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Millepora_Maniac 12-20-2011 06:23 PM

Algae control in small system
Hello everyone, i thought i would ask around to see what the best approach for algae control is in my frag tank.

It is a thirty gallon tall tank, (18"x18"x24")
With such a small footprint i am reluctant to put tangs etc into the tank, there just isn't much room in there.

I have a couple of snails in there, but they aren't doing the greatest job. Any suggestions?


jostafew 12-20-2011 06:34 PM

I'm considering the same thing for my upcoming nano build (approx. 10gal DT). May still be too big for me, but in your case what about a Lawmower Blenny? Will still require some supplemental feeding but it's supposed to be an effective algae destroyer and doesn't need much swimming room.

MarkoD 12-20-2011 06:41 PM

Turbo snails will decimate all algae.

Just get 20-30 and you'll have no problems at all

tang daddy 12-20-2011 07:38 PM

Running a phosban reactor with rowaphos or Gfo will help greatly aswell.

Millepora_Maniac 12-22-2011 06:45 PM

HI guys thanks for the replies,

I was considering the lawnmower blenny, but at the same time, they are known to perch on corals, and i wouldn't want that on some fresh frags.

I do have some turbo snails in there but they don't seem to be touching the longer algae strands. Maybe i should try removing the algae again, and seeing if the snails can keep up, maybe add a few more. Turbo's are just so clumsy and run right over my frags sometimes, once again this can dislodge coral frags and cause the frags to lean against each other, something i really don't want if i can avoid it.

My tank is growing fast and has awesome colour, so i am hesitant to change anything filtration wise at the moment, so i won't be adding another reactor to my system. I am running pellets and zeo already, and phosphates and nitrates are negligable (0ppm not readable on my elos tesk kit).

I was hoping someone had some kind of new invert or fish that could live alone in there and take care of all of it.

This egg grate stuff is annoying, it seems to grow algae like crazy.

Reefer Rob 12-22-2011 07:04 PM

A Tuxedo Urchin or Abalone. Two of my favorite algae eaters.

reefwars 12-22-2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 663056)
Turbo snails will decimate all algae.

Just get 20-30 and you'll have no problems at all

30 turbo snails in a 33g imo is a whole new list of problems....algae is nutrient control and tang daddy said run a reactor for rowaphos or gfo and keep up on water changes and run a fugeor hob fuge for nitrate export.

reefwars 12-22-2011 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Millepora_Maniac (Post 663630)
HI guys thanks for the replies,

I was considering the lawnmower blenny, but at the same time, they are known to perch on corals, and i wouldn't want that on some fresh frags.

I do have some turbo snails in there but they don't seem to be touching the longer algae strands. Maybe i should try removing the algae again, and seeing if the snails can keep up, maybe add a few more. Turbo's are just so clumsy and run right over my frags sometimes, once again this can dislodge coral frags and cause the frags to lean against each other, something i really don't want if i can avoid it.

My tank is growing fast and has awesome colour, so i am hesitant to change anything filtration wise at the moment, so i won't be adding another reactor to my system. I am running pellets and zeo already, and phosphates and nitrates are negligable (0ppm not readable on my elos tesk kit).

I was hoping someone had some kind of new invert or fish that could live alone in there and take care of all of it.

This egg grate stuff is annoying, it seems to grow algae like crazy.

best algae eater out there for long hair algae is a sea hare...hands down a eating machine but will starve once it finishes its job they do not take to nori(mine didnt anyways) and they will eat the super long stuff once food hets scarce.drip acclimate though as they are temp and salinity sensative.

ScubaSteve 12-22-2011 08:10 PM

+1 on the seahare.

PS. Dude, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's it been?

reefwars 12-22-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 663651)
+1 on the seahare.

PS. Dude, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's it been?

me??? hehehe:):)

ScubaSteve 12-22-2011 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 663655)
me??? hehehe:):)

You? Nah, we know all about you and can't get ya to shut up :razz:

Just kidding Denny, we love you.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-22-2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 663657)
Just kidding Denny, we love you.

Get a motel room guys:razz::wink::lol:

I think 30 snails in a small tank is also way overkill. In fact, I find most "clean-up crew" packages to be way more than necessary and most of the snails and hermits will die off over time.

As has been mentioned already, tackling the source of the algae (nutrient control) is better and adding something to eat the available algae will be a good two-way approach. Just don't overdo it on the algae eaters.


fishytime 12-23-2011 12:00 AM

Is the frag tank plumbed into a bigger tank?..... if so, its kinda a tough thing.....Im having this same battle with mt tanks.....large tank with tangs and angels has no algae.....smaller tank that is plumbed in with no tangs or angels has tonnes of algae.....I know what my issue is tho.....nutrients!!!..... the big tank is overstocked and has plenty of nutrients that feeds the algae in the small tank.....Ive tried a massive clean up crew, seashares and urchins.....didnt work for me.......if the tank is on its own then a good skimmer, reactors and a low biolaod should do the trick....

Money pit 12-23-2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 663714)
.....smaller tank that is plumbed in with no tangs or angels has tonnes of algae.....

I think those are called refugiums :lol:

fishytime 12-23-2011 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Money pit (Post 663722)
I think those are called refugiums :lol:

I know!......I took a page from Skabooya's tank journal thread title and started callin it my "macro algae display":mrgreen:

Strickland_673 12-23-2011 02:30 AM

Google "DIY Aquaclear fuge" I had a GHA problem in my 25g, made one of these put some cheatoin there with a grow light over it. worked like a charm, absolutely zero GHA left!!!!

ReefOcean 12-23-2011 09:15 PM

I don't understand why you would have an algae problem in a frag tank. Is it a closed system? Are there fish? Do you still use RODI water?

EDIT: BTW, any mille frags for sale? :) :) :)

Edmonton newbie 12-24-2011 04:42 AM

i set up a turf scrubber on my 50 gal a couple of weeks ago works great. my algea is way down, water is super clear. i even took my skimmer offline and have not seen my corals looking so good. you might want to look into trying something like that

Millepora_Maniac 01-05-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 663651)
+1 on the seahare.

PS. Dude, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's it been?

Hey Steve, Been really busy (Skyrim and work. LOL)

i've been moving and setting back up in my new place, everything is really good, fast growth and great colour.

for the algae, I'm thinking sea hare too, i've just had poor success with them, somtimes they just seem to live for a week and then die.

Millepora_Maniac 01-05-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by ReefOcean (Post 663963)
I don't understand why you would have an algae problem in a frag tank. Is it a closed system? Are there fish? Do you still use RODI water?

EDIT: BTW, any mille frags for sale? :) :) :)

Yes, i have mille frags for sale like ususal, blue ones pink ones, green and blue ones. PM if you need one or all. :wink:

It's funny you mention the RO because i recently had my RO Booster pump explode on me. Since then the algae has gotten out of control, I'm thinking that maybe without that extremem pressure going through my RO unit that the filters aren't working properly. I have a new one now so we'll see what happens, maybe a fresh set of filters include DI resin would help out too.

this baffles me sometimes though, you can't read it on a test kit, you can't see it in your display, my refugium is hardly growing my macro algae, runnning Zeo, and pellets, i do massive regular water changes (big blue drums) yet the algae in my frag tank continues to grow.

I'll post back on the success or failure of the new booster pump with filters. i've been ruinning my RO at about 25 PSI since the pump blew. this new one should boost it to 80 or more, maybe that'll make all the difference.

Canuckgod420 01-08-2012 05:07 PM

Saw the system yesterday....looking freaking good!
Seems as though the few snails you have in there are doing a fine job buddy....give them time, they will get it done.

sunoka 01-08-2012 06:20 PM

+2 on the seahare.Quickest way to control the agee


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 663651)
+1 on the seahare.

PS. Dude, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's it been?

marie 01-08-2012 06:21 PM

Abalone are by far my favourite algae eaters.....they do get big but they are not as clumsy as turbos and very rarely knock frags over

Reefie 01-08-2012 08:13 PM

+3 on the Seahare! They are one of the most GENTLE creatures I have seen. It will knock over frags/corals that aren't affixed well, but on the ones that are, it will gently mow all the GHA right down to the rock. I've got 2 Tuxedo's that don't do as well as a job as the Seahare does!


Originally Posted by sunoka (Post 668909)
+2 on the seahare.Quickest way to control the agee

ashr 01-08-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 663073)
Running a phosban reactor with rowaphos or Gfo will help greatly aswell.

Id go with this idea.. and some turbo snails!

tang daddy 01-08-2012 10:24 PM

I suggested an algae scrubber to another member on here that had problems and it has worked very well for him, I am thinking of DIY ing one from a plastic waste bucket with a t off the return pump as I have enough room behind my tank....but first I want to see what Gfo can do as I bought a cheap reactor to try it out. I only have small tufts of hair algae in my display and my sump/refuge hardly grows any....

Millepora_Maniac 01-12-2012 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 668910)
Abalone are by far my favourite algae eaters.....they do get big but they are not as clumsy as turbos and very rarely knock frags over

I love them too, they are really expensive though (for a snail). I will get another one of those next time i am at J&L if they have any. I had two before but they died during my move.

Millepora_Maniac 01-12-2012 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Canuckgod420 (Post 668883)
Saw the system yesterday....looking freaking good!
Seems as though the few snails you have in there are doing a fine job buddy....give them time, they will get it done.

Thanks buddy, i appreciate the encouragement. The snails are working i guess, but i still have algae. After so many years, i'm just sick of seeing it. LOL

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