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Synthesis 11-14-2018 01:04 AM

IM 25G Lagoon Tank Build
Hello Everyone,

So I am finally putting fingers to keyboard and starting a build thread that started back in late March with the purchase of the 25G IM Lagoon Tank. I thought ahead and made sure I snapped photos along the way of everything I was doing...

In fact, thinking ahead is actually the single biggest reason it's taken so long to get started. I researched everything half to death even though this is not my first reef tank. I left the hobby 10 years ago as life took me in another direction. Oh how the technology sure has changed...and yet the basics haven't changed at all.

Why did I decide to go with a 25G Lagoon? Size, clean look and less maintenance and upkeep was the first thoughts. Of course less maintenance and upkeep isn't actually true with less water volume. So scratch less maintenance and add bigger challenge to the list.

I personally love the lagoon style tanks. If done right they really do look great. So here is to hoping I can do it right.

I am looking to do a mixed reef with fish. Bare bottom is the goal to help with nutrient control. Skimmer and reactor (biopellets) and live rock will drive the filtration. Although I am seriously debating the skimmer. ATO and dosing will be done to help reduce overall maintenance (ATO is actually a must here).

For lighting, the 26HD Hydra will support the corals.

More to come. It's really good to be back!

Synthesis 11-15-2018 11:27 PM

Because it's a lagoon the bare bottom approach seemed logical. I don't want a snow storm and honestly I like the idea of lower nutrient build up potential. Will certainly get me closer to ULM tank.

I am going with an mp10qd for flow. Although I will say these pumps are not as quiet as they lead on to be. Vert...vert..vert...
Ok no more pulsing modes for you!!

The Skimmer I am using is the IM desktop ghost. Fits really nicely and is pretty much hidden. I love that. But ..this thing is noisy. Almost out the window noisy. Looking to see if it's a pump problem or not. Makes me consider a skimmerless tank even more.

Still working on getting photos added. A clunky process..

Synthesis 11-16-2018 03:01 PM

So here is a photo of the tank cycling. This was prior to the mp10qd.
As you can see, I was battling a number of different algaes out of the gate...

The tank is temporarily setup in my garage while I build the tank stand. More on that later.

Frogger 11-16-2018 05:04 PM

Right by the breaker box, convenient, in case you need to add a few more electrical outlets.

Wish mine was near a breaker box.

Synthesis 11-16-2018 05:22 PM

Haha. Only temporary. It's been sitting there longer then I have wanted it to. Water evap right by a breaker box is not recommend...

It was supposed to be very temporary...

Synthesis 11-16-2018 11:20 PM

What does everyone else use to embed photos in their posts. I seem to have got it to work if I share a link via Google photos but others have the image right in their post...

WarDog 11-17-2018 01:36 AM

I use Flikr. Upload pics to there, then copy the BB link and paste it here using the postcard icon with the mountain on it.

DKoKoMan 11-17-2018 01:44 AM

I have had success with IMGUR as well.

Synthesis 11-18-2018 03:20 PM

When it all started. Tank in box, April.2nd

Synthesis 11-18-2018 03:22 PM

I have used flickr and google photos. Using the postcard icon. The photos do not display?

davej 11-18-2018 03:45 PM

When on Flickr you need to copy location from the BBCODE tab, its the one on the far right.

Synthesis 11-18-2018 06:53 PM

Thanks Dave. I see why I couldn't figure it out. It looks like the BBCode is only available when you use the regular browser version and click share (You get 4 option tabs with the last one being BBcode). I cannot find it anywhere on the flikr app or the mobile browser version. So will have to make sure I use the standard browser version from now on to grab the images.

Not the greatest start to my Tank Journal lol.

mike31154 11-22-2018 01:13 PM

I currently use Microsoft One Drive for photo sharing on forums. Free storage to a limit & need to use the "embed" feature to get it to work on most forums. Consider wood diffuser skimmer if u want quiet. Old school but does the job.

Synthesis 11-27-2018 12:25 AM

Some photos taken about a month or so ago:
Mystic Monti

Synthesis 11-27-2018 12:27 AM




Synthesis 11-27-2018 12:47 AM

Started building the tank stand. I didn't like anything available for the IM Novu 25 Lagoon. So had to build my own. I work in the tech sector so woodworking is not really my cup of tea. Nonetheless, I designed everything on paper and went slowly.

Here we go..

Frogger 11-27-2018 02:22 AM

Looks good

Synthesis 12-05-2018 02:30 PM

Finished the stand the other night. Decided on a white wash stain with a clear coat sealant.

[IMG]<a href=' ZR&'><img src=' xP7ugSxwqvzbpjmG7wX3aLJlva4tNfOPUg8VzrRzkYtSwlOl2-3isBnf0=w2400' /></a>[/IMG]

Synthesis 12-05-2018 05:40 PM

Hmm, the embedded photo didn't work...

Synthesis 12-08-2018 06:21 AM

Here are the photos I tried to upload previously. All moved into the house and ready for fish and corals now! Slowly....I mean....

Frogger 12-08-2018 08:22 PM

Looks like a nice clean setup. Good luck, keep us posted

Synthesis 12-09-2018 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1032458)
Looks like a nice clean setup. Good luck, keep us posted

Thanks! Will do. Will probably be asking for plenty of advise in the coming weeks 😊

Synthesis 12-14-2018 03:11 PM

With the wind storm coming to Vancouver, it has me looking at battery backup for the Tank. What does everyone use for their power backup?

I have been looking at some of those APC battery backup units that are often used for computers and electronics. Vortech has one for their mp units but it's pretty darn expensive and only provides power to the mp.

kyl 12-14-2018 05:45 PM

Most APC / UPS back ups of that type will only run equipment for a few hours due to a low amp hour battery. The difference with the ecotech units etc is they are strictly a 12v DC draw from the battery, while your UPS is going DC > AC > DC (pump transformer > Pump, and there is an "overhead" for that process to take place.

If you want to emulate the ecotech example, it's extremely simple to DIY with a 12/24v deep cycle battery and a float charger. There are numerous examples on other forums, just google "diy ecotech battery backup". The only thing special about the Ecotech release is the mark up they're able to charge for a couple SLA batteries and a float charger.

Frogger 12-14-2018 06:03 PM

Costco sells a Lithium Ion Goal Zero battery backup. I have one and have tested it it will run a 10 to 20 watt pump for over half a day.

Frogger 12-14-2018 06:09 PM

The other great option is an inverter and an AGM Deep Cycle Marine Battery, or scooter battery. Scooter batteries are cheap and designed exactly for this kind of use.

Computer battery backups are only designed for short use.

I believe Ice Cap battery backups will only work on DC Pumps.

Dash 12-14-2018 07:38 PM

My husband used my tank as an excuse to buy this huge generator on sale last year at Home Depot. Dang was it ever loud when we fired it up! We got an PHEV car this spring and there is a built-in doodad for this very purpose. So we were able to sell the generator thank goodness

Synthesis 12-17-2018 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by kyl (Post 1032593)
Most APC / UPS back ups of that type will only run equipment for a few hours due to a low amp hour battery. The difference with the ecotech units etc is they are strictly a 12v DC draw from the battery, while your UPS is going DC > AC > DC (pump transformer > Pump, and there is an "overhead" for that process to take place.

If you want to emulate the ecotech example, it's extremely simple to DIY with a 12/24v deep cycle battery and a float charger. There are numerous examples on other forums, just google "diy ecotech battery backup". The only thing special about the Ecotech release is the mark up they're able to charge for a couple SLA batteries and a float charger.

Awesome thank you so much! I appreciate the video you sent me as well. Will look into doing the DYI! Do people also run these for their heaters to maintain temp?

Synthesis 12-17-2018 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1032599)
My husband used my tank as an excuse to buy this huge generator on sale last year at Home Depot. Dang was it ever loud when we fired it up! We got an PHEV car this spring and there is a built-in doodad for this very purpose. So we were able to sell the generator thank goodness

A PHEV might blow the bank for this tank build....but thanks for the suggestion :biggrin: :wink:

Synthesis 12-17-2018 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1032597)
The other great option is an inverter and an AGM Deep Cycle Marine Battery, or scooter battery. Scooter batteries are cheap and designed exactly for this kind of use.

Computer battery backups are only designed for short use.

I believe Ice Cap battery backups will only work on DC Pumps.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Certainly some things to look into keep me busy. Yeah I scraped the computer battery backup idea pretty quickly given what it's primary purpose was.

Synthesis 12-23-2018 04:10 PM

I have been looking at measuring the PAR levels in my tank from the light. Does anyone know where you can rent them? Any reefers here have one laying around they could lend?

Can't see any reason to buy one for the minimal use it will get.

Synthesis 01-07-2019 04:24 PM

Noticed today my Trochus snails spawning. Water was all cloudy. Really fun to watch. Hoping some little ones appear. Did some research and I don't think it has any negative impact on the water quality?

Also a month back I noticed what appeared to be a few tiny mysis shrimp hanging out under a rock in the DT. Now there are easily 20+ little mysis cruising around and picking up ditritus and bringing it back to a colony. Like ants. Very fun to watch these little ones cruise around and work haha.

My amphipod population has exploded as well. Fun with bare bottom tank watching these critters running around under the rocks.

Synthesis 02-06-2019 02:59 AM


So have been dealing with bryopsis lately. I have my nitrates and phosphates both testing at 0. Which I am certain is leading to some color fade in my corals. Most noticeably the SPS. I have been physically removing it and I think I have it under control. I also have some red algae, which looks like a macro algae that is growing on the rocks. Which is collecting some kind of other algea and looking brownish. You can see it on the photo below on the single rock on the left side.

On a side note....water and electricity don't mix. I electricuted myself during a water change. Long story short, I spilt some salt water on the power extension cord that I had my return pump plugged into. When I was done, I went to unplug the pump and bam.. electricity started flowing through me. Could hear it in my ear! I managed to let go and stumble backwards. It sure woke me up! Thankful I didn't have any body part in water at the time! In ally years of owning an aquarium..this has never happened to me before.

I decided to learn from this and order a new server rack 8-channel switch. And will have this mounted up in the top part of the stand. This way I can control the power that runs to the pump that returns the new water to the tank. Lesson learned.

Updated photo:

Synthesis 04-02-2019 02:04 AM

So its been a while since I posted an update. A lot has happened.

First, I installed the power bank in an attempt to save my life in the future. It fit better then I thought it would.

This has made water changes so much easier. Not sure why I hesitated to get something like this. Cost me 54$ with shipping for this. Worth every penny.

Added another fish, a clown goby which has been a lot of fun to watch. Very active. Never thought I would be seeing the clown goby hosting all my corals over the clown fish...

Added a Tyree toadstool which is doing really well:

Added a frogspawn:

All my other corals are doing well. Trying to manage some algae which has been a challenge yet my phosphates and nitrates are undetectable. I have also been trying to get my parameters in check lately as my tank seems to be consuming alot of alkalinity. Calcium and Mag are fine but I am having to dose alk daily at about 2ml (red sea pro foundation alk) a day right now to maintain 9dkh. But its much better then before when it was reading 5dkh before I started clueing in on it. Funny enough, other then some coloration with my SPS...all the livestock was fine. But still, felt like an amateur not staying ontop of the params like I should have.

Reyphox 04-21-2019 04:21 PM

Did you kill all the byropsis?

Bblinks 04-21-2019 09:02 PM

Tanks looking great. Glad to hear you are okay from the electrical shock. Been there and done that lol

Fluconzole for bryopsis, pretty straight forward on how to use it. Save yourself some grief and give it a try, should work wonders.

Keep up the updates.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-23-2019 06:09 PM

Electric shock therapy... better than coffee if you really need to wake up and cheaper than a Grande at Starbucks ������

Synthesis 04-24-2019 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Reyphox (Post 1035724)
Did you kill all the byropsis?

Almost. Small amounts are lingering. The bigger nuisance to me is this red macro type algae and bubble algae. I will have to get a good photo of the red algae to see if you guys can identify it for me as I cannot online.

My nutrients are always undetectable so not much I can play with there. Which is probably a good thing. Just let this tank mature.

Overall, the tank is really healthy. Flourishing sponges, a colony of mysis shrimp, large community of copepods, reproducing snails etc. So the ecosystem is healthy. It may not be perfectly spotless and clean but it's a thriving ecosystem that...knock on wood...has rewarded my efforts with zero tank losses.

But I am starting to add SPS as part of my mixed reef vision. So things are about to get more challenging.

Synthesis 04-24-2019 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 1035749)
Tanks looking great. Glad to hear you are okay from the electrical shock. Been there and done that lol

Fluconzole for bryopsis, pretty straight forward on how to use it. Save yourself some grief and give it a try, should work wonders.

Keep up the updates.

Thanks for the recommendation. Will certainly look into this. I must admit that medicating the tank just feels wrong but looks like it's been very successful with killing off bryopsis.

Nice to see some of the long standing canreef members stopping by and commenting :biggrin:

Thanhk87 04-24-2019 08:04 PM

I also have bryopsis and i never medicate the tank. I just cut back my feeding by half and 30mins off my light timer and that seem to work.
I dont have direct sunlight but i do know i get a bloom in the summer time.
I just know this seem to work for me.

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