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kien 10-27-2009 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458511)
Somethings smells fishy about the whole thing to me.

Time will tell.

Alien invasion. This is the first wave. Mass hysteria and a fake virus that requires a "miracle vaccine". :lol::lol::lol: ya.. okay I watch too much sci fi.

Parker 10-27-2009 08:14 PM

I'm undecided at this point. My wife works in heathcare, community heath and is in direct contact, she's actually one of the nurses giving shots. She's undecisded also on whether we should get it or not.

crysmom 10-27-2009 09:17 PM

I wont be getting the shot and from a non formal poll at my worksite it seems all the nurses I've talked to don't want it either

Ross 10-27-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by crysmom (Post 458532)
I wont be getting the shot and from a non formal poll at my worksite it seems all the nurses I've talked to don't want it either

Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

crysmom 10-27-2009 10:22 PM

I think if you have people in your home with decreased immune systems or asthma type problems perhaps it would be a good ideam but in our house we are all healthy with no underlying health problems and everyone is over 2 so i'm not overly worried about my immediate families health if we were to get this virus- Now there is something to be said for "taking one for the team" to help with the general population and prevent it being spread, but I think quarantining yourself and not doing things like going grocery shopping when you are sick (sorry I know someone with this flu and they are off work so took some time to go to the bank and saveon) is helpful to prevent the spread.

Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458537)
Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

noirsphynx 10-27-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 458537)
Kind of makes it hard to roll up the sleeve if the nurses dont want it doesnt it?

My cousin is a nurse and says she will not get it but I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet about it. I'm on the fence about it. The shot concerns me with the adjuvants that are in it. I have two daughters with underlying conditions so I'm curious to see what my cousin will say about it.

mark 10-27-2009 10:47 PM

Just thought I would point out the wife works in the hospital and neither she or many of her co-works have major concerns so it's not all one sided that Healthcare professionals are against it.

btw, family got ours today, still alive. Guess we'll see if I'm still posting in a week.

intarsiabox 10-27-2009 11:55 PM

My wife is a nurse as well and she and the collegues she talks to at the hospital are all getting the shot, even our family doctor and pediatrician have received and recommend it and you usually have to be dying before he'll prescribe anything but Tylanol. No one has ever got the flu from the flu shot, some have allergic reactions to the preservatives in it but the effects are immediate. All the shot is is a dead virus, it is your own body, not the shot, that creates the immunity. Actually most medical procedures and medicines rely on your body to do most of the work. Some people say that everyone over-reacted with Mexico because it never got that bad, did those same people consider that maybe because of the desperate actions taken that is the reason it didn't get bad? To get the shot or not is your own choice and I wouldn't recommend basing your decision on this forum or any others so I'm not recommending anything one way or the other. Unless you know some of the researchers personally everything else is just peoples opinions, including mine.

VFX 10-28-2009 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 458579)
Unless you know some of the researchers personally everything else is just peoples opinions, including mine.

People's opinions was what I was after.

My mind is made up already but it's interesting to know what others think on a subject that effects us all.


pinhead 10-28-2009 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.nintendo (Post 458400)
It's all bull**** media hype, I'd rather risk "H1N1" then the known and occuring side effects from the shot

What are the known and occuring side effects and where are you getting your information - the media?

Or second hand information from other people,

Originally Posted by Quinster (Post 458428)
They told me about half a dozen deaths locally they knew about from the same batch of meds that were used.

Or Youtube?

Originally Posted by workn2hard2day (Post 458484)
this is one of the side effects, if you are 1 in a million.

(An explanation of the woman's symptoms

My information comes from the scientist's research. This information is found in peer-reviewed scientific journals or summarized for the layman magazines such as New Scientist.

Doing research from these sources will lead you to the following facts:

This strain of flu isn't always mild

It can be fatal - particularly in young people (43 deaths of children in the US in the first 2 weeks of October)

Even if you have a mild reaction to the flu virus, you could be the cause of a serious ilness in your children, other family member, co-worker or anyone else you come in contact with

Although the virus can be breathed in as an aerosol droplet, in can survive upto 48 hours on non-porous surfaces and then transfered to your eyes, nose or mouth.

The vaccine is safe (the canadian vaccine, unlike the US is a dead virus). The misinformation about flu vaccine side effects come from the 1976 US swine flu vaccinations where out of 48 million vaccinations, roughly 500 people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome and 25 died. This rate is roughly 10 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome for every 1 million vaccinations. Surprisingly, Guillain-Barré is found at a rate of 40-70 for every 1 million non-vaccinated flu sufferers and in the general population from other sources at 10 - 20 cases for every million people. Your chances if you were vaccinated in 1976 of getting Guillain-Barré were lower than if you caught the flu and the same as getting it from other sources.

Medical technology and vaccines have improved in 23 years - these side effects were from the 1976 vaccine.

One of these advancements is the addition of adjuvants made of fish oil, water and Vitamin E which are added to improve the body's immune response.

In Canada, the vaccine is free.

So the vaccine is: safe, cheap and will protect me or my family from from a possibly fatal disease. I guess I don't have tell you I am getting the vaccine.

I can provide references so you can base your decision on verifiable facts rather than rumors and information from almost 30 years ago.

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