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christyf5 04-23-2009 08:12 PM

Nano Tank Contest #2 Rules and Guidelines
First off I'd like to thank JDigital for coming up with all these rules so I could just cut and paste them and modify them to my liking :wink:

Ok so I've been reading through the categories thread and this is what I've come up with.

Now remembering that: size doesn't matter, its what you do with it. Here are the categories.

1. Custom tank with limited budget. Budget for this will be $500.

2. Custom tank with unlimited budget.

3. Stock tank 10 gallons or less with limited budget. Budget for this will be $500

4. Stock tank 10 gallons or less with unlimited budget.

Tanks whether custom or stock are limited to 20 gallons volume. For custom tanks, don' t build a 20 gallon tank with a 5 gallon overflow chamber, it is to be 20 gallons total. Sumps are restricted to make up a total volume of 40gallons (not water volume, but tank volume itself). Therefore if you use a 5 gallon tank you can have a 35 gallon sump if you so wish, etc.

For Limited Budget Categories:

Not covered in budget (i.e. considered "free")

- Contest Display Tank
- Building supplies (eggcrate, stand/canopy materials, plumbing, acrylic/glass scraps, etc)
- Sand
- Live Rock
- Water and salt
- Food
- Supplements
- Accessories less than $15 (mag floats, tongs, thermometers, etc)


- All used equipment utilized in contest will be deducted from your budget at 75% of the lowest advertised price from J&L Aquatics.
For equipment purchased online, only deduct the actual price of the equipment from the budget, don't deduct shipping costs.

- All live stock can come from anywhere, CR Vendors, LFS, online, whatever. Please be honest people. Any purchases of livestock made online, from the LFS or fellow reefers will be the actual price paid (don't include shipping costs).

- Tank can be purchased locally and will not count against budget. (Sump tank will count against your budget, should you choose to incorporate one)

- stock tanks can be modded as much as you want, as long as you start with a STOCK tank and deduct costs from your budget.

- Budget is done on the honor system since we all know what its all worth (for most things).

- There is an entry fee of $20.00, which must be received by June 1st to lock you into the contest. These fees will be used for the prizes at the end of the contest. Entry fees are non-refundable. A late fee of $30 will be accepted from June 1st to June 14th for those who are on the fence. The tank thread will still apply for June 15th. There will be NO late entries to the contest as of June 15th.

- Contest begins June 1st, 2009 and ends December 1st, 2009.

In short, you've got 6 months to make a sweet tank whether it be on a limited or unlimited budget. For those on a limited budget lighting fixtures, filters, skimmers, and livestock all count towards budget, so manage wisely.

- Start a tank thread for your contest tank by June 15, so we can see it's progression as it goes along. It wouldn't hurt to put a link to your contest tank thread in your sig, but I don't know that we should require it. You don't have to start your tank thread immediately, as long as you do it by June 15. There may be a prize for best tank thread so keep yours up to date and be creative :biggrin:

The tank must have water and rock in it by July 15th. That gives you a month to plan for equipment, design etc if needed. As it is now you can already start planning which gives you plenty of time :biggrin:

No rock or livestock can be added or removed after October 15th.

- During the first TWO WEEKS of each month, post a FTS of your tank on your thread. If you don't update your tank thread you will not be included in the contest, barring major health/life crises which I hope to be PMed about.

- When we reach the end of the contest, I will start a thread showing all of the tanks and their specs, with an attached poll for ALL of Canreef to vote on the winners. A final tank photo will be required by December 1st as that is the end of the contest. If you have difficulties meeting this date, please PM christyf5 to let her know what is going on, I don't need the details but I do need to know you haven't flaked.

- The winners will receive a gift certificate to the Canreef sponsor/vendor of their choice, taken from the entry fees.

- Basically, we'll take all the $$ contributed for the entry fee and divide it up into 4 equal portions for the winning gift certificates. Categories for now will be the "best tank" from each group. Due to people dropping out of various categories we may go the same route as contest #1 and just go with "best tank" and "best theme" or something. That will be discussed after contest entries are submitted and we know how much interest there is in each category.

Any questions or concerns that cannot be addressed on this thread, PM christyf5.

On a final note, the goal of this contest is to HAVE FUN!! Remember, nanos are cute little tanks full of joy and excitement. When you're typing out a rant to another member because you don't like their opinion. Please step away from the computer and look at your joyous little nano first. The feeling of anxiousness and anger should subside and you'll be back in happyfunfishtankland before you know it! :wink:

To repeat JDIGITALS thoughts here: I've done the best I can to alter this contest for fit into our forum here on Canreef, but the fact is that not everyone will be happy with the contest rules as they've been established. If you don't think that you can participate under the established guidelines, then your time and $$ is probably best spent on a tank that you truly will enjoy and keep in the long run.
We want to keep this a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone, so...

Addendum A.1

If you purchase something at a steal of a deal from a vendors you do not have to deal with 'fair market value' etc. Example: Sponsor X regularly has 50% off or buy one get one specials that are available to members, so if you pay $10 and get 2 pieces that normally would cost $20, you only pay the $10. This is in hopes that some vendors will want to have specials aimed specifically at this contest.

OK hopefully that covers it, likely I've forgotten something or neglected something or generally made someone unhappy/tee'd off. If that has happened, then my job is done :razz: Just kidding. In general this is the way its going to be barring some fantastic ideas I've missed.

christyf5 04-23-2009 09:53 PM


Rbacchiega 04-23-2009 10:15 PM

where do we send the $20?

christyf5 04-23-2009 10:18 PM

oops forgot that part thanks for pointing it out!!! :biggrin:

I guess paypal is your best bet. Send it to

Chaloupa 04-23-2009 10:32 PM

FANTASTIC new contest!!!! Love the rules, and guidelines...NICE!!! Thanks to Christy and JDigital for all the work!

Gee 04-23-2009 10:51 PM

I will have to get in on this one!!:whoo:

JDigital 04-23-2009 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chaloupa (Post 413975)
FANTASTIC new contest!!!! Love the rules, and guidelines...NICE!!! Thanks to Christy and JDigital for all the work!

Whoa whoa! I have ZERO part in the management and control of this contest... :lol: Once was enough. :wink:

So christy, Livestock is part of the budget for the limited budget tanks? Are you gonna go based on actual cost?

Also, other than Best Tank for each of the 4 categories, are there going to be prizes for anything else? "Best (insert whatever you think would be a cool idea)"

christyf5 04-24-2009 01:08 AM

Well I was going to see if I could rustle up more prizes. I wasn't really sure how to do the categories as if we go with these 4 we already have to split the dough 4 ways which, depending on the number of entries, might make for not much of a gift certificate.

I was hoping for a "best tank thread" prize and "best theme" prize or something like that.

As for the livestock, yeah I'd kind of like to keep it on budget. You see for me, I'm not much of a DIY/equipment type so I like to see what people can do on a "smaller" budget. I know its going to be a bit of a headache having a budget for livestock but I like to think I've made it fairly simple. Likely it won't be that simple. Then again if people don't like that idea, they can go for the unlimited budget and we can get rid of the other categories. For me I'm more interested in seeing what people can do with a limited amount of money :biggrin:

Oh Sarah may have been thanking you for putting together the rules that I plagiarized from the last contest. I thank you for that too :biggrin:

Chaloupa 04-24-2009 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 414018)
Oh Sarah may have been thanking you for putting together the rules that I plagiarized from the last contest. I thank you for that too :biggrin:'re right!!! Tons of work went into the first contest...and is now going into this one. It's a job I would NOT want!:biggrin:

Rbacchiega 04-24-2009 01:29 AM

expect my entry fee next week Christy!

Ron99 04-24-2009 02:46 AM

Excellent. I will have to crunch some numbers but I should be in the custom with a budget category.

Just to be clear, if I buy glass or acrylic for a custom sized tank that is not part of the budget? If I decide to go nuts and build a titanium and carbon fiber stand (not that I plan to do that; even though that would be cool) then that is not part of the budget?

christyf5 04-24-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 414057)
Excellent. I will have to crunch some numbers but I should be in the custom with a budget category.

Just to be clear, if I buy glass or acrylic for a custom sized tank that is not part of the budget? If I decide to go nuts and build a titanium and carbon fiber stand (not that I plan to do that; even though that would be cool) then that is not part of the budget?

Yep glass and acrylic is free. However the stand is not part of the contest and IMO shouldn't be judged as such, even though its not part of the budget either :biggrin:

Myka 04-24-2009 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 413949)
If you use something from your current tank it must have been in your tank for at least 6 months.

Oh I like the rules and categories you picked!!! Except the above rule. I was on the fence about joining the contest just because of space restrictions, but I wasn't expecting this rule here. This rule will keep me out as I am setting up a 90g right now and I was planning on just putting some of my current corals into the contest tank (and taking them out after the contest was over), but many of them I've had for less than 6 months or right around 6 months, and I can't afford buying extra livestock at this point. I imagine this will be a tough rule to police too. I will think about it though, and maybe I will do a pico or something like that... :D

christyf5 04-24-2009 03:35 AM

Well the reason I put that in was because of the pricing I chose for items from your tank. Its easy to say "oh I'll buy this for my big tank for $70" and then a week later put it in your nano and charge $35. I was thinking that corals that had been in there for awhile might be easier. But you're right, I suppose when you think about it, policing the whole thing might be a pain in the arse because no matter how hard you try to make rules steadfast, theres always a way around them.

The reason I tried to do it that way is because I want this nano to be a challenge. To me, setting up a nano for less than $500 is a challenge. I thought it might help the budgets by being able to frag things out of another tank.

I dunno, personally, making the budget bigger or separating it into equipment and livestock, each with massive budgets has no interest for me. The meat of this contest for me are the tanks with a budget. The unlimited tanks are all about the freedom of creativity while the budget tanks are about financial creativity :wink:

JDigital 04-24-2009 03:36 AM

I kinda gotta agree with Myka... that's a strange rule.. haha Some of the things in my tank, I don't even know how long they have been in there... :lol: I'd have to go through my own build thread to find out exactly when I added it.. haha!

christyf5 04-24-2009 03:37 AM

Ok I'll remove it then and add something else.:razz:

Meh, nevermind. I just removed it. I guess we'll see what happens. I can already feel the headache settling in :wink:

Rbacchiega 04-27-2009 03:52 PM

so, could I start building everything today lets say and just wait to add water etc until June 1st?

Rbacchiega 04-27-2009 10:34 PM

????? Christy???? I've got stuff I need...just y'know...need to build it... I hate waiting LOL

christyf5 04-27-2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 415193)
????? Christy???? I've got stuff I need...just y'know...need to build it... I hate waiting LOL

LOL, I'm thinking about it!!:razz:

Rbacchiega 04-27-2009 10:36 PM

!!!! think faster woman LOL looking at all this PVC/acrylic/empty tank is driving me nuts LOL

christyf5 04-27-2009 10:39 PM

well go into a different room or something!!

you suck, your sig is making me want ice cream.:razz:

Rbacchiega 04-27-2009 10:43 PM

ouch... *goes and pouts in a DIFFERENT room*

christyf5 04-27-2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 415199)
ouch... *goes and pouts in a DIFFERENT room*


Ok here is what I'm thinking. The contest is supposed to start June 1. So by jumping the gun I dunno what to say, does that give you an edge over other competitors? I suppose it does.

One part of me wants to say go nuts and the other part says June 1 dammit!!


Don't worry I'll just work on thinking about dnomla allinav, gross! :razz:

Rbacchiega 04-27-2009 10:49 PM

*nods* alright. So I'll just work on gathering parts etc and build like mad on June 1st...hope for an instant cycle and get crackin' ! :D

michika 04-28-2009 05:05 PM

I'll send you the cash tomorrow I suppose. I just have to confirm that one of my two build ideas will infact hold water.

So just to confirm if I have a 10g tank and it has a 5g overflow, and I have put a 25g sump in, I'm still in the 40g category correct? My brain and I are having a falling out today, so....

....Ice cream? Where? I want some!

christyf5 04-28-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 415439)
So just to confirm if I have a 10g tank and it has a 5g overflow, and I have put a 25g sump in, I'm still in the 40g category correct? My brain and I are having a falling out today, so....

....Ice cream? Where? I want some!

Yep that sounds about right, except its the 10 gallon category with 40gallons of tank. :biggrin:

lorenz0 04-30-2009 02:08 AM

Just waiting to hear back about some prices and i will send my entry fee your way

Canuckgod420 04-30-2009 02:58 AM

how do we (I) send you the fee?

cash in the mail ok? I have a tonne of pennies in a really big jar...LOL

JDigital 04-30-2009 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Canuckgod420 (Post 416000)
how do we (I) send you the fee?

cash in the mail ok? I have a tonne of pennies in a really big jar...LOL


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 413973)
oops forgot that part thanks for pointing it out!!! :biggrin:

I guess paypal is your best bet. Send it to

Unless you don't have paypal.. haha

michika 04-30-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 416128)
And I believe, Catherine, that it's game on in the nano-

Christy, I sent you my cash!

Myka 04-30-2009 05:03 PM

Hey Christy,

Sorry I didn't reply to your reply! I keep getting the contest 1 and contest 2 threads mixed up, so I forgot about my post. Thanks for removing that rule! But now, I gotta think about entering the contest again...I was kinda happy that rule disinterested me as I have enough tanks! :lol: I just think it's good to participate in contests like this and support the forums. :)

JDigital 05-01-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 416187)
Hey Christy,

Sorry I didn't reply to your reply! I keep getting the contest 1 and contest 2 threads mixed up, so I forgot about my post. Thanks for removing that rule! But now, I gotta think about entering the contest again...I was kinda happy that rule disinterested me as I have enough tanks! :lol: I just think it's good to participate in contests like this and support the forums. :)

Oh come on.. you got 900sq/ft... Plenty of room for oooooooooone more.. :wink:

Myka 05-01-2009 03:43 AM

Ya, but the boyfriend has been SOOO accepting of me moving in with my current tanks including the disaster I've made in his shop building the stand for the 90 that there HAS to be a breaking point!! :lol: Not to mention the 4 Rubbermaid tubs in the kitchen full of live rock and RO/DI water. :eek: Honestly though, he's just happy I have hobbies of my own. :D

BlueAbyss 05-05-2009 05:28 PM

Hmm, I might even enter this one. Give me a reason to finally start ordering saltwater stuff :wink:

Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 05:52 PM

do it

Parker 05-05-2009 07:41 PM

I've been debating entering also.. hhmmmmm

Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 07:47 PM

do it x 2

JDigital 05-06-2009 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Parker (Post 417898)
I've been debating entering also.. hhmmmmm

I think you should just concentrate on the 265.. :wink:

marie 05-06-2009 12:06 AM

I might join in the 10g with budget category. The rocks and sand aren't included in the budget right?

JDigital 05-06-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 417981)
I might join in the 10g with budget category. The rocks and sand aren't included in the budget right?

Nope. :)

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