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gbeef 09-22-2008 04:03 PM

Reef expoxy disaster
Yesterday i purcahse a hammer coral and and mounted it an hour after recivcing it with Reef expoxy disaster. After mounting it i noticed the tank getting really cloudy. I guess the epoxy was dissloving 2 hour later my fish started to float on the bottom of the TANK But the corals were open?.. and the tank was still cloudy.

Worry my tank would crash i did a 40% water change and added carbon and removed all the expoxy that was added. This morning my tank was clear but my fish


were either laying on there side in the tank or not moving at all.:( has anyone had this happen before and do you think my lifestock will survive?

My clown this morning was swimming be looked like HELL.

Aquattro 09-22-2008 04:14 PM

I've used an entire stick of epoxy without issues. I use the stuff from J&L in the green package. If you used aquarium epoxy, I'd find it hard to believe it killed fish, unless you used a few pounds!!

Whatigot 09-22-2008 04:30 PM

I rememeber a friend of mine used some on his aquapod (the milliputty kind) with the same results.
He followed the instructions to the letter (even rinsed the putty to ensure most of the crap was off before putting it into his tank.

It was only a 12 gallon tank, but after it happened we checked at OA and JL and no one there had anything different than aquattros comments to share.

After some checking online, we found a few cases where this exact thing HAD occured.
I don't know how big your tank is, but even a little of this stuff breaking down in a small system can blanket the water and starve everything for oxygen, or at least thats what it looked like was happening as snails couldnt grip glass like it was all coated in a slime and fish were trying to get to the top of the tank like they were oxygen starved.

I was scared off of the frag glue after that indcident as nowhere did the instructions say there was a tank size limit for the use of the glue and my friend was very dilligent in following the instructions and using as little of the product in the first place as possible.

Rest assured, this stuff can kill fish in the right situation and you don't have to use pounds of it and while I use it on my largetr system now, I would never use it in a 20 gallon or under system ever.

The-new-guy 09-22-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 346904)
I rememeber a friend of mine used some on his aquapod (the milliputty kind) with the same results.
He followed the instructions to the letter (even rinsed the putty to ensure most of the crap was off before putting it into his tank.

It was only a 12 gallon tank, but after it happened we checked at OA and JL and no one there had anything different than aquattros comments to share.

After some checking online, we found a few cases where this exact thing HAD occured.
I don't know how big your tank is, but even a little of this stuff breaking down in a small system can blanket the water and starve everything for oxygen, or at least thats what it looked like was happening as snails couldnt grip glass like it was all coated in a slime and fish were trying to get to the top of the tank like they were oxygen starved.

I was scared off of the frag glue after that indcident as nowhere did the instructions say there was a tank size limit for the use of the glue and my friend was very dilligent in following the instructions and using as little of the product in the first place as possible.

Rest assured, this stuff can kill fish in the right situation and you don't have to use pounds of it and while I use it on my largetr system now, I would never use it in a 20 gallon or under system ever.

+1 :mrgreen:

fishoholic 09-22-2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 346898)
I've used an entire stick of epoxy without issues. I use the stuff from J&L in the green package. If you used aquarium epoxy, I'd find it hard to believe it killed fish, unless you used a few pounds!!

I've used this stuff to, and I never have had any problems. However I have only used it in 120g+ sized tanks.

gbeef 09-22-2008 05:04 PM

my system is a 14GAL
and ur description sounds bang on. ACK time to get an airstone. I hope my snail dont die. Ill post the brand name of the epoxy later today. It was a purple and green mix.

JDigital 09-22-2008 05:10 PM

AquaScape Construction Epoxy?

Whatigot 09-22-2008 05:30 PM

his was either the tunze or the milliputty version.
I don't know if the kind aquattro is talking about is the same as you don't need to mix 2 diff puttys to use them reef epoxy in the green tube.

Maybe this issue is only for the kind you need to mix together....

Aquattro 09-22-2008 05:33 PM

This is the stuff I use

JDigital 09-22-2008 05:33 PM

Aquascape is the kind you mix together too, I've been using it in my nano will no ill affects. :neutral:

gbeef 09-22-2008 05:37 PM

Mine wasnt that stuff althought ive used that stuff before with no problems (but in the future im done with useing epoxies in general)... it was another brand so suppose to look like coarline algea when i get home ill post the brand... It came in a dark purple box. i bought it locally..

I got my GF to put an airstone in the tank while im at work. im going to do another water change tonight. of 25% theres bits of this crap all over the bottom of my tank. I really hope my inverts and corals dont start dying.

Whatigot 09-22-2008 05:41 PM

23 gallons is a almost double the size of then tanks we are discussing, might be the intrinsic difference.

JDigital - Aquascape construction is made by milliputt brand btw, we are talking about the same thing while aquattro is not.

just to clarify.

gbeef 09-22-2008 05:41 PM

Just did a quick google serach this is the stuff i used.
Aquascape Milliput Epoxy

Whatigot 09-22-2008 05:46 PM

same thing my friend (therealbigal) used on the suggestion of knowledgable lfs employee....

dangerous for sure with no waning on the label regarding nano application...

I use tunze epoxy now quite regularily as does therealbigal with no ill effects although in a 100 gal system with crazy flow.

If you search you will find a few other reported cases of this happening, I wonder if it's a bad batch that only affects nanos or if it's just an issue that is only coming up recently with the advancement of technologies that allow us to keep these much smaller systems but has existed as a potential threat since the epoxys inception....

gbeef 09-22-2008 05:46 PM

Ive already done a 5Gal water change on a 14Gal yesterday im thinking about doing another major change today when i get home probly another 5GAL... Is this alright to do? or would i risk crashing the system with a sudden removal of 10GAL or 80% of the water in less in than 24hrs?

Whatigot 09-22-2008 05:48 PM

play it safe...
do for example 5 2 gallon water changes over the course of 10 hours rather than one big one all at once.

Borderjumper 09-22-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by gbeef (Post 346926)
Just did a quick google serach this is the stuff i used.
Aquascape Milliput Epoxy

Ive used dozens of boxs of that over the last few years and have never had any problems. My tanks are bigger than yours, and I try not to use more than 1/2 a stick at any one time. It does cloud my water for an hour or so, but my corals kinda like it! They all get huge polyp extension.

Whatigot 09-22-2008 05:49 PM

unless your experience is in a 15 gallon or under system, your experience doesn't really tell us anything other than the product works as described in a tank of adequate size...

this happened to my friend after gluing only 1 coral, nowhere near in danger of using a half a stick...

looks like the thread starter only used enough to glue one frag as well with this effect.

The-new-guy 09-22-2008 05:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have only used Krazy glue thick jell as a adhesive in my tank and it has worked very well but the putty you are using is more of a structure / adhesive.

I used Krazy glue to attach this Hammer frag about 4 weeks ago, you cant even tell it was glued to this rock.

Ken 09-22-2008 06:06 PM

I've used the aquascape on larger aquariums without any effect. By kneading the 2 part epoxy into one consistence color you should avoid the bits and pieces that falls to the bottom. Some cloudiness do ocurr but it seems like the corals are not bother by it. Mixing the 2 part for a short time, it gets soft and always easier to mount the coral. Regards Ken

JDigital 09-22-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 346935)
unless your experience is in a 15 gallon or under system, your experience doesn't really tell us anything other than the product works as described in a tank of adequate size...

this happened to my friend after gluing only 1 coral, nowhere near in danger of using a half a stick...

looks like the thread starter only used enough to glue one frag as well with this effect.

My tank is actually closer to 18-19G based on a volume calculator, I've just been to lazy to change my Tank Journal title from 23G... I epoxied 4 pieces of SPS this past week using the same product. prolly close to 1/8 of a stick (of each stick).. I got a VERY SLIGHT "cloud" when it orignally dipped into the tank, but disappeared just as quick. All I am running for filtration is a HOB with LR Rubble, Filter Floss, and a small filter bag of carbon.

gbeef 09-22-2008 06:43 PM

I used about a less than quarter of the stick to try and get a hammer coral to stay in place. My reef experince is id say is about 8of10 ive had a 7gal and a 55gal in the past... Ive used this product before, i did notice the water got cloudy the first time ive used it but it cleared in 2 hours or so.So when i used it a second time i thought nothing of it. Thats until the cloudyness didn't go away after 3 hours prior.

I dont cosider myself a newbie But ive never has a disaster of this magnetude before, where all the fish in the tank are huging the side due to lack of oxgen. Also im running a barebottom setup with high flow.

Also for water changes thats a good idea ill try 2 changes instead of one big one.

Whatigot 09-22-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ken (Post 346945)
I've used the aquascape on larger aquariums without any effect. By kneading the 2 part epoxy into one consistence color you should avoid the bits and pieces that falls to the bottom. Some cloudiness do ocurr but it seems like the corals are not bother by it. Mixing the 2 part for a short time, it gets soft and always easier to mount the coral. Regards Ken

Okay canreefers, we have definitely established that this stuff works well when you use it in a larger tank....

anyone have anything relevant to weigh in here with???

Whatigot 09-22-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 346946)
My tank is actually closer to 18-19G based on a volume calculator, I've just been to lazy to change my Tank Journal title from 23G... I epoxied 4 pieces of SPS this past week using the same product. prolly close to 1/8 of a stick (of each stick).. I got a VERY SLIGHT "cloud" when it orignally dipped into the tank, but disappeared just as quick. All I am running for filtration is a HOB with LR Rubble, Filter Floss, and a small filter bag of carbon.

so bigger than either of the tanks affected then.

I cannot speak for this thread starter, but I know that in the incident that was in my experience, the epoxy was used minimally and to the letter of the instructions.

I know that those of you who have used this product succesffully are going to assume the product was misused but I can assure this was not the case in at least one of these instances.

gbeef 09-22-2008 07:50 PM

Hey im not saying dont use this product im sharing my experince... ive had with my nano... I also wanted to see if anyone has had a simlar sitution happen to them. (in which it has) and in what ways how to fix it.. or if its fixable.

-like will i have to replace my rock because this crap has leeched into the rock?
- Or will my fish Die from suffication and water pollution.

Is there any other step i can do to help the sitution. Because personally i wont be using this product again.

Aquattro 09-22-2008 08:21 PM

Just an opinion here, but I wouldn't use this at all, in any tank, if it clouded the water.

Phanman 09-22-2008 08:34 PM

I had used this stuff in my 10gal nano about a year ago, and although it did cloud the water for about 1hr I never lost anything at all. I probably used 10% of the sticks. Not a huge fan of this product thou as you get alot of residue and floaties in the water. Had to use my fish net to get try and catch the larger particles floating around.

Whatigot 09-22-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 346971)
Just an opinion here, but I wouldn't use this at all, in any tank, if it clouded the water.

sorry aquattro...
are you saying the kind of epoxy that you linked to does not ever cloud your water?

I stayed away from that kind of epoxy simply because it was the cheapest and I am the first to admit that is a terrible reason to discredit something....

but if it doesn't cloud the water as the mixable kinds are apt to, it would seem safer to me....

Chad 09-22-2008 08:52 PM

Did you guys microwave the epoxy first. I noticed that when I did that, the epoxy hardened a lot faster with little clouding. I used 2 sticks on 34gals.

Yes, I know we are talking about size limitations, but you only used a tiny bit for mounting a coral, I used TWO boxes for a system volume of 34 gals .. so I think I can safely compare our experiences.

This was using the D&D aquascape product.

Aquattro 09-22-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 346975)
sorry aquattro...
are you saying the kind of epoxy that you linked to does not ever cloud your water?


Right. I have used large amounts of this stuff, and nothing comes off, other than making your fingers smell a bit. It just mixes into a putty, you wrap it around the base of a frag, and stuff it in a hole.

Aquattro 09-22-2008 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 346977)
Did you guys microwave the epoxy first.

Guys, this is getting way out of hand! Microwaving epoxy first? What a pain. Just grab some of the cheap stuff, cut off a chunk and knead it to a uniform color, and mount frags. Not a big undertaking, and doesn't do bad things like kill fish.

Whatigot 09-22-2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 346979)
Guys, this is getting way out of hand! Microwaving epoxy first? What a pain. Just grab some of the cheap stuff, cut off a chunk and knead it to a uniform color, and mount frags. Not a big undertaking, and doesn't do bad things like kill fish.

I'll bump to that.

halfway through some of the tunze stuff, will take the cheaper stuff next time around....

gbeef 09-22-2008 11:06 PM

GOOD NEWS!... thank god i think everything will be ok, i got home today and everything was swiming around.. the tanks rock work is a little messed. but everything is alive still and the water is clear.... Im going to wait to remove the stone as breathing on the blenny is rapid.

marie 09-22-2008 11:23 PM

Clouding a tank would scare me. I use D&D aquascape stuff because I think it sticks better then the cheap stuff (I've also used the cheap stuff) and I've never had cloudy water even in my 20g tank.
I think a good rule of thumb would be if it makes the water cloudy don't use it

Delphinus 09-22-2008 11:23 PM

What a weird thing to happen. Sorry for your distress gbeef - and glad to hear things may make a full recovery.

FWIW, I've always used this one:

.. because every LFS in town has it. Easy to replace. I've used the Tunze and the Deltec before in the past because of the whole "it looks like coraline!" claims, but didn't bother replacing them when they got spent. Because 1) pain to mail-order 2) "more expensiver" (especially when factoring in things like "all I need is the epoxy so can't make a $100 purchase...) and 3) the stuff didn't retain suppleness very nicely - it was more like squeezing marbles than kneading putty. And come to think of it, I think one of them DID cloud my water (I forget which one).

The white stuff ... OK so it dries white. But big deal - it gets covered in coraline sooner or later. Never had an issue with water clouding up or fish or corals reacting to it in any way.

Good luck!

Aquattro 09-22-2008 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 347015)
I use D&D aquascape stuff because I think it sticks better then the cheap stuff

Epoxy isn't really supposed to "stick". It's not an adhesive. You're supposed to wrap it around the base of a frag and jam it in a crevice. It then hardens and locks the frag in place.
Thinking back to the thread where lots of people had trouble with epoxy, that might be why.
And ya, anything that clouds my tank goes in the garbage.

bv_reefer 09-22-2008 11:59 PM

i always try to use small zip ties when possible, they're strong, last long and cheap. especially easy to use on fiji rock cause it's so porous, but for mounting frags I've always used reef glue aquafarms i believe. anyway glad to hear all should be well:biggrin:

Chad 09-23-2008 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 346979)
Guys, this is getting way out of hand! Microwaving epoxy first? What a pain. Just grab some of the cheap stuff, cut off a chunk and knead it to a uniform color, and mount frags. Not a big undertaking, and doesn't do bad things like kill fish.

I don't really believe its getting out of hand.. the idea of microwaving it first is to a) make it more pliable and b) allow the curing process to be quicker

Simply stating the instructions and in my experience with it, very accurate. Other epoxies I used took considerably longer to cure.

marie 09-23-2008 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 347024)
Epoxy isn't really supposed to "stick". It's not an adhesive. You're supposed to wrap it around the base of a frag and jam it in a crevice. It then hardens and locks the frag in place.
Thinking back to the thread where lots of people had trouble with epoxy, that might be why.
And ya, anything that clouds my tank goes in the garbage.

Maybe sticky isn't quite the right word but with the cheap stuff I found I had to use a lot more to get the frags to stay and usually my crevices aren't very big :razz:

Aquattro 09-23-2008 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 347034)
and usually my crevices aren't very big :razz:

Nope, not goin' there!! :)

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