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rayjay 04-22-2010 01:48 PM

Welcome to the new seahorse forum
Welcome, all you seahorse keepers, AND, all you "WISH YOU WERE" seahorse keepers.
This is the new forum to talk about your seahorse keeping problems and successes.
I know there are a lot of you out there, judging by the posts I've been seeing.
Now, we can keep our posts together for an easier source of information and enjoyment.

BlueWorldAquatic 04-22-2010 05:15 PM

Good to see a forum dedicated to "Seahorses Only"

Ken - BWA

Seamazter 04-22-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by blueworldaquatic (Post 512637)
good to see a forum dedicated to "seahorses only"

ken - bwa


SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-22-2010 06:22 PM

Nice. Looking forward to seeing this subforum grow.

One comment I should feel I should make for wannabe pony-leepers:

Even if you get captive raised ponies, they are still time/labour intensive pets since in the wild, they feed constantly and getting a squirt of food once a day is not really sufficient. This feeding requirement makes seahorses difficult when you want to travel or go on vacation. You'll have to arrange for someone to feed frequently (whereas most other fish can get away with one feeding/day or even miss a day or two without trouble).

Just a thought when considering keeping seahorses.

Anthony (aka SeaHorse_Fanatic)

rayjay 04-22-2010 06:36 PM

I have found that for vacation periods of a week or two, once a day feeding on weekdays, and twice a day feeding on weekends works just fine.
For a day away, my seahorses have no problems not being fed for that day, as long as it doesn't happen more than once a week. I don't push that to a weekend or long weekend.
When I'm here, I feed three times a day.
I have a fish sitter that I have trained very well so that I can go away and feel comfortable leaving them.
It took some time for the training, and, I write everything to know and do, out on paper, in large bold letters, for every tank, just to refresh his memory if need be.

zenafish 04-22-2010 06:57 PM


to start...Ray, let's post and pin that article of yours! It's a wonderful read.

rayjay 04-22-2010 07:22 PM

Well Zena, there are two problems.
I don't know how to make a sticky, and, my article needs to be rewritten by someone not lacking my non-literary skills to make it more cohesive.
It would be beneficial though to have a few stickies to aid new keepers in the first points of knowledge they need to start formulating their plans.
Something like what is on my page would be one, but there should be others like links to the org tankmates and to the org's list of meds to have on hand.
Probably more I'm not thinking of just now when I have a leaking tank. (cracked corner glass)

Triggz 04-27-2010 01:03 AM

WOW where have I been the last few days! Really glad to see a Seahorse specific sub-forum. Unfortunately I lost my male Reidi a little over a week ago and currently dont have any other seahorses :cry:

Plan on getting a few more pairs in the near future. May even try some dwarfs this time around.


rayjay 04-27-2010 03:01 AM

Blast it all anyway.
The kids didn't like it when I told them their mom had passed on, and now I have to tell them daddy has gone to be with mom as well.
There will be no living around that tank for a while.
Sorry to hear the news Ryan.
I've still saved a pair of the kids for you if you see fit.

Triggz 04-27-2010 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by rayjay (Post 513996)
Blast it all anyway.
The kids didn't like it when I told them their mom had passed on, and now I have to tell them daddy has gone to be with mom as well.
There will be no living around that tank for a while.
Sorry to hear the news Ryan.
I've still saved a pair of the kids for you if you see fit.

Thanks Ray I appreciate it. He wasn't the same after the female passed away. He would barely come out from the back of the tank to eat. Then one day after work I went to check on him and that same stupid crab had him by the tail but he was still alive! After freeing him it was clear he was in pretty rough shape :cry:/ I think he passed away the same night...

Times have been a little tough the last few months but when I get going again I may take you up on the "kids" offer if you still have them. I have a bunch of empty tanks I have acquired since moving here.

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