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Llorgon 03-05-2018 12:42 AM

Newbie 75 gallon
Hey everyone,

Recently got out of freshwater and trying my hand at full time reef keeping!

I started about a year ago with a 10 gallon and it has gone... Well, honestly its gone to shit. Over last summer I skipped some water changes and I got overrun with bubble algae then I got rid of the bubble algae and got red slime. I was shocked how fast it spread and I lost most tank inhabitants. I have a snail, 4 hermits and 3 corals left :(

So now that I know what not to do. I can hopefully make a whole new set of mistakes with the 75 gallon!

My plan is to have the tank as a mixed reef. And keep the 10 gallon as a quarantine/frag tank. I'm not sure what sort of fish I'm going to add. The wife says she wants clown fish. So I guess there will be at least one clown fish. So pretty open to fish ideas.

I picked up a 75 gallon setup from a member here for a great price. So I have a tank, stand, sump and return pump.

I still need

Heater - eheim Jager 200 watt

Skimmer - I'm guessing this is like freshwater filters and it's better to get a bigger skimmer than smaller.

Lights - my heart says LED, but my budget says t5

ATO - are there good and bad types of ATO pumps or will a cheap one do?

Sand - what are my options? I think I have only seen the bagged "live" sand.

Dry rock - I have some places in mind. What are some good places to get dry rock from?

Ro/di unit - parents have a extra one, just need to pick it up from their place in Kelowna.

Does anyone have recommendations on ATO units and skimmer?

I think I can get the lights last since I can start cycling without them.

I have two hydor koralia 1150gph powerheads. Will that be enough flow or will I need more?

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Llorgon 03-12-2018 10:35 PM

Picked up some lights and live rock from a fellow members last night and on Saturday I got some sand at j&l aquatics.

Going to pickup a spare ro/di unit at my grandparents house this weekend so I am on my way to getting water in the tank!

Still need to get a heater and ATO. For ATO I am thinking of going with Apex. I like that it has the 2 sensors plus a float valve and in the future I can hook up sensors and all that fun stuff.

Also started playing around with the rock scape. I think that's the hardest part so far!

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Frogger 03-12-2018 10:56 PM

That rock doesn't look live. To avoid other reefers problems you might want to bleach your rock if you haven't done so already. You learned the hard way last time. There are lots of nasties out there much worse or difficult to treat then bubble algae and red slime.

Llorgon 03-12-2018 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1025326)
That rock doesn't look live. To avoid other reefers problems you might want to bleach your rock if you haven't done so already. You learned the hard way last time. There are lots of nasties out there much worse or difficult to treat then bubble algae and red slime.

My bad! Meant to say dry rock! Got a box of dry rock he didn't use in his new tank.

Llorgon 03-13-2018 04:20 PM

Played around with more rock scapes.

I think this one is too low in the tank. I might need to pick up some more rock.

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DKoKoMan 03-13-2018 05:31 PM

IMO your aquascape is taking a minimal approach. I have a similar scape right now and it makes cleaning the sandbed easy. Keep in mind as things grow out / up it will fill out nicely. That being said you could always build a little higher if that’s what you are thinking.

Llorgon 03-13-2018 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1025348)
IMO your aquascape is taking a minimal approach. I have a similar scape right now and it makes cleaning the sandbed easy. Keep in mind as things grow out / up it will fill out nicely. That being said you could always build a little higher if that’s what you are thinking.

I wasn't going for minimalist approach it just kinda turned out that way. Actually it was the wife that was like I have an idea and rearranged all the rocks in the tank. I kinda like it, but I wonder if I should add a few pieces to make it a bit taller/more caves and such?

I checked out your tank, looks like a bit of a similar rockscape. Anything you would change about it?

DKoKoMan 03-14-2018 04:03 AM

To be honest I wouldn’t change a thing. The fish love to swim around laps in my tank so they love cutting through the center rockwork and corals. Since most my frags are small colonies everything has been rowing up/out. My problem now is to transfer my tank and make as close to the scape as I have now.

Llorgon 03-14-2018 03:51 PM

That's good to know. I think I have finally settled on a rockscape. I can always add more rock later if I need/want.

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DKoKoMan 03-15-2018 06:09 AM

Looks good! Your fish will like the swimming room. Keep your eyes open for some unique pieces to add overhangs or caves :smile:

Llorgon 03-19-2018 08:08 PM

Cleaned the back of the tank and added sand.

Still need to setup my room/di unit I got on the weekend then I can start filling the tank.

I have 2 hydor koralia 1150gph power heads will that be enough flow or will I need some bigger ones?

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DKoKoMan 03-19-2018 10:44 PM

Once you fill the tank you may want to pickup some pieces of LR to help seed your tank and speed up the cycle. The power heads and return pump will provide your total flow and it all depends on what kind of corals you will be keeping.

Llorgon 03-20-2018 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by DKoKoMan (Post 1025518)
Once you fill the tank you may want to pickup some pieces of LR to help seed your tank and speed up the cycle. The power heads and return pump will provide your total flow and it all depends on what kind of corals you will be keeping.

I am planning on cycling the tank the slow way with just some shrimp and wait a few months. Gives me time to save up for a protein skimmer!

Went to setup my RO/DI unit last night... turns out it's more complicated than I thought and I will have to make a trip to the hardware store on the weekend.

AquaAddict 03-21-2018 03:31 AM

I have a Vertex Omega 130 that is approx 4 years old. Retails for approx $330 (on sale) at J&L. I would want $150.00


Llorgon 03-22-2018 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by AquaAddict (Post 1025557)
I have a Vertex Omega 130 that is approx 4 years old. Retails for approx $330 (on sale) at J&L. I would want $150.00


Thanks for the offer. I am a bit short on cash right now, but if it's still available in a month or so I would take you up on that.

Llorgon 03-26-2018 07:57 PM

So yesterday I got the tank filled and everything running. Added my salt and now I am just waiting for it all to dissolve and for the cloudiness to go away.

In my excitement of setting everything up I may have forgot to rinse the live rock... oops! So a bit cloudier than it needed to be.

Everything seems to be running fine, no leaks and it's pretty quiet. I have been having trouble with one of my power heads running loud. I took it apart and cleaned it and it was good for a few hours, but slowly has been getting louder.

When I get home from work I will see if the tank has got up to temperature and then make sure the salinity is correct. Then I can start cycling!

Usually for cycling the tank I use fish food, but since I'm out of fish food I was thinking of trying the pure ammonia method.

Anyone tried that does it work better, worse, the same?

Llorgon 03-28-2018 08:05 PM

Got the tank filled and started cycling. Turns out I had some frozen mysis shrimp left over in the freezer so I threw some of that in the tank.

What is a normal amount of evaporation I should be seeing in the sump?

I'm adding about a cup or so of water a day to the sump. Is that normal? I have checked everywhere and I see no signs of a leak. Water level in the display tank stays the same.

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WarDog 03-28-2018 08:24 PM

Only 1 cup? You can expect up to 1 gallon evaporation per day for a 75 gal system. Give or take, results may vary, closed course, professional driver, do not attempt.

Llorgon 03-28-2018 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1025837)
Only 1 cup? You can expect up to 1 gallon evaporation per day for a 75 gal system. Give or take, results may vary, closed course, professional driver, do not attempt.

Well then I guess my evaporation is pretty good. I am nowhere near a gallon of evaporation... yet. It will probably get worse in the summer when it gets warmer.

Going to need a ATO ASAP!

Llorgon 03-29-2018 03:10 AM

Wife didn't make me go to the gym tonight, yay rest day! So I got to do some parameter testing tonight.

Prepare for day 4 boring update!

Phosphate - 0
pH - 8.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Salinity - 1.025
Temp - 81F

I think the temp was a bit on the high side so I moved the heater down to 79 to see how that goes. Also added some more of the frozen mysis shrimp. Hopefully I will see some ammonia soon.

Is there anything else I should be testing for at this point?

So far, even with the evaporation keeping salinity stable has been way easier than the 10 gallon. Definitely need a ATO though.

Anyone have any good recommendations for one?

I am thinking of going with the Neptune ATK system. I like that I can get probes in the future for leak sensors and having 2 optical sensors and the float valve seem like a good idea.

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Llorgon 04-01-2018 04:36 AM

Finally started to see a bit of ammonia today when I tested the water. So the cycle should be on its way soon... I hope.

Started working on a stocking list. Finding this to be difficult since I know very little about saltwater fish. Also trying to find a good mix of colour and not breaking the bank.

So far what I have is

Flame angel - Hopefully I can find one that doesn't eat coral
a couple clown fish - wife says this is a must, trying to talk her out of it
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Royal gramma basslet
Some sort of wrasse, haven't made up my mind of which
maybe a blenny or goby if I'm not over stocked already. I could get a shrimp to go with the goby.

DKoKoMan 04-01-2018 11:36 AM

Clownfish are awesome! Get yourself an anemone and a mated pair. This makes for nice movement and entertainment in the tank.

duncangweller 04-01-2018 04:05 PM

I always wanted clowns in my 75 gallon too and I had some for a couple of years and then they got really territorial once they started breeding.

They would attack every time I stuck my hand in the tank. You wouldn't think a little fish could do much damage but the little things drew blood a couple of times and used to make me jump and fling water everywhere when they caught me off guard. I got rid of them and wouldn't put any back in my tank again.

Just my musings on the subject

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Llorgon 04-01-2018 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 1025919)
I always wanted clowns in my 75 gallon too and I had some for a couple of years and then they got really territorial once they started breeding.

They would attack every time I stuck my hand in the tank. You wouldn't think a little fish could do much damage but the little things drew blood a couple of times and used to make me jump and fling water everywhere when they caught me off guard. I got rid of them and wouldn't put any back in my tank again.

Just my musings on the subject

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I have heard this quite a bit. Clowns are entertaining, but can be really territorial and aggressive. Which is why I am hesitant to add them. I don't really want them tanking over the entire one side of the tank or something like that.

DKoKoMan 04-02-2018 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 1025919)
I always wanted clowns in my 75 gallon too and I had some for a couple of years and then they got really territorial once they started breeding.

They would attack every time I stuck my hand in the tank. You wouldn't think a little fish could do much damage but the little things drew blood a couple of times and used to make me jump and fling water everywhere when they caught me off guard. I got rid of them and wouldn't put any back in my tank again.

Just my musings on the subject

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Crazy! My clowns are be complete opposite. They will eat out of my hand and constantly lay eggs. If you put a new coral near their nem they will attack it for a bit then grow bored.

Llorgon 04-02-2018 11:05 PM

Sounds like they can be hit and miss. I talked to the wife and she won't budge on the clowns. So they are staying. So right now my stock list will be

Flame angel
Clown fish x2
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Royal gramma basslet
Melanurus wrasse

Can I fit anything else in there? I think some sort of bottom dwelling fish would be good. Goby of some sort maybe?

Then I would have the general cleaning crew with a couple of shrimp.

I am finding getting a stocking list for this tank to be way more challenging than freshwater. Seems like all reef fish you can only have one per tank.

Frogger 04-03-2018 03:44 AM

Your melanarus wrasse and your shrimp might not be the best of friends. I only added a melanarus to help battle the monti nudibranch because I am getting tired of pulling the little white ungrateful Ba***** out of my tank.

Llorgon 04-03-2018 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Frogger (Post 1025957)
Your melanarus wrasse and your shrimp might not be the best of friends. I only added a melanarus to help battle the monti nudibranch because I am getting tired of pulling the little white ungrateful Ba***** out of my tank.

Ok that is good to know. Is that true for all types of wrasses or just melanarus?

chizerbunoi 04-03-2018 04:15 PM

Get the clownfish and let her pick them out and name them. It will keep her happy and excited about your hobby. If she is happy, she will support your future upgrade when her clowns need a bigger home. :twised:

Llorgon 04-03-2018 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by chizerbunoi (Post 1025967)
Get the clownfish and let her pick them out and name them. It will keep her happy and excited about your hobby. If she is happy, she will support your future upgrade when her clowns need a bigger home. :twised:

HA! That's a good idea. I will probably do that. She's actually pretty good. As long as it "looks pretty" and we can still pay the mortgage and buy food, I can do what I want for the most part. She has her expensive hobby and I have mine.

dino 04-03-2018 07:47 PM

I would never get a clown again. one time it actually went into my net and I contemplated getting rid of it. I kept it though because it was my first fish

Llorgon 04-04-2018 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by dino (Post 1025982)
I would never get a clown again. one time it actually went into my net and I contemplated getting rid of it. I kept it though because it was my first fish

Sounds like clown fish are kind of hit and miss. What did the clown do?

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Llorgon 04-05-2018 08:50 PM

Did some more water tests last night.

Phosphate - 0
pH - 8.0
Ammonia - 0.50ppm
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Salinity - 1.025
Temp - 79F

Up to losing about 6 cups of water a day. Hoping to see some nitrates soon.

I have 2 remaining corals in my 10 gallon. Kenya tree and GSP. What is the best dip to use for killing any nuisance algae for when I can finally transfer them to the new tank?

I tried a hydrogen peroxide dip with some other corals that were being overtaken by the red cyno in the 10 gallon and it just killed them...

Llorgon 04-15-2018 02:44 AM

Bit of a update.

Seeing some nitrate in the tank still no nitrite and I still have some ammonia so coming along slowly.

Bought a atk auto top off system today. So now I won't have to top off the sump every night. What do people use for reservoirs?

I have a big water cooler jug that would fit in the stand, but there wouldn't be room for the electronics.

Might have to make a little electronics cabinet to go beside the tank...

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Llorgon 04-22-2018 02:45 AM

Tested the water again today. Cycle is well on it's way. Have started to see some nitrates.

Phos - 0
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 5.0
Nitrate 5.0-10

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DKoKoMan 04-22-2018 04:56 AM

Sweet! Almost at the home stretch now.

Llorgon 04-22-2018 05:34 AM

So I setup the atk auto top off system. Plugged it in, blue light came on, filled a bit, pump turned off seemed to be all good. Few mins later alarm went off. I unplugged and plugged it back in after checking connections, nothing looked out of place. Few minutes later alarm again!

It seems to go off every 10 mins, single beep.

From the atk website I can see what should trigger the alarm.

1. Your ATK has run for more than 5 minutes.  This will be true anytime power is applied to the FMM and there are less than 5 fills completed by your ATK.  In this condition the FMM will alarm a single long beep.

- it has done less than 5 fills, alarm is a single reoccurring beep. Not a long beep

2. If your ATK has had an opportunity to activate the IQ Fill safety feature.  IQ-Fill will become active after the FMM has learned your aquariums normal filling behavior.  This takes 5 fill-ups before becoming true.  In this condition the FMM will alarm a single long beep.

- again not the same beep, hasn't done 5 fills.

3. Your top level sensor has been covered for more than 10 minutes.  Your top level sensor will turn off your PMUP immediately, but will not create an alarm condition until it has been covered for more than 10 minutes.  In this condition the FMM will alarm with two beeps.

- time is about right. Alarm goes off every 10 mins, but it's only one beep.

4. Your optional sensor plugged into input #4 is no longer under water.  This could be an additional low level optical sensor in your ATK reservoir or in your sump.  In this condition the FMM will alarm with four beeps.

- I have nothing plugged into input #4.

5.Your optional sensor plugged into input #3 is under water or wet.  This could be a leak detection probe or an additional high level optical sensor placed in your sump.  In this condition the FMM will alarm with three beeps.

- I have nothing plugged into #3.

I attached images of my setup. Maybe someone can see what's wrong.

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DKoKoMan 04-22-2018 05:52 AM

I bought this for my new tank. Install the antisiphon piece that came with the Neptune ATK. Since the module is in the water at all times it will slowly siphon raising your water level over top top sensor (10 mins) and the alarm is triggered.

Llorgon 04-22-2018 05:56 AM

I have the siphon break installed. It's above the water level in the reservoir.

I have my water level marked in the sump and it hasn't moved at all. Well, not since I turned it on the first time, it filled a bit, then stopped. Other than that it was plugged in for 30 mins and no change to the water level. But the alarm was still going off every 10 mins.

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DKoKoMan 04-22-2018 06:07 AM

It’s a PItA ... I think I have mine dialed in and out of no where I will hear the darn beeping. Too early to tell but I think since I installed the siphon break it may be good. I’m running it out of a 5g pail as I’m waiting for my ATO container. I’m scared to adjust or touch this thing.

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