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The Grizz 12-18-2011 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 662397)
Christmas came early! :mrgreen:

Yep it did, this will be Roxie's last litter as she will be 4 yrs old in the spring.


Originally Posted by Seamazter (Post 662422)
More then i thought you would have.
What breed are those?

Roxie (mom) is a Husky / Malamute, Zues (dad) is a Siberian Husky.


Originally Posted by ALang (Post 662425)
Thanks for those pictures. I'll share them with my boys...
So tiny. So many from such a small (comparatively) belly.
They are wonderful. Thank you so much for taking the time to share.
Merry Christmas!

You asked and shall receive Lenny, Merry Christmas to you as well.

Leah 12-18-2011 03:52 PM

Hey Grizz,

How many litter has she had now?

The Grizz 12-18-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 662455)
Hey Grizz,

How many litter has she had now?

This is her 3rd litter and it all depends on what the vet says if he has one more but after the age of 4 it is best not to breed her again

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Myka 12-18-2011 07:52 PM

Back off Christmas!! I not ready for you yet!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Love the pup pics Greg! Did she end with 8?

The Grizz 12-18-2011 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 662518)
Back off Christmas!! I not ready for you yet!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Love the pup pics Greg! Did she end with 8?

Damn I know what you mean there Mindy, it's coming WAY to fast & I haven't been able to get my darling wife anything yet because customers don't like to pay fast at this time of the yr. & she really does deserve something special for putting up with me & all my fish crap around the house. :lol:

We did a head count LATE last night and counted 8 but then this morning we got up after only a few hrs of shut eye & counted 9 ......THEN I went up an hr ago to check on her, bring some fresh water & clean blankets did another tail count & had 10. She must have had a couple hiding under her when we did the last count.

If you wondering why I keep saying upstairs it because she likes to have her pups in our walk-in closet in the bedroom. It's where she feels safe & secure & knows we are near by. The pups will get moved out to there HUGE heated house after Xmas when there eyes are open & can move around well enough on there own, until then they get to stay in the house.

fishoholic 12-18-2011 08:54 PM

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :bad-word::bad-word::frusty::frusty::mad2::mad2::mad2: I'm so mad right now!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!! My pencil wrasse was hiding for the past 3 days and I finally just saw him. Then I saw my rainbow wrasse take a run at him so I figure I'd try to catch him and move him to my 80g and I came very close to catching him a few times but now he's hiding again and who knows when he'll come out again!

The Grizz 12-18-2011 09:50 PM

If only fish could be trained to come, sit & stay :lol: sure would make it easier.

Nano 12-18-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 662550)
If only fish could be trained to come, sit & stay :lol: sure would make it easier.

My cichlidsl let me pet them and my clowns swim around in my fingers lol. But i think they're just brainless and confused :lol:

evaneatspie555 12-19-2011 03:01 AM

I used to have 2 oscars that I trained to jump out of the water for food when I tapped on the glass and I could pet them

reefwars 12-20-2011 03:26 PM

(best viewed not by the kiddies or the sensative to da ears) something to make ya laugh in the morning:)

Delphinus 12-20-2011 03:32 PM

:lol: Jeeepers bye.

Might wanna mention langerage not quite safe far de wark bye. (NSFW, noticed the occasional colourful metaphor in there). :lol:

reefwars 12-20-2011 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 663023)
:lol: Jeeepers bye.

Might wanna mention langerage not quite safe far de wark bye. (NSFW, noticed the occasional colourful metaphor in there). :lol:

done and done lol check out "newfoundlanders vs christmas" lol

lockrookie 12-20-2011 04:03 PM

sooooooooo... it looks like i just bought a 180g tank with a crack in front pane for 150$....time to start planning my tank rebuild for my 90g.

lockrookie 12-20-2011 09:20 PM

my wife just shocked the living skimmer gunk out of me. i wanted to slice up the 180 to build a 120 to fit existing stand... my wife just suggests if our main floor can handle the 180 as is she would like me to build the 180. so now... my mind is going and i have to see if the beam is under the tank area. i have a suspition that the beam that runs the length of the house is a steal beam if it is..... darn you finished basements...

to be continued....

Seamazter 12-20-2011 09:36 PM

On on the search page.
let it snow
It then snows and lets you write on the foggy screen.
And if you search for
You get a xmas lightset in your browser.
Doesn't work with internet explorer.

lockrookie 12-21-2011 01:37 AM

i so badly want to do the 180 now but.. now im nervous about wieght i may have to get someone to inspect my flooring and support...bugger

The Grizz 12-21-2011 03:06 AM

Jeff, if you know where the beam is cut an access hole to check it out and put one of those plastic push in access doors, I have 3 or 4 of them around my house.

lockrookie 12-21-2011 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663174)
Jeff, if you know where the beam is cut an access hole to check it out and put one of those plastic push in access doors, I have 3 or 4 of them around my house.

i was able to see the beam by a basment closet made a small hole its a wood beam not steel but.. the tank will sit over that beam and the floor joists do follow the length of the tank sitting over two joists a telepost with a miniwall is only 2 feet away under where the tank will sit and the tank will sit more towards the outside wall of the house. our basment has the beam for floor support as well as a load bearing wall on the opposite side.. i believe it will be more than enough support wise. il have to draw a picture.

if it doesnt pan out il just revert to slicing and dicing sticking with the 120 idea.

The Grizz 12-21-2011 03:37 AM

Oh I think you will be just fine if I get what your putting down :lol:

lockrookie 12-21-2011 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663186)
Oh I think you will be just fine if I get what your putting down :lol:

started a thread for this to keep the random thoughts truely random lol

The Grizz 12-21-2011 04:50 AM

Not so random thought but..............

Why the helz is it that it one thing after another to happen to me to cost me more money just before Xmas?

Frist it was my 2 - 1yr old pups vs a porcupine costing me $600
Now it's my damn printer/fax in my office to crap out!!



Had to buy 2 printers in less then 2 yrs , I will never buy a Kodak product EVER AGAIN!!

Delphinus 12-21-2011 04:58 AM

If it rains, it pours. I hear you, .... I hear you. Good luck getting it all sorted.

Delphinus 12-21-2011 05:05 AM

I can't wait.... :D

fishoholic 12-21-2011 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 662533)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :bad-word::bad-word::frusty::frusty::mad2::mad2::mad2: I'm so mad right now!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!! My pencil wrasse was hiding for the past 3 days and I finally just saw him. Then I saw my rainbow wrasse take a run at him so I figure I'd try to catch him and move him to my 80g and I came very close to catching him a few times but now he's hiding again and who knows when he'll come out again!

A few hours after this post last sunday I saw the pencil wrasse briefly and I saw my blue line trigger going after it :evil: It dove into the sand really fast and I didn't see it after that. I was really upset with myself for not being able to catch it earlier. Well I finally saw it again today and I guess my Trigger did manage to get it because when I saw my poor pencil wrasse, his whole tail and part of the back end of his body was missing :cry:

I caught him and put him in my 34g for now. He looks awful and it seems unlikely he'll make it :cry: On the plus side though I knew he hadn't eaten for week so I put some mysis in the tank and he ate it. I feel horrible for him as he keeps trying to bury himself in the sand but without his tail he doesn't seem to be able to :sad: Wish I had a crystal ball to see if he'll make it or not.

fishoholic 12-21-2011 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 663207)

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's not until next Dec.! :pout:

fishytime 12-21-2011 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 663207)

:biggrin:....I actually did a little dance.......COOL!

Funky_Fish14 12-21-2011 06:02 AM

Nice! The hobbit was actually my favorite book to read of the whole L.O.T.R story/series. I know its not like one of the 'big 3'... but its the precursor. Loved it. Hope the movie is good!

Laurie - Sorry to hear about the wrasse!

Edmonton/Ft. Sask... Ok, It was raining today... december 20th, in fort sask...
Then going back and forth between snow and rain and up and down between 0 and 2 degrees on my drive back to edmonton.
Now its been a snowstorm between ft. sask and hay lakes area for 2 hours. Only in Alberta...

fishoholic 12-21-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Funky_Fish14 (Post 663232)
Nice! The hobbit was actually my favorite book to read of the whole L.O.T.R story/series. I know its not like one of the 'big 3'... but its the precursor. Loved it. Hope the movie is good!

Laurie - Sorry to hear about the wrasse!

Edmonton/Ft. Sask... Ok, It was raining today... december 20th, in fort sask...
Then going back and forth between snow and rain and up and down between 0 and 2 degrees on my drive back to edmonton.
Now its been a snowstorm between ft. sask and hay lakes area for 2 hours. Only in Alberta...

The hobbit was my favorite book as well by far.

Thanks, and ya it really sucks about the wrasse. He's still alive this morning and was swimming/hobbling around. I'm really mad at myself about it, it was my fault thinking he'd be ok with my trigger. I thought he would be fine because my trigger totally ignores the little pink fairly wrasse and never bothered my rainbow wrasse when I added him. The trigger did leave the pencil wrasse alone for the first 2 days then it went downhill from there, the rainbow wrasse also started being mean after a couple of days. So odd because usually a fish will get bullied the worse in the first few days and then it clams down after that not the other way around :evil:

So true about Alberta weather. I used to have a teacher that always said "You don't like the weather in Alberta.....wait a minute".

The Grizz 12-22-2011 04:31 AM

I hate MICE!! Little ba$tard$ chewed up some wires in my printer and that's why it crapped out :frusty:

Nano 12-22-2011 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663475)
I hate MICE!! Little ba$tard$ chewed up some wires in my printer and that's why it crapped out :frusty:

lol at least its not rats ;) but I hate mice too! we had one in our apartment, cause we're on the outside of town, and live on the ground floor, and we had some sticky traps behind the dryer where it was hanging out, and I got IT! needless to say (this is the best part) I also caught my cat too! :lol: took me 2 hours to clean the sticky trap off of her with canola oil

The Grizz 12-22-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 663477)
lol at least its not rats ;) I also caught my cat too! :lol: took me 2 hours to clean the sticky trap off of her with canola oil


We were over run in the house this fall but after setting a handful of good old snap traps with a little PB & a piece of dog food we got them all. I think we trapped 15 in a few days, have not seen one since. The shop is another matter, they seem to be able to sqeeze in under the overhead door at the cornor, then there every where. Snap traps going in the office tomorrow because the wife said I can't use my .22 to hunt them down :twised:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-22-2011 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663475)
I hate MICE!! Little ba$tard$ chewed up some wires in my printer and that's why it crapped out :frusty:

Hate both mice and rats. When I worked at a petshop back in the 80s, I had one of my favourite customers ask if she could go in the back room where we kept the rodents and I told her go ahead while I was helping a couple of other customers. She then dropped big momma rat (probably a good couple of pounds and well over a foot long with that tail) down the back of my shirt. It took all of my self-control NOT to splat the rat against the wall by jumping into the wall back-first. (Especially when the rat smacked me with its tail as it was diving down into my shirt). Eventually the customer got the rat out, but let's just say I no longer considered her one of my fav. customers (no matter how cute she was). Yuck. Rats!!!! Hate them.


The Grizz 12-22-2011 04:53 AM

Rats would be easier to shot, there about the size of the damn chimpmunks that are nesting in the soffit of my shop, there going to ASAP ( box of ammo in hand ):twised:

troni 12-22-2011 04:56 AM

delivering pizzas will support my tanks

lastlight 12-22-2011 05:02 AM

Eating pizza has supported my flanks.

ensquire 12-22-2011 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 663497)
Eating pizza has supported my flanks.


lockrookie 12-22-2011 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663491)
Rats would be easier to shot, there about the size of the damn chimpmunks that are nesting in the soffit of my shop, there going to ASAP ( box of ammo in hand ):twised:

use a potato gun destroys them and nest but less holes in shop...we used to destroy crows nest with one

The Grizz 12-22-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 663500)
use a potato gun destroys them and nest but less holes in shop...we used to destroy crows nest with one

But you only get one shot at a time, I get 7 with the clip in the .22 :twised:

lockrookie 12-22-2011 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 663503)
But you only get one shot at a time, I get 7 with the clip in the .22 :twised:

i should lend you my dads ruger 22.. semi auto with 50 shot clip lol

Nano 12-22-2011 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 663477)
lol at least its not rats ;) but I hate mice too! we had one in our apartment, cause we're on the outside of town, and live on the ground floor, and we had some sticky traps behind the dryer where it was hanging out, and I got IT! needless to say (this is the best part) I also caught my cat too! :lol: took me 2 hours to clean the sticky trap off of her with canola oil

Speak of the devil. I get home, and this is what I see... What a useless animal, no wonder she got stuck in the trap :pound: I still love her though.. damn cat
Seriously what Kind of cat sits like this? :lol:

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