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reefwars 08-31-2012 05:13 PM

2012 nano contest!!!
hey guys, we as members decided this year to host our own nano contest for 2012. the contest will be open to all members , staff , and sponsors. there will be no entry fee for the contest, but to keep this as a contest and not to fall apart there will be a few rules and guidelines to follow. the contest duration will be for 6 mths starting oct1 2012. we will have sign up untill sept 25th after that date there will be no new entries.

here is a link to the rules and regulations:

here is a link to the official sign up sheet:

lets have a clean fun contest , good luck guys and gals:):)

reefwars 09-02-2012 03:59 AM

just a friendly note guys ,when the contest starts and its time to make your journals, start your journals in the "2012 nano contest" forumn and not the general journals forumn.

here is a link to the correct forumn in which to start your jornals.

if you are unsure where to start your journal click the link and it will take you to the appropriate sub forumn or simply pm me and i will help you:)

journals should not be started untill oct1, for fairness sakes(unless you want people stealing your ideas like me lol )

cheers gang!!

fishoholic 09-16-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 742097)

journals should not be started until oct1, for fairness sakes(unless you want people stealing your ideas like me lol )

cheers gang!!

There are already some journals started and I'm itching to get going so don't expect me to wait! Besides now that everyone is in who can enter I say

GAME ON!!!!!

reefwars 09-16-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 746768)

There are already some journals started and I'm itching to get going so don't expect me to wait! Besides now that everyone is in who can enter I say

GAME ON!!!!!

yup no problems at all ,i see no problems in folks getting there journals ready :)

fishoholic 09-16-2012 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 746770)
yup no problems at all ,i see no problems in folks getting there journals ready :)

:lol: Sorry Denny but you know me I had to bug ya :mrgreen:

reefwars 09-16-2012 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 746771)
:lol: Sorry Denny but you know me I had to bug ya :mrgreen:

haha no worries , i thought about it and to have everyone "have" to start their journals on the first is pushy so now people have a bit of flexibility on their journals:)


reefwars 09-16-2012 08:44 PM

hey guys and gals , dont forget to add a link to your journal so others will view it reguarily , at the bottom of your signature is where you can give your journal a snazzy name;)

Enigma 09-16-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 746772)
haha no worries , i thought about it and to have everyone "have" to start their journals on the first is pushy so now people have a bit of flexibility on their journals:)


The flexibility is important: especially for those who have loads of DIYs to document. :) It is much easier to document things as they're being done, versus trying to remember what was done a month after the fact.

sphelps 09-17-2012 02:24 PM

Thought it was open til the 25th? Why limit the amount of people?

reefwars 09-17-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 746974)
Thought it was open til the 25th? Why limit the amount of people?

its been decided to stop the numbers at 25 , reason being we have some prizes lined up and we dont the judges going through 50 x 6mth long journals

i think 25 is a reasonable number, far more than previous years and it will be easier to manage the contest and for the judges to follow along.

i do realize it would be nice to have an unlimited amount of entries , and origionally that was my plan but ive thought long and hard aout it , and really i hope this becomes a yearly contest, and so this year ill stop at 25 contestants and we will learn from this years contest about what or not what to do for nex year.

i apologize in advance to anyone who was undecided or never seen the contest signup thread.

theres always next year, and hopefully next year it will be bigger and ill have more back up, right now im doing this all myself in the way of organizing,finding prizes,rules,pm's etc etc:)


sphelps 09-17-2012 02:54 PM

Well remember you have no entry fee, so more than likely 25 people won't finish this contest. Previous years had entry fees so less people entered but I believe everyone finished. It's only another week, I doubt you'll get 25 more people and while I don't actually think limiting the amount of people is a bad idea it's just it seems you keep changing things which isn't fair to everyone. There's probably a few people waiting til last minute to join which they originally could but now they can't.

reefwars 09-17-2012 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 746985)
Well remember you have no entry fee, so more than likely 25 people won't finish this contest. Previous years had entry fees so less people entered but I believe everyone finished. It's only another week, I doubt you'll get 25 more people and while I don't actually think limiting the amount of people is a bad idea it's just it seems you keep changing things which isn't fair to everyone. There's probably a few people waiting til last minute to join which they originally could but now they can't.

ive changed nothing but allow people to start their journals prior to the first,the rules are as they were first posted, same as the timeline...nothings been like to know what you think i changed besided the number of contestants we have???

i stopped the numbers after plenty of thought, like i said maybe next year we can do something different.

for those who waited untill last minute....what can i say but if you were on the fence and waiting to see how it turned out.... you waited too long.....the registration was open for anyone wanting to commitments had to be made and someone could have backed out if they didnt want to be in it......i figure those who are truely interested have joined by now......theres even still one place left:P:P

out of 25 if we have 10 dropouts....we still have 15 contestants.

yes this a free contest , it will stay free as long as im running it but everyone has to remember this is the first year for this contest, there are going to be some modifications here and there , but im making the decisions in the best interest of the contest and the contestants who entered and the people running the contest.

when i started this contest it was just me doing the planning and work for the contest , no one stepped forward for help in arranging this contest so ive done the best i can considering ive never ran a contest far imo im happy with the way its going and i do not see a need to change things:)


sphelps 09-17-2012 03:11 PM

relax Denny, not trying to cause problems just pointing out something you may not have thought about but it's clear now you have.

reefwars 09-17-2012 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 746989)
relax Denny, not trying to cause problems just pointing out something you may not have thought about but it's clear now you have.

haha no worries im relaxed coffee in hand lol , believe me there were alot of things i wanted to change or add etc. i have written down in my book like 30 new ideas for another contest and things i would do again or not do again , but for this year ill learn some things and leave as be, the prizes are a decent prize and hopefully everyone can have fun and next year id actually like a few of us to organize a good contest as a group and blow this one out of the water lol :P

reefwars 09-17-2012 03:19 PM

i think one of the things ill do when this contest is over is ill ask if a small group wants to be on the organizing committee and ill start a thread for what people think could make the contest better or what the overall public wants to see in a contest , it would be cool to see a large tank contest as well in the future:P

sphelps 09-17-2012 03:23 PM

You've done a great job so far, definitely the best start compared to previous years. Love the freedom which will produce so many different tanks. Looking forward to following everyone's build, wish I could join myself but too many projects on the go for me this year.

reefwars 09-17-2012 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 746992)
You've done a great job so far, definitely the best start compared to previous years. Love the freedom which will produce so many different tanks. Looking forward to following everyone's build, wish I could join myself but too many projects on the go for me this year.

thanks buddy:) haha after googling and reading contests everywhere else ive gotten some cool ideas , thats why i think it would be nice to have a group of say 4 people to organize a contest, theres some awesome ideas for contest out there and everyone loves to showoff their tank....really the skies the limit as long as theres reeftanks it just has to be appealing to people.

how about the 24hr nano contest???

Coralgurl 09-17-2012 03:38 PM

I think so far, the contest looks great. Loads of startups happening, will be fun to watch. I'm not doing one this year, too many other things on the go, but there's always next year.

Thanks for organizing Denny! First contest out of the gate is always a tester, what worked, what didn't, number of contestants, etc. There's already loads of suggestions in the thread, different opinions. I'd wait until the end and then decide what changes should be made if any.

Keep up the good work!

reefwars 09-18-2012 03:38 PM


should i say what they are or make you people wait some more hummmm:mrgreen:

fishoholic 09-19-2012 02:54 AM

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laluot_32:

Too late... I didn't read the rules right or understand things right (as you did say DENNY that we could go at our own pace) and I thought that you had until the dates above at the latest to do things but you could do them as fast as you wanted to but no slower then the dates above. Sorry I didn't read the rules very well before I signed up. I am waaaayyyyyy to impatient of a person to not set up stuff immediately, like as of yesterday, and it kills me to wait a day (never mind a whole month ) not to share progress (when progress was made) so what fun is it if everything is running but you have to hold back pic's until the right dates :evil: Guidelines are good but they should be "have to be done by this date date" not "can't post pic's of what you've already done till this date date" Seems silly to me that if you've already done something not to show what you've done until a certain date :sad:

Personally I say we take a vote with the contestants entered to see how everyone feels about going at their own pace as long as you have posted updates along the way and you have the things added by no later then the dates posted above. That way people who want to go faster can and others who want to take their time can as well. That way everyone is happy especially me :wink:

This is a contest after all and it's not my fault if others can't keep up :razz: Besides isn't it more interesting to see what happens as it's happening then making people wait for updates on things they've already done????? Judges can dock points if they like if they feel like bratty contestants like myself are going to fast but personally it's more fun to see what's happening as it's happening then to have to wait until months after the fact!

fishoholic 09-19-2012 03:17 AM

BTW I love you Denny :hug: Aren't you glad I joined and am making things a nightmare for you :mrgreen: and yes I'm fully aware I'm a brat, but at least I admit it, and in and amongst my long winded above post I do make a good point :lol: Also willing to bribe with pretty zoa frags to be allowed to set my own pace as long as things are done before/by the dates posted

fishoholic 09-19-2012 03:21 AM

Denny you no love me no more why you no respond???? Don't make me post star wars quotes!!!! :razz:

reefwars 09-19-2012 03:25 AM

haha ok hold on im just reading this now lol

fishoholic 09-19-2012 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 747541)
haha ok hold on im just reading this now lol

:lol: Sorry Denny I couldn't resist! But honestly I do think it's cooler to see updates as people do them not have to hold back if you're ahead.

thinks in small voice inside my head.....he's going to kill me!

reefwars 09-19-2012 03:48 AM

ok here it goes lol

guys the offcial date for the contest start is october 1rst.

now i did say people can go at their own pace as im sure everyone has set ways they set up a tank, its even written like that, but this is a contest and close observation of the contest timeline should be done.

the timeline was changed to add certain things BY a certain date to let people have some freedom in when they can post.

you got to admit it said in bold lettering on some of the dates , that certain things werent to be added to your journal yet.

guys i too can set up a nano tank in one night , and come back in six months for a super awesome picture.....thats not what this is about , this is about if a set of guidelines are placed out do you think you can follow them and come out with the best nano and be the best! lol

ok so with that said all is not lost, im going to review the timeline and how its worded, i want this to be fair to everyone and to be fun.

i origionally changed the wording in the timeline so that people had more freedom and now im thinking that the beginning of the timeline is a bit confusing..... so i have edited it just now so it will not affect anyones journal, basically nothings changed in the ways of rules or dates but will allow the contestants the freedom to start building their systems.

plese read next post:)

reefwars 09-19-2012 03:52 AM

the timeline has been edited slightly to allow contestants more freedom in their builds, it in no way changes the rules or the outcome. it also will not change the pace anyone wants to go whether you have alot of diy stuff or aio nanos:)

***please read carefully the timeline for the contest****

contest timeline:
the contest duration is for 6mths, below is a timeline and scheduling log for updates and requirements. this is the guideline the judges will use to judge and award points.ive highlighted and underlined important notes for contestants to follow:)

sept 1rst - sept 25th /2012-
sign up for the contest, after the 25th no more entrys will be taken in:P
october 1rst/2012- official start date for contest:
all contestants names will be logged and contestants must start a journal and call their journal their "username" plus "2012 nano contest entry"
example: "reefwars 2012 nano contest entry"
journals have to be created and a first post made by the contestant by october 15th/2012
****in your first post explain your ideas and your goals, no pics are needed**** and smack talk is welcome :P:P
you should add a link to your nano build thread at the bottom of your signature so others can find your build easily:)

oct15th /2012- empty tank shots:
by this date some pics of your dry empty tanks and what ever equipment you may have is to be provided. feel free to ask questions and get others opinions on your ideas:)

nov1rst/2012- official fill date:
by this date your tank should be filled with water , all plumbing done and be a running system. a pic of the tank running with water and the plumbing are to be provided . sand may be added before water if that is your desire;P

nov15th/2012-rock and design placment:
by this date your little tank needs to have rock in it and sand (if using sand). a fulltank shot of your layout and structure are to be provided on this date.

dec1rst2012-livestock additions-
if you were smart you started adding rock right after the filldate, so thats a month and now you can add livestock if you feel your tank can do so. a record of what livestock you choose or add needs to be noted on this date.

jan3rd/2013- livestock additions and updates:
an update on the additons you have added, how well things are doing in your little nano. you may provide pics if you like but are not required....but may sway the judges a bit;P

january 15th/2013- first official full tankshots and clos ups:
its the first time you are required to post fulltank shots since youve added your first livestock, things should now be looking good and pics taken along the way.
a recent fulltank shot and some close ups are to be provided by this date:)

feb15th/2013- fulltank shots and livestock updates:
its been a month so whats new with your little tank, the contest is winding down so lets get some good pics in. video of your tank would help the judges see it from your eyes;P
a recent fulltank shot and some close ups are to be provided by this date

march15th/2013- final fulltank shot and livestock update
this is it folks your last chance to add pics ,videos, despcriptions or thanks, after this date no more post are required and the judges will be making their decisions:)

march 20th/2013 march 25th/2013- public poll
we will have a public poll on the 20th for users to vote on their favorite nanos. the poll will end on the 25th of march

march 15th to april1rst- judges are to look over the threads are decide a winner.
good luck all!!

fishoholic 09-19-2012 03:58 AM

Edit: oh wait just saw "the next post" now above, wasn't there before I posted below

Ok now I'm even more confused then I already was :lol: I will admit when I read the rules I did read over them quickly and honestly thought they were guidelines needing to be done by such and such date not that I had to wait to do things. Probably wouldn't of entered knowing I had to wait, I get caught up in the excitement of things and want to go full steam ahead.

You know how there's always an exception to the rules???? Can I be that exception PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE

reefwars 09-19-2012 04:08 AM

heres the way it works:

you can go at your own pace, on certain dates or by certain dates things need to be posted.

it will say in the time line in bold if it needs to be posted by a date or on a date.

if it says by a date you have the freedom to post it before the date posted

if it says on the date the pics that are requested are to be provided on that date.

everyone needs to read the timeline cosely, its written in a way where people can have the freedom to go at their own pace, the timeline is so it stays consistent for 6 mths while giving the judges somethng to judge as well.

as its worded now no one is in violation, and really its up to the judges in the end and how they see the timeline/rules.

the way it is worded now is going to be the official timeline, i encourage everyone to read the rules carefully and follow the guidline, this is a contest so lets see who ca pull it off:)


fishoholic 09-19-2012 04:19 AM

Ugh so many dates so confusing....I've decided I'm going to say screw it and go at my own pace, I will do updates and will post appropriate pic's on the dates above but I can't say I won't go faster then the dates above and not post pic's of things before hand. Judges can eliminate me from winning if they choose (as I could care less if I win, just don't eliminate me completely) and I'm going to be a brat and do it my way and have fun with it. I'm in it more for the fun of showing others what I can do with a nano tank and for the joy of reading others feed back in my journal of what's happening as it happens. I could care less about loosing points for not following the rules, so long as my journal stays put (as part of the contest) so others can enjoy and comment on it.

I think as long as I'm willing to take the risk for not following the rules then I should be allowed to keep my journal as part of it.

I will post this in my journal and let the judges know to dock points as they deem necessary for whenever I don't or didn't follow the rules. At the end they can tell me I would of had x number of points if I didn't do such and such early but otherwise I hope I can continue even if I loose points for doing it wrong.

reefwars 09-19-2012 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 747574)
Ugh so many dates so confusing....I've decided I'm going to say screw it and go at my own pace, I will do updates and will post appropriate pic's on the dates above but I can't say I won't go faster then the dates above and not post pic's of things before hand. Judges can eliminate me from winning if they choose (as I could care less if I win, just don't eliminate me completely) and I'm going to be a brat and do it my way and have fun with it. I'm in it more for the fun of showing others what I can do with a nano tank and for the joy of reading others feed back in my journal of what's happening as it happens. I could care less about loosing points for not following the rules, so long as my journal stays put (as part of the contest) so others can enjoy and comment on it.

I think as long as I'm willing to take the risk for not following the rules then I should be allowed to keep my journal as part of it.

I will post this in my journal and let the judges know to dock points as they deem necessary for whenever I don't or didn't follow the rules. At the end they can tell me I would of had x number of points if I didn't do such and such early but otherwise I hope I can continue even if I loose points for doing it wrong.

your journal is fine lol

guys the timeline really isnt strict it can also be looked at like this:

from now till november 1rst- be able to provide an empty tank shot ,tank with water shot,equipment,rock/sand

dec 1rst-livestock additions and pics

jan3rd -livestock additions and pics

jan 15th- fts

feb 15th-fts and livestock updates

march 15h-fts and livestock updates

if people start their journals now and post their empty tank shots,tank with water shots,equipment shots and liverock shots they are covered untill december first which is the next update.

fishoholic 09-19-2012 04:41 AM

That was how I thought it was in the first place, but that was cause I read it wrong. Good to know I won't get pulled for going at a faster pace and sorry for causing you grief when I know you've worked your butt off to organize this and make it fair for everyone. I'm just far to impatient to stare at an empty tank for that long, when I have the means to get it going now :redface:

fishoholic 09-19-2012 04:50 AM

On a lighter note :wink:

reefwars 09-25-2012 04:35 PM

hey guys, prizes have been announced for this years contest have a look at the thread i created to view what the prizes are:)

here is a link to the prize thread:)

Enigma 09-25-2012 04:38 PM

Sweet prizes. :)

Oh, how the first prize would help fill up my sps focussed contest build nicely!

reefwars 09-25-2012 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 749584)
Sweet prizes. :)

Oh, how the first prize would help fill up my sps focussed contest build nicely!

absolutely , when i talked with greg we figured this would be a good way for the winner to get a little extra for their new nanos.

we appreciate that we have so many contestants and myself and coralmaster were able to sit down and come up with some prizes for all your hard work:)

coralmaster has been 100% supportive and involved with the contest and we look forward to seeing what the contest brings for this year and years to come:)

Enigma 09-25-2012 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 749585)
absolutely , when i talked with greg we figured this would be a good way for the winner to get a little extra for their new nanos.

we appreciate that we have so many contestants and myself and coralmaster were able to sit down and come up with some prizes for all your hard work:)

coralmaster has been 100% supportive and involved with the contest and we look forward to seeing what the contest brings for this year and years to come:)

Greg and his corals are, quite simply, the best. :)

reefwars 09-25-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 749586)
Greg and his corals are, quite simply, the best. :)

def without a doubt he is, before i even entertained the idea of a prize greg called me and donated the grand prize and was interested in the contest and being a part of what we have created:)

thanks greg for your tremendous support:)

and a thanks to our other sponsors of the contest as well , we are a great team and everyones help is most appreciated by the contest runners:)

i had aot of request for prizes and donations, i want to thank all that offered i wish i could accomodate them all but we always have next year right;P

reefwars 09-30-2012 05:06 PM

tomorrows the official start guys im super excited , this morning ill send out pms to the judges and then everyones on their own, lets have some fun guys and keep those journals rolling!!

reefwars 10-01-2012 04:42 PM

today is the official start of the 2012 nano contest good luck to everyone and im excited to read all your builds and see who wins the grabd prize:)


sphelps 11-08-2012 02:06 PM

I think quite a few of you guys are missing the Nov 1st pic deadline, better act quick before someone important notices :lol:

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