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BlueAbyss 05-08-2009 03:57 AM

RuralReef 2.1
In the end, I decided to go with the 10 gallon unlimited category.

10 Gallon AGA
2 - Aqua-Tech 20-40 HOB filters (~300 gph)
DIY 70W metal halide, 14K Ebay bulb
6" desk fan
100W API heater

Purple Firefish
Hector's Goby

Sessile Inverts:
Zoa frags (green/blue/orange, rust/blue)
Paly frag (fluorescent green)
Paly colony (pink streaked, may be zoas)
Zoa colony (mixed, with sponges and fanworms)
Mushroom Anemone (green, red)
Zoa colony (orange, not opening)
Open Brain coral (green and red)

Motile Inverts:
Emerald Crab
Blue Legged Hermit
Asterina Starfish
Micro Brittle Star

UPDATED FTS: October 22, 09...

Starting FTS for comparison: June 4, 09...

Boomboy 05-10-2009 10:22 PM

goog luck with your budget, its hard to keep it down with everything you want, and then stocking it also.

BlueAbyss 05-11-2009 08:32 PM

Since I'm starting fresh, with fresh rock and whatnot, I doubt this tank will be ready for livestock by the end of the contest.

Rbacchiega 05-11-2009 08:49 PM

there's nobody in your area that is willing to part with some already cured rock?

JDigital 05-11-2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by BlueAbyss (Post 419790)
Since I'm starting fresh, with fresh rock and whatnot, I doubt this tank will be ready for livestock by the end of the contest.

You plan to cycle 20lbs of LR for for 6 months?

BlueAbyss 05-12-2009 06:09 PM

No I plan to soft cycle 50 or so lbs of LR for a month. I guess I should put some background in here, and let people know what I plan to do... :wink:

My plans for this tank have come about from some reading about live rock and the types of organisms that seem to 'pop-up'. I love the look of mixed reef and macro tanks, so that's what I'm going for, hopefully utilizing as much of the inherent life that is alive on the rocks when they get here as is possible. I realize I'll probably only use around 15 lbs of the rock in this setup; the rock in this setup will be soft-cycled with regular, small water changes (a couple times a day... I may set up a 'constant water change' system somehow that changes out a small amount of water constantly), with regular protein skimming and lights. I've decided that the tank will be dosed with phyto, to feed filter-feeding organisms that I may want to retain :idea::idea::idea:

This tank may never actually hold any stony corals, though I do plan on adding some zoas / palys, and eventually maybe an LPS (acans and micromussas are attractive options, if I have enough light). I will be building my tanks, main display 24l x 10w x 10h (about 10.4 gallons), upper display / sump / surge tank 14l x 10w x 10h (about 6 gallons), and possibly a small protein skimmer, which I will build if I can't get a good deal on one or find a good used one. I'm debating on making the display out of acrylic, the surge tank will be built from acrylic. I will be putting T5HO over the display (3 tubes, 24 watt each for a total of 73 watts), these will be attached to a wooden frame that will attach to the stand that the upper tank will sit on... :lol: to say it doesn't quite convey what it will look like, and I'm not bothering with sketchup right now. I imagine it will look pretty ghetto, but I'll be doing my best to make it look presentable at least since it will be sitting in my living / fish room.

Now, as for the reason I say that this tank won't be ready for livestock in 6 months is, I'm not sure if I'll be ready for SPS in 6 months :mrgreen:. As far as finding good cured rock here, the thing is (as I've stated before) there isn't an LFS within 500 km of here. Let alone one that carries live rock (though Sasktoon is only 600 km away). So, I'm ordering from J & L, and the pieces that don't make it into the display will go into a 29 gallon and get soft cycled there, with only natural light. I want a Fu Manch Lionfish :wink:

EDIT: I never ended up doing this, I really wasn't patient enough.

Rbacchiega 05-12-2009 06:14 PM

I could always find a way to bring you out some LR when I'm in saskatoon June30th-July5th..... on earth would I explain bringing rock on a plane..unless I checked it...nevermind, dumb idea.

looking forward to this build!

BlueAbyss 05-12-2009 07:02 PM

Thanks for the thought, even if it wasn't clearly thought out! :mrgreen: I'd rather do it this way though, I just wish there were some place closer to get fresh live rock. The air shipping from BC is going to kill me I think, and I'm not sure how it works when we have Bearskin Airlines and Calm Air as the only carriers from here. Though Bearskin is owned by Air Canada I think, so that may make things easier? I dunno...

Rbacchiega 05-12-2009 07:09 PM

are there any places in Ontario that would ship live rock? Just thinking because it's closer province wise than BC might be easier....then again, I could be talking out my arse because I'm tying up loose ends before the impromptu flight this evening LOL

BlueAbyss 05-12-2009 08:23 PM

A planning tally for my own benefit :mrgreen: Of course, this also gives the competition a heads up... Oops :wink:

Lighting: Main display
Planned 3 x 24" T5HO. I originally wanted to go MH but they won't produce the spread I need. I've looked at DIY LEDs but they would push me over my budget. I may upgrade after the contest.


DIY Retrofit:
3 x Sun Blaze T5 Reflector 24" - 34.47
1 x Workhorse 5 T5HO Ballast - 46.99
6 x T5 Shunted Sockets - 9.96
3 x T5 Lamp Clamp - 4.47
TOTAL: 95.89
This does not include lamps.

Premade Retrofit:
3 x Sun Blaze T5 Strip Light 24" - 97.83
TOTAL: 97.83
This does not include reflectors. This does include everything else including lamps, but the lamps are 6500K (at least 2 of these would need to be replaced).

Filtration: Protein Skimmer
Not really a required part of this nano, but probably a good purchase for when I reduce the water changes ie: when the tank parameters have stabilized. Also, most protein skimmers seem to be oversized for a system under 20 gallons; I have seen a couple on american sites that would work very well, but they don't ship to Canada. So, I have a couple options here:

Option 1a: New Skimmer
All Seas Marine Mini - 169.05
TOTAL: 169.05
More than I want to spend, and rated for 75 gallons. Will need a large sump area.

Option 1b: New Skimmer
Sapphire Aquatics Skimmer - 159.95
TOTAL: 159.95
A better option for an in sump skimmer. The other new skimmer is a better deal and would make for some pretty awesome overskimming. This is actually the one I was talking about above, the nano sized one that I found on a website that doesn't ship to Canada... seems they don't need to, it's available here.

Option 1c: New Skimmer
AQUATICLIFE Internal Mini Skimmer - 59.95
Pacific Coast Nano Skimmer - 59.95
TOTAL: 59.95
Super attractive options! Both easy on the budget and no work. Though building my own may be more fun...

Option 2: Used Skimmer
Aqua C Remora -120.00
TOTAL: 120.00
Still more than I want to spend, but HOT... could hang on the upper tank.

Option 3a: DIY Beckett Skimmer
1 x Foam Nozzle - 29.98
1 x Eductor Nozzle - 29.23
1 x Pentair Aquatics Quiet One 4000 - 91.45
Acrylic - probably around 15.00
Piping - around 10.00
TOTAL: ~146.50
This option would also supply the circulation for the tank, and could also be made as a venturi type skimmer using a venturi rather than the foamer or eductor.

Option 3b: DIY Rejuvenating Venturi Skimmer
1 x RIO 800 RV - 25.32
Acrylic - 15.00
Piping - 10.00
TOTAL: ~50.32
Hmm, now here's a very attractive option! Probably lower capacity... but we're talking a 16 gallon capacity system here. I would worry about the noise a pump would make while pulling air in before the impeller...

Lots to think about :idea:

BlueAbyss 05-12-2009 08:27 PM

EDIT: I must have been :drinking: when I checked out OIs site the last time, since this time I found it much easier to navigate and found the live rock (and the protein skimmer that I had found on an american site that doesn't ship to Canada) right away. It's actually a better price than the J&L rock, so now I'm on the fence. I might take the plunge and order some of this rock (shipping from Ontario should be slightly less expensive) and then order some other rock to mix it up. Diversity is good.

Thanks for making me look again, Rbacchiega :idea::biggrin:

BlueAbyss 05-12-2009 09:38 PM

So a little more thought about my constant water change system. Fresh aerated saltwater, properly mixed with distilled water (relatively cheap since it's produced and bottled here and guaranteed to test less than 0.9 TDS... and I can have it delivered! :lol:) will drip in to the circulation pump chamber right at the pump inlet, where it will mix thoroughly with the tank water. As the water level rises in the pump chamber (and falls, since it's a surge tank), excess water will splash down into a drain chamber and run away through a hose to a disposal. The amount of water changed over time will equal the water dripped in, as long as the drain hose doesn't become plugged (and assuming 0 evaporation, or a perfect amount of makeup water added constantly).

This system isn't foolproof, I can already sense that I will have some issues with 'salinity creep', though I can't really say how bad it will be. I may be able to get away with mixing my change water with a slightly low SG (since the bucket will be sealed evaporation from this container will be negligible). I haven't decided if I'll go open top yet, since I haven't planned to have fish I just may do so.

And I have a question to post to you DIY types... how thick do I have to go if I do acrylic? I'd like to use 1/4", but don't want to brace and I worry that with the 24" span of the main panels, I may run into a problem with bulging near the middle. I'll go thicker on the long sides if I have to, I'm just not sure if I'll need to.

BlueAbyss 05-14-2009 10:46 PM

Help with acrylic, anyone? See above post also...
So, further to this acrylic thing, I use Methyl Chloride to bond it? Could I make the long panels out of glass and silicone them into the rest of the acrylic?

Ron99 05-14-2009 11:16 PM

I don't think silicone bonds well to acrylic. It's okay for baffles or overflow boxes that aren't under alot of pressure but I don't think you would want to do a mixed acrylic and glass tank.

That being said, I thought I had seen a company doing glass tanks with acrylic bottoms to facilitate drilling for drains, returns. closed loops etc. But they may be using a special silicone or adhesive to do that.

BlueAbyss 05-15-2009 02:50 AM

Hmm interesting. I don't think I'll attempt it then, I was just thinking that with glass being more scratch resistant...

Anyhow, I'm ordering my acrylic from Online Metals, the only place I've found that ships to hobbyists from an online site. I'll be ordering 1/4" acrylic... I think this will do the trick. I hope.

fdiddy 05-16-2009 10:19 PM

You could see if Colby at Bayside Corals in Saskatoon would ship you LR on the bus.

BlueAbyss 05-17-2009 04:24 AM

Hmm, I hadn't really considered that... that would actually be an excellent option, since the bus ride from S'toon is only around an 8 hour trip.

I'll look into that... thanks for the idea :biggrin:

BlueAbyss 05-20-2009 06:49 AM

So, I got my J & L order today... it came 3 days early! Thanks Canada Post! :biggrin:

I received a HUGE 100 micron filter sock (much larger than I expected it to be, I'll need to do some chopping and sewing to use this thing... good thing my mom owns a serger!), a freshwater and saltwater test kit for the basic stuff (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), a Vertex refractometer (excellent build quality intstrument, though I think it needs recalibrating... bleh), and a full sized tube of black(!) silicone.

Things look promising... I'm phoning the local glass place tommorrow. Originally I was planning acrylic, but since I can't get acrylic locally, glass it is! I'm going to build my upper sump first, to see how good I am at siliconing glass... I can run a nice bead on a tub, but this is a little different. And I've never built a tank before... Is isopropyl alcohol good enough to clean the glass before siliconing?

On a side note, I e-mailed Bayside today about salt, sand, and rock, but the inbox was full. I'll be phoning tommorrow if I can't get an e-mail through.

BlueAbyss 05-20-2009 04:16 PM

I ordered a Taam Rio 800 RVT last night, so I can begin the building of my protein skimmer. Has anyone used this modded pump before?

byee 05-21-2009 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by BlueAbyss (Post 420972)
So, further to this acrylic thing, I use Methyl Chloride to bond it? Could I make the long panels out of glass and silicone them into the rest of the acrylic?

Ron99 is correct. Silicone does not bond to acrylic. I have it in my sump and it does come apart with pressure.

BlueAbyss 05-21-2009 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by byee (Post 422576)
Ron99 is correct. Silicone does not bond to acrylic. I have it in my sump and it does come apart with pressure.

Cool, good to know. I've decided to go with all glass now, black silicone. Skimmer included :lol:

BlueAbyss 05-22-2009 08:41 AM

Quick sizing revisions *may yet change, this was just so I can figure out what I want to do and what my total volume is like*

Main Display 36 x 10 x 10 = 15.6 gallons
Secondary Display 20 x 10 x 10 = 8.7 gallons
Protein Skimmer 16 x 6 x 6 = 2.5 gallons... just realized my skimmer will have around 95x turnover :lol:
TOTAL = 26.8 gallons if filled to the brim and before sand and rock.

I'll probably be moving to the custom unlimited category, though I suspect I can do this under a budget. I'm still planning on using the same lighting and everything, I've just upsized both the display and the 'sump' to give me more total volume (I may yet expand this volume with a 3rd tank that will be strictly for breaking the bubbles from the CSD).

Anyone know where I can get 1" grey Spaflex and 1/2" grey tubing that will look good with it? Preferably accessible through the internet?

Total Cost thus far... well, I have a tube of silicone (hope it's enough... actually I'll order another tube) at around 13 bucks, and a Rio 800 RV on the way at under 30, so I'd say...


I also have had some contact with Bayside Corals in Saskatoon, Colby said he regularly ships items on the bus and it's no problem... PERFECT! He said he's had some nice live rock in lately, interesting shapes and macro / encrusting growth, and get fresh rock in! I think I've found my 'local' fish store!

Rbacchiega 05-22-2009 05:04 PM

LOL yay for not so Local LFS! Mine is in the city and on the other damn side of it. It's like a hour and 40 minute drive LOL

36x10x10= one sexy tank. Get that baby built so I can drool over it...

BlueAbyss 05-22-2009 05:24 PM

It looks sexy on paper, we'll see how good my siliconing is :lol:

Rbacchiega 05-22-2009 06:11 PM

as long as it's relatively even, (and I'm assuming it will be with you talking about running a bead on tubs etc) a nice sharp razorblade will trim off any gunky excess...

BlueAbyss 05-22-2009 06:18 PM

Well, I'll be using masking tape to make sure I have nice smooth lines anyhow, just to be sure. Would you trim after it's fully cured?

BlueAbyss 05-28-2009 09:19 AM

I'm migrating to the Custom Unlimited category...

BlueAbyss 05-29-2009 04:18 AM

Final Dimensions and Plans:

Main Display: 42l x 10w x 11d = 20 gallons.
I had planned to make the tank 10" deep, but I worry that I won't be able to get the wave action I want without overflowing a relatively full tank (I want the full 10" depth available). The extra depth is to accommodate the surge, while maintaining a full 10" depth of water between surges. The actual water volume of the display area will be 15 gallons.

I had also planned to make the tank 36" long, but now I can have a full 6" catchment chamber on the end of the tank for the circulation pump and a slow response ATO.

Secondary Display: 24 x 10 x 10 = 10.39 gallons
This tank will be fed from the catchment chamber on the main display. The overflow of this tank will serve as the media (carbon and filter floss) chamber, which will further overflow into the CSD chamber.

Bubble Breaker / Chaeto Vortex: 10 x 8 x 12 = 4.15 gallons
This tank will serve as a place for bubbles to have a chance to break (much needed IMO), while simultaneously giving the water a wide pouring sort of flow, and providing ideal conditions for Chaeto growth. The Chaeto will sit in sort of a kriesel which will roll the algae with every surge. The heater will also reside in this tank, which will overflow into the Main Display.

Recirculating Skimmer: 24 tall, 4 square = 1.66 gallons
This will technically also be a tank, so I'm including it here in my build list. This will be fed around 30 gph from the circulation pump, and will simply gravity return to the Bubble Breaker. I have a modded Rio 800 RV that will work awesome here.

TOTAL: 36.2 gallons filled to the brim, and without rock or water. I've managed to maximize my gallonage without going over the 40 gallon limit :wink:

Lighting: 4 x T5HO 24W
Workhorse 5 ballast
2 x ATI Blue+
1 x GE 6500K Daylight
1 x Something else. Maybe a Super Actinic or a Fiji Purple.

Circulation Pump: At least 500 gph @ 2 ft.
I want a really quick (1 second) surge every four seconds. The surge won't have to be large, but the pump will need to provide at least 30x turnover... probably more, like 45x turnover. I was looking at the Tunze Silence pump for 30x. I can go up to the Mag 950, but I'll have to throttle it back somewhat... I have been told I can throttle back a pump around 25% safely, so I can get down to around 750 gph and I will add a bypass for some secondary circulation within the tank. Whatever I choose, I need it to fit in a 6" (or so) space.

So that's where I stand. No changes will be made beyond this, this is the final plan... now I have to make them work together :mrgreen:

Boomboy 05-29-2009 10:12 PM

PICS!!!!! of whatever you got

BlueAbyss 05-30-2009 09:02 AM

Hmm... well, I have a Rio 800 RV...

Which I've made modifications to...

This is for my recirculating protein skimmer.

Sorry Boom, that's all I got.

So far :wink: Calling about glass on Monday, and likely ordering my lights this week. I'll be ordering my glass drill bits from mops this week for sure... I should have ordered them when I ordered this pump :lol: I should also order some carbon, any suggestions as to a brand?

Edit: Wow, I just realised that these are the first pics in this thread. Lame!

Boomboy 05-30-2009 11:31 PM

what is that in the impeller it looks like glue to me, but that cant BE!!!!

BlueAbyss 05-31-2009 12:58 AM

What I've done is taken the impeller out, flipped all of the little flaps one way (so they all point in the same direction), wrapped it about 6 times with fishing line (4 lb), and then wove a pattern around them anchored in the middle of the original wrap. Simple and reversible. No glue either, the start of each of the 2 pieces of fishing line is tied and the other end heated with a lighter and stuck to itself.

Check out the link above if you're interested in the pump. I tested it in saltwater and it works great... I actually modded it because it didn't produce very fine bubbles in fresh water :lol: I forgot that saltwater acts differently.

BlueAbyss 06-08-2009 07:08 PM

I've decided that since I have a 10 gallon set up and ready to go (with some rock in already), that tank will become my contest tank. So... should I start a new thread, or rename this one and merge the two threads (I have some discussion going on about the 10 gallon in another thread) or...

Suggestions? CHRISTY WHAT DO I DO?!? :lol:

BlueAbyss 06-09-2009 08:20 PM

I am now entering the 10 gallon unlimited category, to level the field (at least one other person is in this category). Also, because I have the tank set up already, with rock, water, and sand. And a hermit crab :lol: FTS on the first page... and I'll post it here also, for posterity (and since I haven't changed post #1 yet)...

Anyhow, a quick rundown of what will happen this month... Starting with lighting! I have three 70 watt MH ballasts coming, should be here in a couple weeks, the bulb was shipped today, all I'll need is a socket and reflector (security light) and I'm good to go. I'll be starting with only one. This should give me enough light for LPS, softies, and macros.

I should have some more rock in by the end of the month also. Well, hopefully. I'll soon enough need test kits for calcium, mag, and alk... and good supplements for these three, I'm sure. I am using Instant Ocean after all...

BlueAbyss 06-12-2009 09:02 PM

There's life in them there rocks!

I did a closer inspection today (well, closer than usual... the tank is pretty boring so far LOL), and noticed some growth... sorry the rock look dirty, I just picked up a turkey baster today :mrgreen:
Red fuzzy patches...

Green hairs growing from within the rock (better not be Bryopsis)...

And 'pods of some kind on the glass... tiny little white thing in the middle of the pic. I wouldn't have noticed them but saw that they were moving...

So things are moving along. Ammonia, still 0. Nitrate, also 0 (even with light feeding). I need my lights :lol:

BlueAbyss 06-15-2009 06:50 PM

Just going to list todays test results for my own reference...

Salinity 35 ppt
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
pH 8.3
Calcium 340 ppm
Phosphate 0 - .25 (inconclusive, below .25)
Magnesium - not measured
Total Alk - 3.5 meq
Carbonate - not measured

BlueAbyss 06-17-2009 09:13 PM

2 of the 4 metal halide ballasts came in today :biggrin: I'm heading to Can Tire this afternoon for some electrical supplies. Should have the light wired and ready to go some time tonight. I shall soon be in need of some more rock and some livestock, and a calcium supplement. Probably a mag supplement also.

BlueAbyss 06-19-2009 04:40 AM

Light is wired! Plugged in, and fired up with no questions asked... I'm now burning in the bulb (have been for about 3 hours). Fired up really purple, and faded to a nice bluish white... I think I like 14K metal halides :biggrin: I'm also monitoring tank temperature to see if I will have problems.

BlueAbyss 06-19-2009 05:25 PM

Well, in last nights burn in the tank temperature rose to around 81, from 80, over a 6 hour period. I haven't decided if I'm happy with that yet, but I'll try to get pics while the lights are on today so you can see the difference in the lighting.

BlueAbyss 06-22-2009 06:54 PM

Alright, new pics! Tank temps are okay with the light on a 10 hour photoperiod (rises 1 degree F over the 10 hours, not bad at all), so that's what I've been using. I may reduce the photoperiod (I've noticed some green algae growth), but do I ever love MH!

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