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Quinn 08-07-2003 03:06 AM

Amazing Goby Disappearing Act - He's Alive!!!!
Is anyone reasonably familiar with the habits of prawn gobies? What are the chances one would burrow under the sand for a full day and then resurface at a later date?

Jack 08-07-2003 03:34 AM

Check the overflow and sump. Christy's gobies love to go for a ride and I think they are doing it on purpose now just to bug her!

Quinn 08-07-2003 04:26 AM

Already checked, nothing there. As well these are the type that generally remain on the sandbed. He was digging in his usual spot last night, this morning, gone. I removed the rock he generally digs under to see if he was there and stirred the sand a great deal, still nothing. No body. I find it hard to believe that he would already have decomposed. I don't have many worms at all in my main tank. This does not bode well, two critters in one week with no explanation.

Jack 08-07-2003 04:53 AM


Quinn 08-07-2003 01:23 PM

Possibly. I wonder how big the mantis would have to be, and if he could dispose of the corpse in one night? Nothing else has died except the shrimp and a few snails.

Quinn 08-08-2003 03:49 AM

Still nothing. I'm officially declaring him KIA. What a bummer, this is really bringing me down. :cry:

Jack 08-08-2003 02:24 PM

Just call it MIA then maybe one day it will show up.... but probably not. :rolleyes:

Quinn 08-14-2003 12:25 AM

Well, I had checked the sump numerous times and didn't feel he could make it down there anyways. But lo and behold, I stooped down today to check on something and there he was, peering at me through the glass. He managed to fit into my Stockman overflow pipe, then ride through my baffles and end up with the small chamber containing my Mag12 and skimmer pump. How he survived a week down there is beyond me. Anyways with a bit of work I managed to net him (man can he ever jump), and he's now sitting on the floor of my display tank again, recuperating. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

AJ_77 08-14-2003 12:28 AM

YAY! :biggrin:

Good hunting, Quinn!

Jack 08-14-2003 12:33 AM

Right on! :mrgreen:

christyf5 08-14-2003 01:13 AM

Those little buggers are amazing eh? I can't even count the number of times my bicolor blenny has done the waterslide. He gets into a different sump chamber every time despite my attempts to gate off the overflow. He must think he is at Playland or something :wink:

Christy :)

three dawgs 08-14-2003 03:52 PM

Name your Goby Houdini, I had a Fire Fish who went missing for 2 weeks. Couldnt find him and suddenly he appeared. Disappears for days at a time. My Goby does the same thing. Gone for days on end. Think he is going on one of those Australian Walk abouts.
3 Dawgs

Quinn 08-14-2003 11:57 PM

Well he made it into the sump yet again last night. I have no idea what drives him to do it.

Delphinus 08-15-2003 12:47 AM

What does your overflow look like. Can you add an extra layer of eggcrate maybe?

I found when setting up my 72g, I was absolutely paranoid of fish getting into my overflow. I siliconed in a piece of plastic over the extra cut-out (I can have my sump return in one of two positions), and I cut a piece of eggrate to fit the curve of the curved wall (it's a curved overflow). But eggcrate alone will not stop slender bodied fish such as gobies, jawfish, firefish (who are all notorious jumpers, too), so .. I sewed some fiberglass window screening onto the eggcrate.

Doesn't really matter what drives them to do it ... what matters is what happens when they try. Maybe he's being chased, maybe he's looking for food, maybe it's just fun like a waterslide. Who knows.

I remember I once had a fish that Big Al's called "The World's Greatest Algae Eater" (which, incidentally, I thought was The World's Dumbest Sounding Fish Name Ever, and also indicentally, ironically, whatever, was WRONG ... unless .. maybe I just somehow ended up with The World's Worst, The World's Greatest Algae Eater ... anyways I digress. Although he never touched algae, he had a really hilarious personality). Imagine a fish that looks a little like a shark (only about 2" long). He can blink his eyes which I thought was neat. Anyways when he thought I wasn't looking, he'd sometimes swim back and forth through the bubble wall in the back of the tank. I could swear he was doing it for fun. I couln't really see any other reason why he might have done that. Probably like running though a sprinkler or something. Anyways I guess all my point is, I don't know for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me that fish sometimes do some certain things, because it beats doing other certain things (i.e., maybe it's more enjoyable than bumping into the glass or something). Anyways it's just my thoughts ... I'm for sure no fish psychologist so I could just be way off base...

Quinn 08-15-2003 02:25 AM

Excellent Tony. Thank you for that. How does this fibreglass window screening work? Is this the stuff that one would normally have in their windows? Does algae and such get caught in it, forcing the aquarist to clean it?

Delphinus 08-15-2003 03:01 AM

Actually it just seals the top of the overflow so it's above water. It's basically there to stop any potential jumpers from jumping into the overflow. My overflow teeth are small enough to stop most things (Catalina gobies maybe would fit, but then, I don't keep any of those). It just sits on top.

I think you could do the same for the top.

As for the teeth though. I don't remember how your overflow looks, is it teeth though plastic or is it glass and thus a piece of eggcrate? If the teeth are eggcrate I wonder if you could get away with doubling up on it. Unfortunately window screening is pretty fine mesh so I think it would totally clog in no time if any of it were submerged (or had water running through it). But doubling up eggcrate might be enough to prevent a fish from swimming through it...

Quinn 08-16-2003 12:36 AM

I get you now. I have eggcrate, so I will try doubling it up and then put the screen above that. He's in the sump right now, yet again.

Quinn 08-16-2003 01:42 AM

My dad receives lily bulbs in plastic crates that have slats about 2/3 as wide as eggcrate holes, so I made a cover and sides for the overflow out of that. It looks much more inpenetrable now. We'll find out for sure tonight.

Delphinus 08-16-2003 02:28 PM

Cool! Good luck and let us know tomorrow (or is today tomorrow already?? I didn't look at the timestamp of your post).

Hang onto that stuff, that could be useful. What to get rid of some of it to me maybe?? :biggrin:

Quinn 08-16-2003 07:14 PM

No worries Tony, I've got more than enough lying around. Actually I'll throw it in my car today and maybe Jon will hold onto it until you get back. I just used a power saw to cut it, you could do it with side cutters but it's easier with the saw.

As of this morning, the goby is still in the display tank, so I think it worked. :cool:

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