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cantfunction 07-15-2013 05:44 PM

cheap clean up crew
this is my frst tank the cycle just ended and i was wondering where i would get a good priced crew in edmonton. my tank is 70 gallons but i onlru hsve 35 lbs of sand and rock so i should only need like 30-40 snails and crabs right?

Proteus 07-15-2013 06:03 PM

You need a variety IMO. Some say no crabs even emeralds and hermits. But I use both.
As for snails. Nassarius,cerith,asterias are great. Turbos are good but are bull dozers.
Also any snail that's pyrimid shape can have trouble flipping themselves upright and will die without your helping hand. Adding nutrients to tank

A conch and urchin are also benifical.

With the urchin they are herbivores so once algea is gone they should be supplemented with nori. If it starts loosing spines you know it's not doing to good.

dino 07-15-2013 06:18 PM

I would suggest to not get that many to start get 5-10 and see how they do

Proteus 07-15-2013 06:20 PM

Is that 35lbs rock and sand combined

cantfunction 07-15-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 832078)
Is that 35lbs rock and sand combined

35lbs of live sand and 35lbs of live rock

Dearth 07-15-2013 08:52 PM

CuC is a hot topic as some reefers will never ever have a snail or crab in their tank while others like me love them in my tank

Blue legged and red legged hermit crabs are great at cleaning up detritus and left over food especially between rocks and crevasses and will eat some types of algae but I've found that is hit and miss

Snails will clean the film on your tank glass and detritus off rocks and sand and some will burrow into it and clean in the sand too but again hit and miss

Downside to having smaller CuC in larger tanks is if you have larger fish they can view your guys as snacks.

Cerith and Astreria snails will propagate themselves haven't had much luck with nassarius procreating though.

All the above are relatively cheap per se and I would try 20 or so hermits and 30 assorted snails and go from there

craigwmiller 07-15-2013 09:20 PM

I definitely also enjoy the CUC for more than their cleaning ability. They are great to watch! Narcissus snails come out of the sand like zombies at feeding time. Porcelain crabs filter the water with catcher's mitts and also sift through the surface of the sand. Blue & Red legged hermits are great fun watching as they change shells (dozens of times). The fact that they clean up is secondary for me -- it's more part of having an entire eco system!

(and with a new build in the works, going from a 65 gallon DT to a 210, I'm looking forward to expanding my CUC and having even more neat activity to watch!)

cantfunction 07-15-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by craigwmiller (Post 832107)
I definitely also enjoy the CUC for more than their cleaning ability. They are great to watch! Narcissus snails come out of the sand like zombies at feeding time. Porcelain crabs filter the water with catcher's mitts and also sift through the surface of the sand. Blue & Red legged hermits are great fun watching as they change shells (dozens of times). The fact that they clean up is secondary for me -- it's more part of having an entire eco system!

(and with a new build in the works, going from a 65 gallon DT to a 210, I'm looking forward to expanding my CUC and having even more neat activity to watch!)

do you know who has the best prices in edmonton?

craigwmiller 07-15-2013 09:51 PM

I've gotten from many places...

- Most of my snails and smaller crabs have come from Red Coral
- Porcelain crabs from Big Als (they always seem to have hundreds)
- Narcissus snails always seem to be in stock at Marine Aquaria, but some of mine came from Big Als
- Larger fancy blue legs I've gotten from Aquarium Central
- Also a few true Mexican Turbo's from Central

Since you are just finishing cycling (and haven't said exactly how you are cycling), you might not want to rush into toooo many at a time. If, however, you are doing ZEOvit with the 14-day cycle, and you are nearing the last few days (or are into the subsequent week+), go nuts, I did... If you are doing a traditional tank, definitely ease into the CUC no different than you would fish, as they add to your bioload.

Also good to have on hand is extra shells for any hermits to go in and out of (so they don't kill & steal the shells of your snails as often)


Dearth 07-15-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by cantfunction (Post 832117)
do you know who has the best prices in edmonton?

Sorry cant help with that part but unless it is a smaller LFS all the stores charge relatively the same price for their CuC and most should have CuC packages available

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-16-2013 12:31 AM

You need to double your live rock for biofiltration.

Don't follow the CUC recommendations of LFS. Waaaaaay too high. I would only add 3-5 of a few kinds of snails for now (Nassarius, Cerith, Astrea, Turbos etc.) maybe 10-15 total.

Try a couple hermits (blue or red legged) just cause they are fun to watch (good at eating up detritus too), but not too many cause they do kill snails.

Proteus 07-16-2013 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 832160)
You need to double your live rock for biofiltration.

Don't follow the CUC recommendations of LFS. Waaaaaay too high. I would only add 3-5 of a few kinds of snails for now (Nassarius, Cerith, Astrea, Turbos etc.) maybe 10-15 total.

Try a couple hermits (blue or red legged) just cause they are fun to watch (good at eating up detritus too), but not too many cause they do kill snails.

+1 on rock. Opinions may vary but 1 lb per gallon is a decent rule. Depending on how porus it is.

A reactor full of hydroton is good too as its very porus. I keep very low flow through mine and wrapped it in black paper to hopefully simulate a cryptic zone for sponge and squirts

cantfunction 07-16-2013 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 832172)
+1 on rock. Opinions may vary but 1 lb per gallon is a decent rule. Depending on how porus it is.

A reactor full of hydroton is good too as its very porus. I keep very low flow through mine and wrapped it in black paper to hopefully simulate a cryptic zone for sponge and squirts

im treating my tank as if it is 35g as a beginer. more water makes ot easy to fix a mkstake. i feel that it will allow me to keep my tank feom crashing. ill cure and add rock soon but i want to keep it simple for now.

Proteus 07-16-2013 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by cantfunction (Post 832253)
im treating my tank as if it is 35g as a beginer. more water makes ot easy to fix a mkstake. i feel that it will allow me to keep my tank feom crashing. ill cure and add rock soon but i want to keep it simple for now.

I do kind of understand your point though less rock mean less bacteria to denitrify the tank. It would be best if you kept your bioload as if it was a 35g then also.

Should make a jornal if you haven't already :)

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