Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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titus 10-08-2002 03:51 AM

Bugs report

Since the server migration and board software changes, there have been quite a few bugs coming up. All users and messages have been transferred succesfully over though. So no worries on that one I guess.

A few things we found are:
1) removal of Avatars
Please re-set them in your profile
2) incorrect time
Fxed but there's still half an hour of time difference due to server's setting
3) change of displayed names
The new board doesn't allow seaparate login and handle and I've changed a few names already. If you want to have yours change to the way it was on the old UBB board, send me an e-mail.
4) incorrect URL with bad handshakes when changing password
An incorrect server port was set but it's fixed now. At least I guess so.
5) chat doesn't work properly
Will look into that.

If there are additional troubles or problems, please post them here. I promise I'll try to fix the problems as soon as I can. As of right now, I've been up a few nights to work on this board and another new board during off peak hours, missing meals, and not revising on my thesis (yes my supervisor finally sent me his comments and looks like I'll be defending this November, well... that is if I revise the thing), so I'd like to take some a few days off to concentrate on the other stuff. As far as I know, there are no users unable to register, post, or reply. But if there are any problems impeding anyone from carrying out normal forum activities, please e-mail me and I'll fix it asap.


EmilyB 10-08-2002 05:22 AM


5) chat doesn't work properly
Will look into that.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

titus 10-10-2002 12:51 PM




AJ_77 12-28-2002 06:01 PM

Login window is halfway down the page (need to scroll to get to it). Anyone else have this problem??


AJ_77 01-02-2003 09:35 PM

Only me then???


BC_Grl 04-15-2003 08:58 PM

No, I have that problem too. Just didn't think to mention it- except to curse when have to scroll down to sign in :confused:

christyf5 04-15-2003 09:08 PM

We all have that problem. Thats why we created #canreef on Xnet.


BC_Grl 04-15-2003 09:29 PM

sorry I misread it.
You even have to scroll down to log-in for PMs etc. I wasn't thinking of chat room log-in, but other log-in pages. Blonde moment.

Delphinus 04-15-2003 09:29 PM

What's your screen resolution or how big do you have your window?

I never log out so I never had this problem. However I just tried logging out and back in, and I noticed that the login screen is at the bottom of my browser window. But I didn't have to scroll down. Maybe that's because I'm viewing at 1280x1024? I don't know.

Anyways, food for thought. Maybe we need to try logging at at lower resolutions to notice this. What's a common frame buffer footprint these days?

AJ_77 04-15-2003 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus
What's a common frame buffer footprint these days?


Should I know what a "frame buffer footprint" is?? You programmers... Typical screen resolution these days is 1024 by 768, though, if that's close to an answer.

Delphinus 04-15-2003 11:14 PM

Um, yeah, what you said. Whatever you call it. Sheesh, you web designers trying to act all not geeky and stuff, making fun of my programmer words. My feelings are hurt now!!!

Anyways, I just resized my screen to 1024x768 (Ohmigawd look at the size of them pixels AAAIIYYYEEE!!! :eek: ). The login screen was at the bottom of my window, but I still did not need to scroll down (although any further down and I would have ... the "Login" button was partially below the bottom edge of my browser). But my browser window was nearly the entire size of my whole screen (it was not maximized, but it may as well have been).

Anyways, Titus, if you're out there .... there you have it... it seems the login screen are still too low for some people. Is there any way to move the login fields up higher on the login screen?

StirCrazy 04-16-2003 01:26 AM

if possable it should be set at a % of the hight not a fixed pixel count.. this way it will resize acordingly to any screen resolution.


titus 07-27-2003 03:30 PM


There's also a link on the sidebar just above the Moderators' links for logging in and out.


StirCrazy 07-27-2003 04:41 PM

I think he ment the window that you type in Titus, when some one runs a resolution of say 800x600 then you can see the chat part of the window but you can not talk because they typing box is off the screen.


Gujustud 05-03-2005 02:30 AM

General Error

Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 550 5.7.1 ... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []


Line : 164
File : smtp.php

titus 05-03-2005 10:24 AM


Issue fixed.


nickb 05-09-2005 12:27 AM

Deafult fonts on new home page
The default fonts are much smaller on the new page. The fonts for the 'recent posts' colum look to be about 5 point. The menu chooses on the left side are also much smaller. It might be my browser but other sites show good font sizes. Just FYI.

titus 05-09-2005 01:19 AM


I have adjusted it to a fixed font size (previously not) to the same size as the left side bar in the forums. This is because the fonts didn't have a uniform size if the browser's font size is set to anything but normal. I think this is the common font size used on most search engines too.


nickb 05-09-2005 01:39 AM

The thread titles in the 'last 10 posts' list is a much smaller font than shown on the left side menu (at least on the home page). The left side menu font gets smaller when you move to the BB or this posting page. They are much smaller fonts than on other web pages I use, almost to the extent of being unreadable on my browser (either IE or Firefox). BTW, my font selection in the browser is set as 'medium'.

Willow 05-09-2005 01:47 AM

looks completely readable to me and im here everyday looking at this site.

nickb 05-09-2005 01:51 AM

Anyway I can take a 'snapshot' of my web page to send to you to show what the font size is?

muck 05-09-2005 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by nickb
Anyway I can take a 'snapshot' of my web page to send to you to show what the font size is?

CTRL + ALT + PRTSCN. Then paste into Word or any image program.

nickb 05-09-2005 02:27 AM

It's not a great image but this should show the font sizes I'm talking about. BTW, this is my first picture posting so, if I got it wrong, please let me know:

titus 05-09-2005 02:54 AM




nickb 05-09-2005 11:34 AM

I know I'm being picky, but something in between the current font and the previous font would be better (if feasible), especially if others were having no trouble with the smaller font.

titus 05-09-2005 01:32 PM


There is nothing in between, I only increased the font by 1px.


nickb 05-09-2005 08:49 PM

That 1px change made a huge difference in displayed font size (see this screen image:

Could it be the font itself? Perhaps it is one which doesn't 'scale' well.

If there isn't anything else, I would vote to return to thbe previous size rather than this one.

titus 05-10-2005 02:23 AM


Are you turned off because of the extended length taken up by the Last 10 Posts? I thought the new size on the left side bar is much easier to read.


medic_eva 05-10-2005 05:54 AM

Don't know if it's just cuz i have a mac, but when i press the box to stay logged in, and i come back later, it makes me log in everytime. So the stay logged in isn't working for me. [/i]

EmilyB 05-10-2005 06:40 AM

oh, a mac......


scotchy 12-11-2005 04:50 AM

How do I add an avatar? The edit avatar screen does not allow for a custom avatar. I can't find anything else that relates to avatars in my user cp. What am I not seeing here? Thanks.


christyf5 12-11-2005 07:05 AM

When you click on your user CP to the left sidebar has a "edit avatar" option. You should be able to link to a url or upload your own avatar. I just checked your profile and you do have a photo in there of a squirrel I think?? I don't know why it isn't appearing.

scotchy 12-11-2005 07:30 AM

In the edit avatar option it does not give me the option to link to an avatar the only option I have is "do not use an avatar". I can not de-select (is that a word?) it. I put the gopher in the profile pic using the edit profile picture option as I thought that would be the same thing as an avatar, but it was not. I must still be missing something somewhere else. Thanks.


StirCrazy 12-11-2005 04:03 PM

there is no banner at the top of the page when I am typing this just the red X showing the pic isn't working


christyf5 12-11-2005 04:30 PM

Scott, send me the link to your avatar and I'll see what I can do. I don't know why it isn't showing up as it shows in your profile. :confused: Weird.

scotchy 12-11-2005 10:25 PM

Hi Christy. I tried to pm you but your inbox is full. I beleive the adress for the avatar is
Hope this helps.


christyf5 12-12-2005 02:48 AM

Should be fixed now

scotchy 12-12-2005 03:15 AM

Sweet. Christy you rock. Thanks a million.:)


mr_alberta 12-16-2005 02:46 PM

I can't search with the word "tank" in the query. All I get is an error 500, internal error. Anyone else having this problem?

Murminator 12-16-2005 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by mr_alberta
I can't search with the word "tank" in the query. All I get is an error 500, internal error. Anyone else having this problem?

I tried it for ya Harv.... didn't work for me either

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