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mikeclarke 01-21-2013 01:06 PM

Stocking Suggestions
Hi there there, have a 100gal 6' long mixed reef.

I currently have
-2 clowns
-starry blenny
-3 pj cardinals

I'd eventually like to get a mandarin, kole eye tang, and an emperor angel.

Any other suggestions on what to add in before the big guys and the mandarin?


Leah 01-21-2013 01:11 PM

What fish do you like?

mikeclarke 01-21-2013 02:58 PM

Bright fish that don't hide too much. I like having fish that help out with the maintenance too.


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 784877)
What fish do you like?

Leah 01-21-2013 03:34 PM

Wrasses are nice, the fairy ones are mild mannered, and pretty. I love my Tribal Blenny and I love Canary Fang Blennies. A Neon or Sharknose Goby are great additions, probably want only one or the other. And a tank just isn't a tank without Anthias..I love my Lyretails. But The Squarebacks are nice as well... you could get a male and female or two.

mikeclarke 01-21-2013 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 784911)
Wrasses are nice, the fairy ones are mild mannered, and pretty. I love my Tribal Blenny and I love Canary Fang Blennies. A Neon or Sharknose Goby are great additions, probably want only one or the other. And a tank just isn't a tank without Anthias..I love my Lyretails. But The Squarebacks are nice as well... you could get a male and female or two.

Cool, thanks. I am coming to Calgary on the weekend so I hope to stock enough fish to fill my 20gal QT.

Has anyone seen any great fish in Calgary anywhere?

Leah 01-21-2013 03:47 PM

That shouldn't be hard. :wink:

mikeclarke 01-22-2013 07:19 PM

Stocking Suggestions.... coming to Calgary this weekend
Anyone else have any suggestions of a stocking list? I have a bit of an aptasia outbreak so I am going to get some peppermint shrimp. Has anyone had a "positive" experience with butterflies eating aptasia and leaving coral alone?

Baldy 01-22-2013 08:58 PM

Not butterflys, but I've had 2 matted filefish and love them. I suspected the first of nipping corals but may have jumped the gun a little quick on taking him back. I love the looks of them too!

asylumdown 01-22-2013 10:31 PM

My copper band butterfly so far hasn't bothered anything, but he's new, so time will tell. Only eats the very smallest of aiptasia, but that might change as he gets older.

If you can get one that is for sure eating, and are willing to go the extra mile to make sure their nutrition needs are met, they're easily my favourite fish from a personality point of view. They're like that awkward, geeky kid from a tween movie that you both laugh at, but are secretly rooting for. Low long term survival rate though.

I'm also a big fan of doliatus rabbitfish. They put tangs to shame in the algae eating department, and under the right lights they're spectacular. Just watch out for the poisonous spines. Mine may or may not be responsible for the slow demise of an elegance coral, or he might just be opportunistically nipping at one that is dying anyway, but he leaves all the other corals alone.

Reef Pilot 01-22-2013 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by mikeclarke (Post 785368)
Anyone else have any suggestions of a stocking list? I have a bit of an aptasia outbreak so I am going to get some peppermint shrimp. Has anyone had a "positive" experience with butterflies eating aptasia and leaving coral alone?

Yup, my Pearlscales were the best at totally eradicating my very extreme aiptasia problem. I had a Copperband, too, but he wouldn't touch the big ones, but the Pearlscales would. They were actually a good combo, in that the Pearlscales would rip out the aiptasia from their holes, and the Copperband would join in, and go after the bits.

I still have the Pearlescales, and they don't touch any of my corals now, incl various LPS and SPS. They carefully examine a new frag that I put in, and had me worried a couple times, the way they eyed it over. But the most they did was suck off a few strings of slime, and then left them alone.

Having said that, when I first got them they did nip at some of my LPS initially. But I fed them well, and they soon left them alone. Now they leave all my corals alone. And my main display tank is still clean of aiptasia. They do like to hunt and peck in the rocks, esp when the lights are down in the early morning and late evening. But I think they are just after pods, or whatever other critters they can find there.

I recently set up another tank downstairs, and just saw a few aiptasia appear on the rocks there. I moved one of my Pearlescales down there, but so far he has not touched them. Not sure if he is too well fed, or has lost the taste, or what. I will give him more time, and maybe move one of my other ones down there too. I have 3 Pearlescales altogether, and they can be kept in the same tank (if it is big enough). They do establish a pecking order, and as long as they all know their place, there is peace. I have had them for about 2 years now.

mikeclarke 01-23-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 785453)
Yup, my Pearlscales were the best at totally eradicating my very extreme aiptasia problem. I had a Copperband, too, but he wouldn't touch the big ones, but the Pearlscales would. They were actually a good combo, in that the Pearlscales would rip out the aiptasia from their holes, and the Copperband would join in, and go after the bits.

I still have the Pearlescales, and they don't touch any of my corals now, incl various LPS and SPS. They carefully examine a new frag that I put in, and had me worried a couple times, the way they eyed it over. But the most they did was suck off a few strings of slime, and then left them alone.

Having said that, when I first got them they did nip at some of my LPS initially. But I fed them well, and they soon left them alone. Now they leave all my corals alone. And my main display tank is still clean of aiptasia. They do like to hunt and peck in the rocks, esp when the lights are down in the early morning and late evening. But I think they are just after pods, or whatever other critters they can find there.

I recently set up another tank downstairs, and just saw a few aiptasia appear on the rocks there. I moved one of my Pearlescales down there, but so far he has not touched them. Not sure if he is too well fed, or has lost the taste, or what. I will give him more time, and maybe move one of my other ones down there too. I have 3 Pearlescales altogether, and they can be kept in the same tank (if it is big enough). They do establish a pecking order, and as long as they all know their place, there is peace. I have had them for about 2 years now.

Thanks for all of the advice. Where is the best place for variety, quality, and value in Calgary to get fish?

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