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aquariumgirl 09-08-2005 05:23 AM

Please Help!! Goby and shrimp separated!
Yesterday I noticed the pistol shrimp moved from one end of the tank to another. I assumed the shrimp goby would have moved with him. Not thinking anything about it; just thought they wanted a change. I was feeding the fish this morning and didn't see the goby; still didn't think anything about it. Tonight, I was just staring at the tank as usual and notice in the little tiny burrow of the old cave the goby peaking out, but the hole was so small it didn't look like it could come out. So I went to work thinking I was rescuing the goby, the rocks came out and there it was, I tried scooting it to the other side only to have it hide behind the open brains. Tried again and it disappeared. I sifted through the sand and then placed the rocks back and shut off the lights. Left them for maybe a half an hour to let things settle down.

Okay, now I just looked into the tank and found the goby sitting in another rock. Should I just leave him hoping it'll find the shrimp? Is there any trick to showing him where the shrimp is? Thanks for any help anyone can offer!

danny zubot 09-08-2005 02:07 PM

Mine did that a day or to after being in the tank as well. I think that the whole tank is their territory and don't feel the need to be together all the time because they feel safe. mine end up in the same cave from time to time just to make sure that they're doing ok. I wouldn't worry about it.

Chin_Lee 09-08-2005 04:47 PM

I guess the divorce rates are increasing on land and in water :rolleyes:

aquariumgirl 09-08-2005 05:42 PM

Haha, so true chin_lee!! Thanks danny zubot, this morning I found the two of them back together, I guess they just needed a little time apart. It's good to know that they won't alway be together all the time. Just curious, would the goby eventually dig itself out if I would have left him?

danny zubot 09-08-2005 10:22 PM


I guess the divorce rates are increasing on land and in water
I heard that they actually went down this year, in Canada anyway.

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