Good aiptasia eaters, if you ever get that problem.

EdsonFOWLR 03-19-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 887236)
Looks good to may want to add the Angels at the same time.

Can you even put more than one Angel in a tank together?

Cujo#31 03-21-2014 02:14 AM

Think too about swaping out. Hippo is nice maybe sub yellow tang for sailfin. Sailfins just destroy any algae. +1 on adding angels together, first before the tangs and add tangs at same time. Word of caution.....Hippos SUPER prone to ich. As for Angels, yes u can have more than one. Avoid same species mix. Have plenty of rock and lost of hiding places so there are plenty of spaces to stake out as territory. Catch 22 is in a 120 gal ur Hippo needs good open space to swim. They like to "stretch their legs". Best to add similar size and species (ie angels together, Tangs together). If they become established and have declared tank space as territory there will most likely be issues and either rescues or a journey down the porcelain highway for one.
Another option if u cant afford to dish out alot of coin on major fish purchase is to re-arrange rock work enough that they all have to find a new territory.
Quarrantine the hell out of ur livestock before adding to display. Dont make same mistake I did and assume fresh water and or copper dips satisfy as treating ur fish before they go in. Use ur dips then quarantine for 4 weeks. Your tank and its inhabitants will thank u.
Best of luck to you!

gregzz4 03-21-2014 02:51 AM

I agree with the above ideas about the Hippo
You'll enjoy a Kole tang. It'll probably make friends with your planned One Spot as they are both very active and will scare the crap out of all your other fish during feedings as they like to dart around

Do you really want 2 clowns ? They are territorial enough in singles ...
I got rid of mine 'cause he/she turned into a territorial Jerk at about 16 months

Chromis tend to, from reading, kill each other off or just flat out die, so you'll end up with 1, or 2 if you're lucky - maybe 3 :lol:

Bangaii Cardinals are boring as hell. Just hover. When mine hit 18 months it started bossing everyone around. Jerk

Chalk Bass I don't have experience with, but I think they tend to hover so - boring

I have a Purple Firefish and, although it's nice to look at .... boring

I have 2 Flasher Wrasses - Filamented and Yellow fin - neither one flashes ... boring. The Yellow is nice to look at though

Royal Grammas are a bit boring too as they don't move around much

I haven't had Yellow tangs, and haven't yet risked Angels although your 2 are the ones on my list if I ever feel 'risky'

I went through a whole bunch of what you are thinking about right now
I got rid of my Kole, One Spot and Ocellaris and bought a bunch of Wrasses
The available colors and dispositions covered everything I was looking for

Good luck !!

Taipan 03-21-2014 03:47 AM

With regards to the blue/green chromis; be prepared that one or even a few disappear for no reason at all. Whether it be to poor health, predators, or infighting. People start off with a school and over time; they just seem to diminish in numbers.

An alternative to consider are Threadfin or Blue Eyed Cardinals. They also tend to disappear per se but less so in my experience. I'm not sure if that even made sense.

Also; as an aside - I'm partial to Triggerfish in the the Xanthichthys genus. Not as aggressive. ;)

That's my 2 cents. Good luck.

EdsonFOWLR 03-21-2014 03:59 AM

The reason for the way my list is variety, even if the fish don't move as much as some of the others. The Hippo tang, I might still go with as I really like them, but I might just co with one clown to try to avoid potential problems in the future. The chromis I didn't think would be a problem as long as I had a group of them, unless someone can suggest something else in their place. The kole tang looks kinda interesting, but the sailfin tank just doesent appeal to me. Are there any triggers that I could stock instead of the chromis or are they to aggressive?

FishingGoalie 03-21-2014 04:03 AM

Instead of the chromis maybe a few Anthias?

EdsonFOWLR 03-21-2014 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 887614)
Instead of the chromis maybe a few Anthias?

Any particular Anthias you would recommend?

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