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VFX 10-27-2009 04:53 AM

Swine Flu/H1N1 Vaccination - Yes or No?
Are you and/or family prepared to take the H1N1 vaccine?

With the US declaring a State of Emergency (paving the way for compulsory vaccination), the WHO escalating H1N1 to a level 6 global pandemic & the Canadian roll out, I'm interested to know what the general consensus is.


Ron99 10-27-2009 05:03 AM

Yes, without a doubt. There is nothing magic about it as a vaccine. It is fairly standard and as safe as many other vaccines. The difficulty was that the virus was very slow to grow in culture so it took a while to manufacture enough for the vaccine. The only way to slow the spread of H1N1 is to vaccinate enough people that the virus peters out. If to many people don't get vaccinated it will give the virus many hosts through which it can spread which is not good. I believe that the epidemiologists are saying we need 70% of the population to be innoculated in order to slow the spread so do your part to help.

The whole debate reminds me of the ridiculous objections to the HPV vaccine for young girls. Why would you not want to innoculate your daughter against a virus that could one day give her cervical cancer?

marie 10-27-2009 05:10 AM

I'll get it. It's just a flu shot :mrgreen:

untamed 10-27-2009 05:12 AM

I probably won't. I have never got one in the past. I'm sure there is nothing sinister about the flu vaccine.

I'm pretty sure that more people will get the flu shot this year than previous years.

If I'm wrong, you have my permission to point at my tombstone and say "told you so...".

mark 10-27-2009 05:55 AM

I haven't bought into the world is coming to the end with H1N1 bit but I've got no problem getting it.

Do like the conspiracy vote though, some people seem to believe there is one.

banditpowdercoat 10-27-2009 06:12 AM

freakin SARS was a "pandemic" but truthfully, how many people killed world wide?? How many die from the regular flu world wide? How many from slipping in the shower?

I don't buy the media hype. Media is just what "they" want you to think!!!

So ya, I picked conspiracy

PS i think your right, more WILL get the flu shot this year, and how much does said flu shot cost? Someones planning to make ALOT of money I think, it's ALL marketing. Playing on our fears and the "well, what if they are telling the truth'? How are we supposed to know??

Side note, How many Zietgiest watchers/followers here???

Mr.nintendo 10-27-2009 06:29 AM

It's all bull**** media hype, I'd rather risk "H1N1" then the known and occuring side effects from the shot

VFX 10-27-2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 458396)
Side note, How many Zietgiest watchers/followers here???

I like your voting style! I voted no instead of conspiracy, because although I think something is decided fishy about the whole thing, I can't really say for sure, who, what, where or why.

I'm all about the Zeitgeist! I also follow Project Camelot. Some great interviews there with various whistle blowers, ex-black ops guys etc. Even if you don't believe what they say, it's great entertainment for those interested in conspiracy/Illuminati/2012/UFO's etc.

Link to H1N1 Conspiracy Interview

Some resources for people wanting more info:

BBC News Swine Flu Info & News Page

Government of Canada, Public Health Agency Website

Official UK Government Swine Flu Information Pages

The Flu Case - Jane Burgermeister's investigation into the swine flu vaccine, bird flu and the real reasons for mass vaccinations.

...and finally a website for the Conspiracy Theorists.

Whatever you decide, please be safe!


Sebae again 10-27-2009 06:51 AM

Seeking approval after manufacture,changing dates on vials due to expire Hmmm.

Quinster 10-27-2009 11:30 AM

Should you or shouldn't your own judge!

I took care of 2 patients in Winnipeg who had similar side affects to this due to flu inoculations. They told me about half a dozen deaths locally they knew about from the same batch of meds that were used.

Snaz 10-27-2009 12:55 PM

I have never had a flu vaccination before but I will get this one. Why? Because I will not risk getting sick and passing it onto my kids or someone else.

H1N1 is a killer, do you want to be the one who passes it on resulting in a death?

findingnemo1 10-27-2009 01:26 PM

Just a side note to everyone. I currently have this wonderful H1N1 and i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. Its the pnemonia part that is the killer.
I have never ever felt this bad in my life and i have had the regular seasonal flu,this takes the flu to a whole new level. Even if ppl normally dont like to get the flu shot i think this one should b done. The mere thought of a young child getting this is a scarey concept...It literally takes your breath away for days.

So yes my family will be getting ours....just to late for me:)

Leah 10-27-2009 02:39 PM

Hope you feel better soon, I was on the fence but agree I do not want my child getting this. So thank-you for sharing I think we should just get it. I have heard that you should probably get the regular shot flu shot as well, anyone else hear this?

wickedfrags 10-27-2009 03:44 PM

I work in health care (not direct patient care), 35M, and will not be getting a flue shot for my own reasons. That being said, I do not have children.

And FYI.....don't believe what the TV/newspapers and even the government advise about the importance of hand washing to prevent the flu, despite what is portrayed in the media, the vast majority to flu is transfered via airborne inhallation and not hand contact. Clean hands does however makes sense, it just wont prevent the flu.

kien 10-27-2009 03:56 PM

So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic! :biggrin:

P.S. My 2 year old son and I had the flu last week, wasn't fun, but we're over it now. Ironically, because my son goes to daycare he gets all sorts of nasty daycare illnesses at least once a month since he started going to daycare a year ago. I attribute his naturally built up immunity to his quick recovery. After having a fever and laboured breathing for a day, he was fine the next and out and about playing, while I was out for three days! It is not pleasant to see our children ill, but it is natural that they get ill so that they can build up their immunity. Just feed them well.

wickedfrags 10-27-2009 04:05 PM

Honestly, for most healthy adults this may not be a bad flu to get as it is not that severe, and it may very well assist your immune system in defending against the next H1 mutation which may be much more severe in terms of loss of life.

I am testing our health centre staff on N95 respirators today as part of our emergency prepardeness plan...


Originally Posted by kien (Post 458460)
So many conflicting reports and stories.. As I understand it, this is just a flu virus. Granted a new one, but any well bodied person with healthy immunity should be able to kick it like any other flu virus. I realize that complications come in when people with depressed immune systems get it and can get sicker or worse, but that is no different than the seasonal flu. I think a vaccine is a good idea, but I also think that there's a lot of hysteria right now among the population, thanks in part to the media and the interwebs. Don't Panic! :biggrin:

workn2hard2day 10-27-2009 05:28 PM

I voted no. The last time I had the "flu" was when I had a flu shot a few years back. The doctor said I was probably already coming down with it and the shot just made things worse.

this is one of the side effects, if you are 1 in a million.

BC564 10-27-2009 06:01 PM

I will get it...but mostly because its provided through work...I wouldnt go out of my way to get it....but hey...they are coming to me.

fraggalrock 10-27-2009 06:29 PM

I will never ever get a vaccine.I have worked in healthcare and too much information about side effects and other things are kept from the public.I dont buy into the hype.I also didnt vaccinate my childen who are now grown.I got a lot of heat from that one.When my youngest was 3 we was hospitalized for bronchitis and they noticed on his chart he was not vaccinated.They also saw a note in his file saying no to vaccines.Well they dosed my kid with vaccines.My son who was perfectly fine changed over night.He was diagnosed with a form of autism 6 months later.He is 19 now.

Ross 10-27-2009 07:37 PM

Somethings smells fishy about the whole thing to me.

Time will tell.

kien 10-27-2009 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458511)
Somethings smells fishy about the whole thing to me.

Time will tell.

Alien invasion. This is the first wave. Mass hysteria and a fake virus that requires a "miracle vaccine". :lol::lol::lol: ya.. okay I watch too much sci fi.

Parker 10-27-2009 08:14 PM

I'm undecided at this point. My wife works in heathcare, community heath and is in direct contact, she's actually one of the nurses giving shots. She's undecisded also on whether we should get it or not.

crysmom 10-27-2009 09:17 PM

I wont be getting the shot and from a non formal poll at my worksite it seems all the nurses I've talked to don't want it either

Ross 10-27-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by crysmom (Post 458532)
I wont be getting the shot and from a non formal poll at my worksite it seems all the nurses I've talked to don't want it either

Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

crysmom 10-27-2009 10:22 PM

I think if you have people in your home with decreased immune systems or asthma type problems perhaps it would be a good ideam but in our house we are all healthy with no underlying health problems and everyone is over 2 so i'm not overly worried about my immediate families health if we were to get this virus- Now there is something to be said for "taking one for the team" to help with the general population and prevent it being spread, but I think quarantining yourself and not doing things like going grocery shopping when you are sick (sorry I know someone with this flu and they are off work so took some time to go to the bank and saveon) is helpful to prevent the spread.

Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458537)
Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

noirsphynx 10-27-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458537)
Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

My cousin is a nurse and says she will not get it but I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet about it. I'm on the fence about it. The shot concerns me with the adjuvants that are in it. I have two daughters with underlying conditions so I'm curious to see what my cousin will say about it.

mark 10-27-2009 10:47 PM

Just thought I would point out the wife works in the hospital and neither she or many of her co-works have major concerns so it's not all one sided that Healthcare professionals are against it.

btw, family got ours today, still alive. Guess we'll see if I'm still posting in a week.

intarsiabox 10-27-2009 11:55 PM

My wife is a nurse as well and she and the collegues she talks to at the hospital are all getting the shot, even our family doctor and pediatrician have received and recommend it and you usually have to be dying before he'll prescribe anything but Tylanol. No one has ever got the flu from the flu shot, some have allergic reactions to the preservatives in it but the effects are immediate. All the shot is is a dead virus, it is your own body, not the shot, that creates the immunity. Actually most medical procedures and medicines rely on your body to do most of the work. Some people say that everyone over-reacted with Mexico because it never got that bad, did those same people consider that maybe because of the desperate actions taken that is the reason it didn't get bad? To get the shot or not is your own choice and I wouldn't recommend basing your decision on this forum or any others so I'm not recommending anything one way or the other. Unless you know some of the researchers personally everything else is just peoples opinions, including mine.

VFX 10-28-2009 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 458579)
Unless you know some of the researchers personally everything else is just peoples opinions, including mine.

People's opinions was what I was after.

My mind is made up already but it's interesting to know what others think on a subject that effects us all.


pinhead 10-28-2009 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.nintendo (Post 458400)
It's all bull**** media hype, I'd rather risk "H1N1" then the known and occuring side effects from the shot

What are the known and occuring side effects and where are you getting your information - the media?

Or second hand information from other people,

Originally Posted by Quinster (Post 458428)
They told me about half a dozen deaths locally they knew about from the same batch of meds that were used.

Or Youtube?

Originally Posted by workn2hard2day (Post 458484)
this is one of the side effects, if you are 1 in a million.

(An explanation of the woman's symptoms

My information comes from the scientist's research. This information is found in peer-reviewed scientific journals or summarized for the layman magazines such as New Scientist.

Doing research from these sources will lead you to the following facts:

This strain of flu isn't always mild

It can be fatal - particularly in young people (43 deaths of children in the US in the first 2 weeks of October)

Even if you have a mild reaction to the flu virus, you could be the cause of a serious ilness in your children, other family member, co-worker or anyone else you come in contact with

Although the virus can be breathed in as an aerosol droplet, in can survive upto 48 hours on non-porous surfaces and then transfered to your eyes, nose or mouth.

The vaccine is safe (the canadian vaccine, unlike the US is a dead virus). The misinformation about flu vaccine side effects come from the 1976 US swine flu vaccinations where out of 48 million vaccinations, roughly 500 people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome and 25 died. This rate is roughly 10 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome for every 1 million vaccinations. Surprisingly, Guillain-Barré is found at a rate of 40-70 for every 1 million non-vaccinated flu sufferers and in the general population from other sources at 10 - 20 cases for every million people. Your chances if you were vaccinated in 1976 of getting Guillain-Barré were lower than if you caught the flu and the same as getting it from other sources.

Medical technology and vaccines have improved in 23 years - these side effects were from the 1976 vaccine.

One of these advancements is the addition of adjuvants made of fish oil, water and Vitamin E which are added to improve the body's immune response.

In Canada, the vaccine is free.

So the vaccine is: safe, cheap and will protect me or my family from from a possibly fatal disease. I guess I don't have tell you I am getting the vaccine.

I can provide references so you can base your decision on verifiable facts rather than rumors and information from almost 30 years ago.

wickedfrags 10-28-2009 12:07 PM

Some good references made, so I will ask a couple follow up questions:

Is 43 deaths significant given the number of "young people" in the US? How many young people died in the US during the same time period to give us some perspective? Also - the people who died from the curent strain have generally had underlying health issues and were often immuno-compromized prior to aquiring the flu. Asthma, diabetes, obesity, and various and other upper and lower repiratory tract concerns are common among those who died.

Protecting others is a strong reason for getting the flue shot - and remember you are contagious 48 hours before you show any signs or symptoms of the flu yourself.

The flu can survice up to 48 hours outside the human body, but at what relative humidity? Flu season in Canada (well at least outside BC) is generally quite cold and relative humidity is low.


Originally Posted by pinhead (Post 458733)

This strain of flu isn't always mild

It can be fatal - particularly in young people (43 deaths of children in the US in the first 2 weeks of October)

Even if you have a mild reaction to the flu virus, you could be the cause of a serious ilness in your children, other family member, co-worker or anyone else you come in contact with

Although the virus can be breathed in as an aerosol droplet, in can survive upto 48 hours on non-porous surfaces and then transfered to your eyes, nose or mouth.

Medical technology and vaccines have improved in 23 years - these side effects were from the 1976 vaccine.

intarsiabox 10-28-2009 12:25 PM

IF it is preventable even one extra death is too many. I sure wouldn't want one of my daughters to die because of the swine flu and then have people say, "Oh well, she was only one of 43". Of course I'm only saying "IF" as the vaccine isn't widely proven yet but I hope it is the answer.

Ron99 10-28-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by pinhead (Post 458733)
What are the known and occuring side effects and where are you getting your information - the media?

Or second hand information from other people,

Or Youtube?

(An explanation of the woman's symptoms

My information comes from the scientist's research. This information is found in peer-reviewed scientific journals or summarized for the layman magazines such as New Scientist.

Doing research from these sources will lead you to the following facts:

This strain of flu isn't always mild

It can be fatal - particularly in young people (43 deaths of children in the US in the first 2 weeks of October)

Even if you have a mild reaction to the flu virus, you could be the cause of a serious ilness in your children, other family member, co-worker or anyone else you come in contact with

Although the virus can be breathed in as an aerosol droplet, in can survive upto 48 hours on non-porous surfaces and then transfered to your eyes, nose or mouth.

The vaccine is safe (the canadian vaccine, unlike the US is a dead virus). The misinformation about flu vaccine side effects come from the 1976 US swine flu vaccinations where out of 48 million vaccinations, roughly 500 people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome and 25 died. This rate is roughly 10 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome for every 1 million vaccinations. Surprisingly, Guillain-Barré is found at a rate of 40-70 for every 1 million non-vaccinated flu sufferers and in the general population from other sources at 10 - 20 cases for every million people. Your chances if you were vaccinated in 1976 of getting Guillain-Barré were lower than if you caught the flu and the same as getting it from other sources.

Medical technology and vaccines have improved in 23 years - these side effects were from the 1976 vaccine.

One of these advancements is the addition of adjuvants made of fish oil, water and Vitamin E which are added to improve the body's immune response.

In Canada, the vaccine is free.

So the vaccine is: safe, cheap and will protect me or my family from from a possibly fatal disease. I guess I don't have tell you I am getting the vaccine.

I can provide references so you can base your decision on verifiable facts rather than rumors and information from almost 30 years ago.

+1000. This is the best response to this thread yet. I have been trying to decide if and how to respond here. I really can't believe the level of misinformation and paranoia out there. Do people honestly believe this is some sort of government conspiracy (amongst many world governments coordinating it) or conspiracy by the vaccine companies to make money at our expense?

I think we also need to look beyond the fact that H1N1 is a serious health threat to a small subset of the population and also realize that the economic and social threats of a major flu epidemic/pandemic are potentially also very severe, especially coming as the world tries to recover from the economic meltdown.

Imagine millions of people sick and unable to work. The garbage can't be collected, mail doesn't get delivered, transit systems have difficulty running, grocery stores have difficulty receiving shipments of food etc. etc. Now imagine if recalcitrant health care workers do not get vaccinated and start becoming sick. What happens if the health care system itself is impaired during such an epidemic? Sure that's a worse case scenario but it is one that is worth considering as a very real possibility.

Personally I think it is irresponsible to not get vaccinated when we face a global pandemic. Doubly so if you are a health care or emergency service worker. Imagine if huge numbers of people were paranoid about the smallpox vaccine and didn't get their shot?

Of course this is my opinion and I suppose you are entitled to your wrong opinion :lol:

Ron99 10-28-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 458764)
Some good references made, so I will ask a couple follow up questions:

The flu can survice up to 48 hours outside the human body, but at what relative humidity? Flu season in Canada (well at least outside BC) is generally quite cold and relative humidity is low.

Hi Dave,

The conditions in Canada in the winter are actually probably more conducive to flu virus survival outside the body. The virus lasts longer at lower temperatures (and indefinitely below freezing) and lower levels of sunlight (less UV to damage it) and humidity. On a dry non-porous surface such as plastic or metal the virus may survive for several days. I believe studies have shown that on a dry piece of paper it remains viable for 15 minutes. If it is in mucous then it can survive much longer.

So even though it is relatively humid in BC during the winter it is still cold and we get little sunlight. :sad:

Myka 10-28-2009 02:57 PM

I absolutely will not have the vaccine. It hasn't been out nearly long enough for anyone to know any long-term side effects. I'm not at any greater risk than the average person, and I'm generally quite healthy so I have no worries.

Ian 10-28-2009 03:37 PM

I will certainly be getting it.
As a teacher i feal it would be negligent for me not to. yesterday mt school pased 35% of our students missing due to flu or flu like symptoms, yes we did call to confirm every one. we also have confirmed cases of H1N1 in our school.
I realise that some risk is involved in getting the shots(s) but nearly every medical procedure has some risk. The risk to myself, my family, and my students is far greater should I contract H1N1. I know I have ben exposed already and will be multiple times inthe upcoming months. How could I live with myself if I passed a bug that killed a child.
While I do feel that a media frenzy is making this seem worse than it truly is, from everything I have read this flu is a killer far beyond the normal seasonal flu's that come around yearly. it has been followed for nearly 50 years and is not new.

Ron99 10-28-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 458783)
I absolutely will not have the vaccine. It hasn't been out nearly long enough for anyone to know any long-term side effects. I'm not at any greater risk than the average person, and I'm generally quite healthy so I have no worries.

Well you see, that's the the exact misconception everybody has. There are no side effects that are any different then the seasonal flu vaccines that have been used for years. There are no unknown long term side effects. It is all media fear mongering pulling all the rare but known side effects of flu vaccines out of the closet. If you have had a flu shot before there is nothing different about this one.

Ron99 10-28-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 458783)
I absolutely will not have the vaccine. It hasn't been out nearly long enough for anyone to know any long-term side effects. I'm not at any greater risk than the average person, and I'm generally quite healthy so I have no worries.

Also, if you do catch H1N1 are you willing to completely isolate yourself so you you don't risk passing it on to somebody at greater risk of serious complications?

VFX 10-28-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ian (Post 458792)
I know I have been exposed already and will be multiple times in the upcoming months.

If you definitely know you have been exposed & have not been ill, does that mean you built up immunity & thus wont need the vaccination?

I'm not judging or suggesting, I'm just wondering.


Delphinus 10-28-2009 05:02 PM

Hesitant to weigh on this one because I don't think the debate will ever end, people will want to believe what they want to believe and that's really the end of it, isn't it ..

I don't always get my flu shot every year. Sometimes I get flu, sometimes I don't. FWIW, I got my H1N1 shot already on Monday. Had sore arms for most of yesterday, other than that I still appear to be here this morning, at least for now.

This is what I think people need to consider:
- H1N1 is different from other flu's in that otherwise healthy people are dying from it, and not just the usual high-risk groups (infants, eldery, infirm, or otherwise compromised people). Ordinary, average, HEALTHY people are dying from it. Yes, not many, but that's not the point. The point is it's targeting different people.
- If the people who have died, would not have died had they been vaccinated, then does that not favour vaccination?

Don't listen to arguments like "I work in the health care industry and I'm not getting it" (or for what it's worth, arguments like "I work in the health care industry and I am getting it"). Good for you for whatever industry you work in, but it doesn't matter as that's totally irrelevant. That's like me saying "I write software for a living and I don't have any antivirus on my PC."

Do your own research.

To me it is about prevention and risk mitigation. That's part of the problem facing the health-care crisis right there: too many people think in terms of "oh well, if it happens, we'll just deal with it" instead of focusing on prevention, in general.


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