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nanoreefnewbie 09-19-2012 03:19 AM

I totally agree with you I want too see it happening not after its happened

fishoholic 09-19-2012 04:23 AM

This is what I've decided and the risk I'm ok with taking. Judges please dock points as you deem necessary just please don't completely eliminate me and remove my journal.


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 747574)
Ugh so many dates so confusing....I've decided I'm going to say screw it and go at my own pace, I will do updates and will post appropriate pic's on the dates above but I can't say I won't go faster then the dates above and not post pic's of things before hand. Judges can eliminate me from winning if they choose (as I could care less if I win, just don't eliminate me completely) and I'm going to be a brat and do it my way and have fun with it. I'm in it more for the fun of showing others what I can do with a nano tank and for the joy of reading others feed back in my journal of what's happening as it happens. I could care less about loosing points for not following the rules, so long as my journal stays put (as part of the contest) so others can enjoy and comment on it.

I think as long as I'm willing to take the risk for not following the rules then I should be allowed to keep my journal as part of it.

I will post this in my journal and let the judges know to dock points as they deem necessary for whenever I don't or didn't follow the rules. At the end they can tell me I would of had x number of points if I didn't do such and such early but otherwise I hope I can continue even if I loose points for doing it wrong.

fishoholic 09-19-2012 05:00 AM

Ok just got some clearer clarification


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 747582)
your journal is fine lol

guys the timeline really isnt strict it can also be looked at like this:

from now till november 1rst- be able to provide an empty tank shot ,tank with water shot,equipment,rock/sand

dec 1rst-livestock additions and pics

jan3rd -livestock additions and pics

jan 15th- fts

feb 15th-fts and livestock updates

march 15h-fts and livestock updates

if people start their journals now and post their empty tank shots,tank with water shots,equipment shots and liverock shots they are covered untill december first which is the next update.

Apparently I'm ok and good to go :cheer2: and

fishoholic 09-19-2012 01:23 PM


:lol: it's me using a cup

Clearer pic's

fishoholic 09-19-2012 01:51 PM

Just read this: (which follows along with the original rules but somewhat contradicts the simplified rules post I posted above)


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 747503)
guys quick note before the contest officially starts.

there should be no pics of rock or of corals before november first, if you are farther then that i your build fine , but as per time line no rocks should be in the pics before that date.

journals have to be created and a first post made by the contestant by october 15th/2012

oct15th /2012- empty tank shots:
by this date some pics of your dry empty tanks and what ever equipment you may have is to be provided. feel free to ask questions and get others opinions on your ideas:)

nov1rst/2012- official fill date:
by this date your tank should be filled with water , all plumbing done and be a running system. no livestock or rock is to be in your tank at this time. a pic of the tank running with water and the plumbing are to be provided. sand may be added before water if that is your desire;P

like i said guys you can each go at your own pace, but the appropriate pictures have to be provided BY certain dates.

pls notice how it says no liverock is to be added.

not that you cant add it but keep the pics for the approprite dates.

remember this is a contest folks where judges are going by the timeline and the rules of the contest, failuer to comply will result in loss of points.

prior to neovember 1rst there shouldnt be more than empty tanks posted,water and your euipment and plumbing.

I'm ok with loosing points as long as I can do it how I want to and share what I want when I want to.

To make it easier for judges I will go back in my journal and post the appropriate pic's when they should of been posted on they day the were supposed to have been posted.

But honestly I want to share my updates as they occur not try to remember weeks later what happened and the order they happened in and fake my updates to make it look like I did them on the dates they were supposed to be done. IMO if you're ahead of the game and holding back pic's to make it seem like you're following the rules when really you aren't it's stupid. If the point of not posting pic's of rock in tanks yet is to make it fair for others who haven't started yet (so ideally we're all on the same playing level) but then you go ahead and add the rock now, cause technically you're allowed to just don't show pic's to let others know how ahead you are, just seems ridiculous to me. People are going to go at their own pace regardless of the rules, most will just hold back pic's and post them when the time comes to post them so they look like they are doing everything by the book. They may be way past that point and their final pic might reflect that, but because they didn't post pic's it's ok and they won't loose points for it????? :rolleyes:

Anyway like I said I'm cool with loosing points but I'm not going to hide my progress or pretend it didn't happen when it did just to lie about things and make it look like I'm following the rules when I'm not. Judges can figure out my points however they wish but know I'm not hiding or holding anything back or pretending things aren't happening if they are happening.

riceboy 09-19-2012 01:52 PM

lol the ato looks to be the same device i'm using except its me with a red cup lol, good thing the office has unlimited amounts of filtered water lol

fishoholic 09-19-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by riceboy (Post 747637)
lol the ato looks to be the same device i'm using except its me with a red cup lol, good thing the office has unlimited amounts of filtered water lol

Simplest ATO I've ever used to figure out how to get it working :lol:

ALang 09-19-2012 02:41 PM

ATO with a red solo cup...I feel a country song in the make...might infringe on Toby Keith's copyrights, though!!
Just hoping that no one goes on a few days worth of "vacation", like my hubby likes to do, it can be a nightmare to get house sitters to fill such a tiny tank. Mine just dumped the whole amount that has been evaporating for the past few days all at once, on the day before us getting home, and then wondered why things died...

reefwars 09-19-2012 03:36 PM

hi laurie.......relax lol

the timeline is posted as are the rules, everyone can take it as they see it but its now final and will not be changed for any reasons, and all decisions will now be made up to the judges.

like i said i believe your journal is fine, according to the official timeline and how i read it, for the most part everyones is fine.

the judges are going to look at more than just the timeline guys so relax and just do the best you can on your nanos and let the judges worry about who gets points and who dont:)

ps....tank looks great btw;)

fishoholic 09-19-2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by ALang (Post 747652)
ATO with a red solo cup...I feel a country song in the make...might infringe on Toby Keith's copyrights, though!!
Just hoping that no one goes on a few days worth of "vacation", like my hubby likes to do, it can be a nightmare to get house sitters to fill such a tiny tank. Mine just dumped the whole amount that has been evaporating for the past few days all at once, on the day before us getting home, and then wondered why things died...

:lol: everytime I see that cup I think of that song, in fact as I was topping it off I was singing "red solo cup I use you for my top off" :lol:

Thankfully there are no trips planned right now. Other then going to visit Doug's mom for her birthday in Calgary for a weekend in Oct. My mom is going to look after all my animals while I'm gone and I give her very explicit directions on what to do with my tanks so hopefully it'll be ok as she's been good at following the fish tank directions to a T in the past.

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