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kb90 01-20-2013 03:52 AM

New Tank - a few questions
So this summer I bought a nuvo 16, this is my first reef tank. Got some LR from redcoral in edmonton. Everything was going well (minus some aipstasia that I managed to kill) so I bought 10 hermit crabs kind of as a test and they did very well.

Well summer ended and fall came and due to a couple busy months at work, weddings, etc. that's all that I got accomplished with my tank.

So I've had the tank up and running since then, all 10 hermit crabs are still alive and well. Since I was so busy I did not keep up with water changes etc. and I got some hair algae. Today I took all the rock out and scrubbed it with a toothbrush to remove the algae. It looks nice and clean now. Checked the water parameters and everything looks good.

So I am thinking I'm ready to add some more life. So I have a few questions I'm hoping you guys can answer.

-What should come first, fish or coral?

-I wan't to keep my tank as clean as I can, is there a good maintenance schedule published out there that you guys use? Water changes, sand cleaning etc.?

- When I got the hermits the store sold me some Prodibio Bioptin and Biodigest, I bought it because he said I should, is this stuff good to run in your tank, what exactly am I getting from its use??? I didn't ask much for questions and have been putting it in every 14 days...(when I remember)

-My Original filter media that came with the tank is obviously long gone, I've just been running white stuff from the local pet store. I've got three chambers, what kind of media should I put in each chamber?

-My All-in-one tank is stock everything except I added a small powerhead, is there anything else you reccomend?

Here's my tank!

Look forward to your responses.


Proteus 01-20-2013 04:05 AM

Ok. The prodibio is a form of dosing. Great system but you need to be diligent with it. It uses bacteria and a carbon source. To eliminate nitrates and phosphates. So not remembering will only cause problems.

Start with fish. Be wise in what you choose as to big of a bio load without proper nutrient export will lead to algae issues. Which you are dealing with now. Once the tank is matured and stable then go with coral of your choice.

Do you have a skimmer in you all in one.

Good husbandry is the key. Set a schedule of what works for you. Cleaning glass can be weekly. Water changes biweekly. Filter floss change every 3/4 days. And so on. Set a goal of what you want ask lots of questions and be patient.

Btw. Pic doesn't show

kb90 01-20-2013 04:20 AM

Thanks for the info titus. I do not have a skimmer. I was not sure how I could have one fit

Does the picture show now? For some reason I can't figure out how to edit my original post as the "edit button" is not there?

Proteus 01-20-2013 04:33 AM

You have fifteen minutes to edit. Then it's gone

Depending on what you want to keep you could use water changes and a refuge for nutrient export.

kb90 01-20-2013 04:42 AM

I am still open to what I should put in it.

I was thinking a couple clowns and some inverts, and softies and sps for corals.

To be honest I don't know much about fuge's, need to do some research. I was hoping with the AIO tank I could get away with too many major mods.

How about filter media, I am not able to find what the original 3 were. So currently I have carbon and Poly, and ideas what that last one would have been?

SanguinesDream 01-20-2013 01:09 PM

Pm sent.

Dearth 01-20-2013 05:46 PM will help a lot in influencing what to get for both fish and coral many people here use it as a guideline whether they want to admit it or not ;)

And as Titus stated get fish first then coral next

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