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kwirky 09-01-2008 01:42 AM

What kind of coral makes you go ape nuts?
What kind of coral does it for you? What's in your tank that you're the most proud of, or what's something you've seen in a magazine that you really wish you desired? Do you have lots of it, or just a little?

Me it's SPS. I think it's because it's supposed to be "difficult" and it makes me excited to see SPS doing well in my tank, makes me proud. I also like to bring my face RIGHT up to the glass (like an inch away) and look over all the little polyps. I used to have an interest in macro photography and I think that you're getting 1000 corals for the price of one when getting an SPS colony :)

I think having a small 45g tank lets me get close enough to enjoy it on that level. I think if I had some big 240g plus tank it'd be a different story.

My colony I'm the most proud of is the pink pocillopora I picked up bleached from an LFS and that I've been nursing back to health slowly. It'll take more time but it'll be quite the piece when done.

CLINT 09-01-2008 03:42 AM

I LIKE IT ALL!!!!!.LOL.My favorite has and I think will always be ricordea.I have spent more time than I care to admit just staring at them but have to say I like it all.Theres just too many colorful things out there to just like 1.


lorenz0 09-01-2008 05:12 AM

Ric's are my all time favorite. after that would be either hammer or GSP

fishytime 09-01-2008 05:37 AM

Hi my name is Doug and Im a zoaholic.:drinking: I have 15 different colonies or frags so far.( and still looking for ones I dont have).

super7 09-01-2008 06:41 AM

It would have to be acro for me, exspecially tabulate acro. I only have one colony so far:lol:

slakker 09-01-2008 06:41 AM

for me, it's all about the color. Doesn't matter if it's soft, SPs or los, if it's brightly colored, it's good

Mikee 09-01-2008 07:37 AM

All sps lately.

EmilyB 09-01-2008 08:55 AM

I only really had one coral do that for me, it was a fox coral.

chevyjaxon 09-01-2008 10:13 AM

is it possible to get enough corals? the coral section of the fish store is just like a candy store so many colors and flavors you just wanna take them all home put them in your tank, and then roll around on the floor in front of your tank hoping some kinda national geographic moment is gonna happen right before your eyes:turn-l:

Lance 09-01-2008 04:17 PM

For me it's SPS. Although I love the LPS & softies too, there's nothing quite so cool as seeing new growth on a SPS frag or colony. Although my Duncan grows way faster than any other coral in the tank, noticing a new branch starting out on one of the SPS is just so much more satisfying. I don't think I have a particularly favourite SPS coral; I like them all.

whatcaneyedo 09-01-2008 05:29 PM

Although I'm really developing a taste for acropora with rich blue colors my favorites are still frog spawn and platygyra like the one in the picture below:

marie 09-01-2008 05:39 PM

This month for me its anemones and tube anemones.

My husband just brought me home an RBTA to go into my newly renovated 65g tank bringing the total up to 1 Heteractis crispa, an RBTA, a pink tube anemone and a neon green tube anemone. I guess this tank is now officially an anemone/clam tank :mrgreen:

karazy 09-01-2008 05:49 PM

anythign LPS or softies or polyps(like zoas) that are just magnificently coloured, like a very bright red zoanthus

tlo 09-01-2008 05:53 PM

I love LPS. I like the way it moves in the current and puffs itself up in the daytime. I think my duncan and my frogspawn are my favorites...but really I love it all, the favia, bubble coral, acans, caulatrea..... and on it goes on and on and on

FitoPharmer 12-10-2008 12:11 AM

nothing beats a huge colony of either frogspawn or hammer corals IMO.

Trigger Man 12-10-2008 01:02 AM

For me its color, the brighter the better. Right now I'm on a sps kick so most of my current purchases are them, but I do like how my LPS sway in the currents and I have a soft spot for zoas. Huh, guess I like it all, this is going to mean I'm gonna need to start buying more tanks.

dreef 12-10-2008 01:06 AM

I have a mix of lps,softies and sps,'s the acros that really drive me crazzzzzy :)

brizzo 12-10-2008 02:27 AM

Sunset montipora, orange with green polyps

With the rest of you on frogspawn, duncans, suncoral

Haloreef 12-10-2008 04:32 AM

For me it was anything at all to start! Now all sps all the time. I just gotta git me one of them sunset montis!
Hint hint.

Leah 12-10-2008 12:54 PM

You guys are lucky living close to stores that carry nice corals we do not have a good one around here. Ahh. But probably lucky for the fact that I'd never leave I guess J&L
will do. I am very fond of my frogspawn, bubble, sun corals, hammer, plates. And I could go on I could never pick just one. Duncans are amazing too.

Bugsy 12-12-2008 04:21 PM

Without a doubt Florida Ricordeas for me.......:mrgreen:

Love all the colors they come in.

PoonTang 12-12-2008 09:22 PM that fuzzy look.

Seamazter 12-13-2008 05:20 AM

zoa definitly

Mrfish55 12-13-2008 06:01 AM

I guess I would have to call my bubble coral my favorite as I have had it for 15 years now and it has grown from a wee tiny little fella (skeleton was about 1 1/2" and is now over 14", fully inflated spans well over 2 feet) I would love more sps but my bubble thinks otherwise, any new additions are promptly stung to death.

Lance 12-13-2008 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mrfish55 (Post 368269)
I guess I would have to call my bubble coral my favorite as I have had it for 15 years now and it has grown from a wee tiny little fella (skeleton was about 1 1/2" and is now over 14", fully inflated spans well over 2 feet) I would love more sps but my bubble thinks otherwise, any new additions are promptly stung to death.

I have seen this bubble coral and it is huge. Huge and beautiful!

karazy 12-13-2008 10:58 PM

deffinatly purple hornet zoas, which are my dream coral. (below)

and of course these. i haven't been able to identify them yet.
EDIT: I think they are aussie mad man zoas

jasond 12-14-2008 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mrfish55 (Post 368269)
I guess I would have to call my bubble coral my favorite as I have had it for 15 years now and it has grown from a wee tiny little fella (skeleton was about 1 1/2" and is now over 14", fully inflated spans well over 2 feet) I would love more sps but my bubble thinks otherwise, any new additions are promptly stung to death.

Any pics of this monster? 15 years, wow good for you, do you feed it?

Mrfish55 12-14-2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by jasond (Post 368522)
Any pics of this monster? 15 years, wow good for you, do you feed it?

I dont directly feed it but the clowns have adopted it as thier host so when I feed them they take food to it. I will see what I have for pics and post some up.

Mrfish55 12-14-2008 04:12 PM

Heres one of the more recent pics, the clowns is an adult female a little over 2" for size comparison, Pic was taken in the early morning so this is about as small as it gets, it swells to almost double this size as the day goes on.

marie 12-14-2008 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mrfish55 (Post 368580)
Heres one of the more recent pics, the clowns is an adult female a little over 2" for size comparison, Pic was taken in the early morning so this is about as small as it gets, it swells to almost double this size as the day goes on.

I do think we need a full tank shot, Mrfish :mrgreen:

Skimmerking 12-14-2008 08:41 PM

my favorite corals is a Duncan Coral. marie you should have seen Doug's bubble coral. It was massive like 2 man handle.

jasond 12-14-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 368652)
I do think we need a full tank shot, Mrfish :mrgreen:

X2! FTS please!

Mrfish55 12-14-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 368652)
I do think we need a full tank shot, Mrfish :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by jasond (Post 368661)
X2! FTS please!

Ok, started my own tank journal

landshark 12-18-2008 01:22 AM

Definately zoanthids for me. So many different species from many different areas. Drives me nuts. 20 gallon full of em'.

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