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michika 09-25-2008 05:25 PM

Prices - discussion thread!
Alright, so for everyone who wants to discuss prices this is the thread for you. I will, once we've decided on some price points, ask Christy very nicely if she will post a sticky thread.

Originally I had suggested something along the lines of the following and we had some mixed reviews. So this is your chance to say something.

-$5 small colony of regular zoas, under 15 heads
-$10 small colony of special rare zoas, or regular zoos that are 15-50 heads.
-$10 small SPS frag, under 2"
-$15 SPS frag from 2"-5"
-$20 SPS from 5"-15"
-$30 small clam, under 3.5"
-$15 small softie, e.g. leather, xenia
-$20 large softie
-$15 small LPS, e.g. hammer
-$20 large LPS
- ? specialty items, aussie acans, suncorals, dendros, etc.

I think a basic list for non-specialty things will make the process a lot simpler.

1) Do we still want to go with a basic list?
2) Prices should stay here, go up, go down?
3) What else should be on the basic list?

Once we have an idea of the basic list I'll be able to better reply to the PMs I've gotten about pricing.

JDigital 09-25-2008 05:46 PM


I was thinking we should stick to the "fair market value" guideline. I think this should stay as close to the $300 out of pocket as possible. It's very likely that some people do have rare corals in other tank systems they could frag that are worth much much more than our list prices above, and then only have to deduct $10-20 bucks for a $100+ piece. I do think the list gives a good way to stock the tank cheaply (based on the what you deduct from the budget) but the true out of pocket would be much higher for someone who doesn't have the same access to rare pieces (ie: fragging another tank, etc)

I think if we use the Canreef B&S Livestock and J&L for "fair market value" it will save you time from replying to a stock pile of PM's and make it easy for people to reference. If a price can't be determined, then the member can contact you.

Just kinda what I have been mulling over since this topic arose. :)

Let the discussion continue!! :mrgreen:

rocketlily 09-25-2008 05:50 PM

Here's some of the FS prices I just got from various threads on Canreef. Michika seems to be very close in pricing:

1 bright green M. digitata (smaller) - $20
1 purple with bright orange polyps SPS (encrusting monti, I think) - $20
Bright orange florida ricordia x 2 - $20
mushroom- $5
buttons - $20
yuma - $20
multi color ricordia - $20
neon green star polp frags - 10 bucks each
kenya frags - 5 bucks
stons of anthelia/waving pom pom polyps $10.00 per frag
yellow polyps $10 per frag
small frogspawns - 10 bucks
30 yellow polyps- $20
pink anthelia- 3x5 inch attached $20
Rasta Leather frag $10
GSP colonies $10 each
#1 Ricordea $20dlls
#2 Green Zoas $20dlls
#5 Zoas $15dlls (about 20 polyps)
#6 Yellow Polyps and Green-Orange Zoanthids $10dlls
#7 Yellow polyps and Blue-Red Zoanthids $10dlls

ElGuappo 09-25-2008 08:21 PM

think the list is decent sofar but i dont undertand the last 5 items? what are the numbers for?

Things like torches and frogspawn should be 10 a head which is 5 less than most shops.

rocketlily 09-25-2008 08:50 PM

They were item #'s that I copied off a thread

ElGuappo 09-27-2008 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by rocketlily (Post 347794)
They were item #'s that I copied off a thread

makes sense. :lol:

noirsphynx 09-29-2008 10:52 PM

Curious how much of the budget a large cabbage leather & Blue Sea Fan would take?

noirsphynx 09-29-2008 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 348580)
Curious how much of the budget a large cabbage leather & Blue Sea Fan would take?

Never mind about the leather, I missed it the first time I looked, $20 right?

noirsphynx 09-29-2008 11:03 PM

Also have a question about the mushrooms. Is the $5 per head?

rocketlily 09-29-2008 11:18 PM

Please don't take the prices I posted as the "price list" for the Nano contest. These were just some prices I found on the Buy and Sell threads and I posted them as part of the discussion thread.

michika 09-29-2008 11:38 PM

Can you post a photo, or send me the link to one? Some approximate dimensions as well too if you can please.

noirsphynx 09-29-2008 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 348587)
Can you post a photo, or send me the link to one? Some approximate dimensions as well too if you can please.

Blue Sea Fan is about 3"-4" wide by about 4" tall
Large Cabbage Leather is about 6" wide

Also, Sexy Shrimp aren't listed on J&L where should I get a price for them?

michika 09-30-2008 12:26 AM

Pretty fan!

Shrimp - per Live Aquaria; $9.99 (
Fan - per LA; ~$30 ( for 6"-12". So since yours is about 3-4" and 4" tall I am guessing $20.

noirsphynx 09-30-2008 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 348604)
Pretty fan!

Shrimp - per Live Aquaria; $9.99 (
Fan - per LA; ~$30 ( for 6"-12". So since yours is about 3-4" and 4" tall I am guessing $20.

Thanks, I forgot we were suppossed to compare on LA.

rocketlily 10-05-2008 02:39 AM

It seems to me that the prices on corals and fish have been decided on for this contest. I think all is fair. I would like however, to get clarification on equipment. Here's some assumptions I am making. Can you tell me if these are true or I am mistaken on some things.

1. New equipment purchased - deduct purchase price.
2. Used equipment you have at home, previously purchased- 75% of J&L's new price.
3. Used/new equipment you have at home, received for free - free
4. Used equipment given to you at no charge- fair market value of this used piece of equipment.
5. Used equipment purchased at a very good price - price you paid
6. Shop supplies and/or scrap with no value from work ???

Just trying to get all the rules straight.

JDigital 10-05-2008 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by rocketlily (Post 349923)
It seems to me that the prices on corals and fish have been decided on for this contest. I think all is fair. I would like however, to get clarification on equipment. Here's some assumptions I am making. Can you tell me if these are true or I am mistaken on some things.

1. New equipment purchased - deduct purchase price.
2. Used equipment you have at home, previously purchased- 75% of J&L's new price.
3. Used/new equipment you have at home, received for free - free
4. Used equipment given to you at no charge- fair market value of this used piece of equipment.
5. Used equipment purchased at a very good price - price you paid
6. Shop supplies and/or scrap with no value from work ???

Just trying to get all the rules straight.

Number 3 is same as number 2.. 75% of J&L's. Otherwise, rest is correct...
#6 building supplies are free.

michika 10-07-2008 06:56 PM

Something is happening to my subscription and I am not getting notificiation for updates to this thread. Sorry everyone. I'll check it manually a couple times a day now instead.

ElGuappo 10-19-2008 05:43 PM

So have we figured out a value yet for things such as rics, mushrooms etc?
these would be per polyop? i have some rics i got from wicked a while ago and would like to use 1-3 of these just wondering if i pay the listed price or if i get a discount for used. 1 ric is huge and i would be wiling to pay full price on that one. but he rest are splts that are not as big as the frags i received yet.(close)

Could we use any listed vender on this site and take 25% off ?

michika 10-20-2008 12:12 AM

Since we have opted to base most of our prices of JL prices, or Take a look there and see what you find.

JDigital, are we offering 75% on "used" livegoods?

Ryan_Lap 10-20-2008 12:28 AM

Really whats a used "live good" ? lol

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 12:39 AM

i was told earlier we could use "used" ls.

Ryan_Lap 10-20-2008 12:43 AM

So buying livestock from a vendor makes it "new", but from someone else its "used"?

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 12:45 AM

no just using something you may already have.

michika 10-20-2008 12:53 AM

"Used" being anything not coming directly from a vendor. So coming from your own tank, someone else's, etc.

rocketlily 10-20-2008 03:44 AM

I also have a question about rics and mushrooms. The LiveAquaria package of 7 mushrooms/rics contain both. What do you think the value of one mushroom or a rock with 4-5 mushrooms?

JDigital 10-20-2008 03:51 AM

The 75% thing was for hardware only

Livestock pricing was to be based on the J&L or LiveAquaria prices.

This has been in the Rules/Guidelines since the beginning as well.


Calculating "cost" for livestock/coral that was free (fragged from an existing tank, etc), received in trade, or purchased at wholesale prices, etc.
-Items received free-- an amount will be deducted from your budget equivalent to what that livestock/coral would commonly be sold for in Livestock Classified Forum of or J&L Aquatics if it can not be found in the Buy/Sell Section. If you can not determine a "fair market value" please PM michika or JDigital a pic, along with common name, and we will do our best to give you a "price".
If you don't feel this is satisfactory, you would probably be better off not competing in this contest.
-Items received in trade - Same as above.
-Items purchased at wholesale prices - Same as above.
-Items on which you scored a "good deal"- If you can provide proof of the price you got, cost will be figured at the actual price you paid. If it was a transaction with a private individual, have them hand-write you a receipt, scan it, and post it on your thread.

sphelps 10-26-2008 04:47 PM

Question :biggrin:

If a piece of livestock were to parish or perhaps just removed because of compatibility issues or some other reason can the cost of that piece of livestock be deducted from the budget?

Also same deal with equipment, if something needs to be replaced or removed can it's cost be deducted from the budget?

AndyL 10-27-2008 02:11 PM

I would hope with equipment we would be able to work around problems. After all we're all relying on notorious heaters (I don't think i've heard of a single >100w with a stellar reputation for reliability). And most of us are cutting corners to make the budget work... However there's something to be said for warranty replacement vs upgrading - maybe a 'restocking fee'?

Livestock is a damn good question though, no clue where to go with that one...

sphelps 10-27-2008 02:25 PM

Not to jump the gun here but I would hope that as long as by the end of six months all that matters is that the tank as is, is within budget. After all people who broke tanks didn't count them so... And if you feel livestock shouldn't work the same and someones tank were to crash or something similar they would have no choice but to drop out.

I'm also inquiring because to be honest I've only recently become aware of the whole theme thing and I'm considering removing all livestock and starting over (just livestock though).

AndyL 10-27-2008 02:41 PM


I'm not arguing with ya; in fact we share the same point of view, however I'm trying to look at it in terms of the other contestants... I'd love to know that I might be able to toss that mag3 out for an OR3500 - however I'm sure other contestants would be quite upset if I went down that road, especially when the OR's by liveaquaria are cheaper than my used mag3...


michika 10-27-2008 02:41 PM

I would say that if you have something and it dies, then unfortunately it must stay deducted from you budget. However, if you sell something, or trade it, you probably should be able to add to your budget, or have no impact on your budget. Again, JDigital gets final say, as its his contest.

A tank crash is a different story though, and I don't really know how to consider it. I do know that in the nano-reef contest, those that suffered a crash, were considered to have "dropped-out" in the sense that they could no longer compete for the prize, but they could still continue to participate in all other senses.

rocketlily 10-27-2008 02:51 PM

Quote "I'm also inquiring because to be honest I've only recently become aware of the whole theme thing and I'm considering removing all livestock and starting over (just livestock though)."

So early in the game and with changes up in the air, what harm is there in pulling what you've put in and replacing it with something different.

The theme thing was announced on Oct 14th. Really, you should log on and check Canreef a little more often.

JDigital 10-27-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 355042)
I would say that if you have something and it dies, then unfortunately it must stay deducted from you budget. However, if you sell something, or trade it, you probably should be able to add to your budget, or have no impact on your budget. Again, JDigital gets final say, as its his contest.

A tank crash is a different story though, and I don't really know how to consider it. I do know that in the nano-reef contest, those that suffered a crash, were considered to have "dropped-out" in the sense that they could no longer compete for the prize, but they could still continue to participate in all other senses.

That's pretty much how I feel about it..

If a piece of your livestock dies, my condolences :lol:, but you have to keep it deducted from the your budget, whether it dies of natural reasons, or you stocked your tank wrong and it gets killed, etc etc.. If you trade a coral or want to remove one (or more) that's fine you can recoup the cost of that coral.

As for tank crashes, let's hope no one has one, first of all. :smile:

I think how Nano-reef dealed with tank crashes was that if it crashed, and you were not able to get it back up and running by the next monthly update (15th of Every month for us) then by the rules, those people are out of the contest.

I don't know how you guys want to work this, I'm open to suggestions, just keep em simple. :mrgreen:

AndyL 10-27-2008 05:34 PM

Personally, I think if sphelps wants to swap out his whole livestock at this point - fair game; first mandated FTS is Nov 15th... As that date hasn't arrived as of yet - anything he's provided us is just gravy for our enjoyment...

I see no reason why he can't do a complete livestock rework without penalty.

sphelps 10-27-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by AndyL (Post 355041)

I'm not arguing with ya; in fact we share the same point of view, however I'm trying to look at it in terms of the other contestants... I'd love to know that I might be able to toss that mag3 out for an OR3500 - however I'm sure other contestants would be quite upset if I went down that road, especially when the OR's by liveaquaria are cheaper than my used mag3...


Wasn't arguing with you either :biggrin:

sphelps 10-27-2008 05:44 PM

I agree with the livestock death thing but unfortunately a person could just replace the item anyway so does that really even work? But that's cool we can keep it like that, I know it's all honor system.

So removing coral and deducting from budget is OK then, provided they are alive? Even after NOV 15th? I'm just concerned some corals may cause problems and may need to be removed and I'm wondering if I can gamble or should play it safe. Also if something did die the person could not only just replace the item they could simply say they removed or traded it.

I'm sorry I missed the theme thing, I have been checking Canreef all the time as I'm sure most of you can tell. That thread just slipped through the cracks, I was seriously wondering what the heck was with all these tank names, lol. And although I'm not sure on a theme yet I would really like to do one.

JDigital 10-27-2008 05:55 PM

Yea, I personally don't see anything wrong with removing coral granted it is alive and well. Even after Nov 15th.. I personally don't think I will have anything in the tank other than maybe a couple snails and crabs by the 15th.. LOL

I was thinking that there should be a "Lockout" point later in the contest (2nd to last month) where nothing can be removed (unless it dies) but that would be a change in the rules yet again.

sphelps 10-27-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 355113)
but that would be a change in the rules yet again.

Yeah lets not do that again! Rome wasn't built in a day people.

sphelps 10-28-2008 03:43 AM

So a question regarding some livestock pricing. LPS corals are listed as $20 for large and $15 for small. So would this apply for lobos, open brains, torch corals, hammer corals, and favites? And what's small and what's large? I want to tread lightly the second time around and avoid any disputes, if possible.

Also what would a single polyp of dendro run for?


JDigital 10-28-2008 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 355305)
So a question regarding some livestock pricing. LPS corals are listed as $20 for large and $15 for small. So would this apply for lobos, open brains, torch corals, hammer corals, and favites? And what's small and what's large? I want to tread lightly the second time around and avoid any disputes, if possible.

Also what would a single polyp of dendro run for?


For stuff like hammer, torch, frogspawn.. stuff will long polyps that reach out:
Small <3"
Large >3"

For things like Brains, lobos, plate-ish stuff:
Small 1.5-2.5"
Large is 3"+

As for Dendro, its not on either JL or LA, so I found it elsewhere for $15-30 per polyp... so for our purposes... $7/polyp 50% off. :)

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