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Dash 02-08-2018 04:32 AM

Hippo tang
I know this question has been flogged a few times, but thought I'd get some thoughts on this. I like small "personality" fish, and haven't really wanted any tangs except to admire from afar. The only one I like is good ole Dory, the hippo tang. The size is somewhat daunting though. My tank isn't that big (110 gal) but it's 72" long. My next biggest fish will be the 2 puffers, which are smallish now but have the potential to reach 6" apparently. Everything else is small (9 total right now).

From what I've read, they either go from 1" to a foot in the blink of an eye, or they don't. I don't want to keep my fish happy. Should I just forget it?

Myka 02-08-2018 01:27 PM

If you want a fish with personality, don't buy a Hippo Tang. :lol: Despite what Disney portrays, Hippo Tangs hide a lot (for a tang), and they are usually quite aggressive compared to many other tangs. I have an aquarium service company, and many clients have bought Hippo Tangs - most of them get to 5-6" within 18 months, then grow slowly after that. One client has one that's only 2.5", and it's been that size since I've been cleaning the tank (3 years).

DKoKoMan 02-08-2018 03:51 PM

My hippo tang is out and about all day long until night time. If scared the Hippo will hide within the rock work. I may have lucked out as my hippo is not aggressive and has been in he tank since the beginning (around 6+ inches). The only thing is she will fly around at the top of the tank and will occasionally splash.

albert_dao 02-08-2018 05:34 PM

Same as Myka, I've had hippos go both ways, instant 6" or perma 3".

They also have zero interesting behavioral traits. They're either out eating or smooshed up into the rocks. There's little to no exploring or curiosity like you'd expect from other fish with "personality".

(Probably in the 200+ range for hippos I've been in longterm care of over the years -- Service company, pet stores, etc)

That said, they're still a stunning fish. If you want a blue fish, you'd be hard pressed to find one with more oomph than a hippo. And your tank size should be fine. Let's get real here, you're not trying to replicate the ocean. You're putting fish in a glass box. Just accept the morality of it and enjoy your fish tank (it's not like they're self aware :P)

Dash 02-08-2018 05:40 PM

Thanks guys - great info.
In this case, I’m more interested in the hippo for its looks, haha. (Although I will enjoy her meandering in circles singing “just keep swimming.”)

Looking at my tank now, I feel it would be nice to have a more showy somewhat larger fish than the current crew. It’s a peaceful tank as the puffers don’t live up to their reputation at all.

If I start with a small one, I wonder if that would shape its personality to be more passive.

I was also considering a copperband but worry about it competing with the mandarin & eating all my featherdusters.

**And Albert, my puffers take exception to your remark. They are smarter than your average bear.

albert_dao 02-09-2018 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1024108)

**And Albert, my puffers take exception to your remark. They are smarter than your average bear.

Hey! I have no digs on puffers! They definitely have personality :D

It's the hippos and their sardine-like behavior I was knocking.

Myka 02-09-2018 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 1024121)
It's the hippos and their sardine-like behavior I was knocking.


If you want a blue fish with more personality than a Hippo, get a pair of Yellowtail or Starcki Damsels. Neither are very aggressive (many similar species ARE!), and they at least are curious. Plus they'll breed in your tank and set up their own little territory. Much more entertaining than a Hippo Tang.

Dash 02-09-2018 04:08 PM

OK, so I have to decide if I want a big blue, ich-happy, albeit beautiful, sardine in my tank. Hmmm... But then again, my niece who had a flooded kitchen stemming from her neighbours fridge upstairs, wonders why I have a big glass box of water in my house.

I should do it!:bananajump:

DKoKoMan 02-10-2018 03:18 AM

DO IT! :mrgreen:

Piscez 02-11-2018 09:33 PM

I've had my hippo almost 5 years now got her when she was the size of a quarter (25cents) smallest one I'd ever seen for sale, she now approx 6" in 210 gal ( 72"x30X24) she does hide in the rocks if she sees quick movements except when feeding of course she's a pig she's not aggressive at all . To my non fish friends she is about the most popular because of the movie along with my nemo's but hey if it's your favourite by colour I'd say go for it but if you are considering any other tangs get them around the same time and get em young! Good luck and enjoy

Dash 02-11-2018 10:36 PM

You guys are enablers:wink:

It will definitely be the only tang as they’re not my favourite kind of fish. I feel equally indifferent towards wrasses, which seem to have quite a following. They have a “lean and hungry” look.

Ok, so I was at JL & they had 2 small ones. Well, they’re really cute and I think I want to take on the challenge. They let me put a hold on one as the tank has ich and they’re going to do a cupramine treatment. The thing is, the fellow said it’ll be a 4-day protocol, which seems too short. Isn’t it something like 28 days? What is your preferred method? TTM or continue with cupramine?

Myka 02-12-2018 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1024210)
They let me put a hold on one as the tank has ich and they’re going to do a cupramine treatment. The thing is, the fellow said it’ll be a 4-day protocol, which seems too short. Isn’t it something like 28 days? What is your preferred method? TTM or continue with cupramine?

4 days of Cupramine will knock the Ich off the fish and make it appear sellable. My usual QT method is 14 days of Copper Safe and 2 treatments of PraziPro. 30 days of copper is considered ideal.

kyl 02-12-2018 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1024228)
4 days of Cupramine will knock the Ich off the fish and make it appear sellable. My usual QT method is 14 days of Copper Safe and 2 treatments of PraziPro. 30 days of copper is considered ideal.

Yup, pretty much the 1-2 punch to knock out the top three problems.

The only thing I don't like about Coppersafe, or any other form of chelated copper is the API kit for reading that high range kind of sucks, and the alternatives are pretty expensive. Given the lack of ease though with obtaining medical grade Chloroquine Phosphate north of the border (or the species that don't handle it well), it's the best choice if you're going chemical treatment.

As a bonus, you'll knock out any potential marine velvet dinospores as well that TTM won't catch.

Dash 02-12-2018 10:01 PM

Thanks for the info. I’ll likely go the coppersafe route.
Wish me luck!

DKoKoMan 02-13-2018 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1024249)
Thanks for the info. I’ll likely go the coppersafe route.
Wish me luck!

Finding Dory... almost complete.

Dash 02-13-2018 06:35 AM

Haha, funny you should mention that. While I was waiting at J&L, another customer told the staff member that she wanted to buy “the Dory.” I admit I may have rolled my eyes. As a female newbie, I often feel less than secure and worry about sounding dumb. I was like, really, you asked that? Then she made it worse by not knowing what ich was. Come on, sister, don’t bring me down with you! :rolleyes: Anyway, her boyfriend said no. :lol:

DKoKoMan 02-13-2018 02:49 PM

Hahahaha :rofl: as I was reading this all I was thinking was that she was going to scoop the small hippo you had committed to. I have had it happen where I’m polite, allow someone in front of me and they buy the one thing I’m after.

joe pooh 02-15-2018 07:53 PM

i got the 1" Hypo and it got ich right away. after quarantine for a month it went in the main tank and got ich. this happened 3 times. after that, it was fine for months. it did grow quick. in the end though i lost interest. it was quickly becoming my biggest fish and i never saw it. it would hide 99% of the time and definitely if it saw me coming. i decided to give it up one day, but when i went to catch it, it was already gone! i tore the tank apart and removed all the rocks. i think it must have jumped out when nobody was home and the dogs found a tasty treat flopping around the floor.

Dash 02-15-2018 11:26 PM

My fish are the opposite. They race out as soon as they catch sight of me - I’m the food god:mrgreen: (Except tail spot blenny & mandarin, who live in their own universe). I feed them after my own dinner but they swarm around the feeding zone from 5:00ish onward.

DKoKoMan 02-16-2018 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by joe pooh (Post 1024335)
i got the 1" Hypo and it got ich right away. after quarantine for a month it went in the main tank and got ich. this happened 3 times. after that, it was fine for months. it did grow quick. in the end though i lost interest. it was quickly becoming my biggest fish and i never saw it. it would hide 99% of the time and definitely if it saw me coming. i decided to give it up one day, but when i went to catch it, it was already gone! i tore the tank apart and removed all the rocks. i think it must have jumped out when nobody was home and the dogs found a tasty treat flopping around the floor.

Interesting as my hippo is out and about all day. She will spook occasionally and hide but then return to swimming. She also likes to splash occasionally!

DKoKoMan 02-16-2018 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dash (Post 1024338)
My fish are the opposite. They race out as soon as they catch sight of me - I’m the food god:mrgreen: (Except tail spot blenny & mandarin, who live in their own universe). I feed them after my own dinner but they swarm around the feeding zone from 5:00ish onward.

This is how all my pigs of fish are. They are all non chalant, then bam they see me and immediately swarm begging for food.

Dash 02-17-2018 12:40 AM

I was supposed to pick up my hippo today, having already purchased meds & readied a QT. However the last couple of days, some doubt has been nagging me - just couldn't get past the size of this fish. I do get attached and plan with years in mind for any of the animals in my care. Finally, this morning, like the doofus I am, I did this:

It really helped put things in perspective. I decided it just didn't feel right and I should take my time to add something that would be awesome in my tank. :sad:

Myka 02-17-2018 08:39 PM

Wow, I really commend you for putting so much thought into the long-term well-being of your charges. Good job.

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