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Baldy 01-02-2013 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by monocus (Post 778097)
who told you to place them in different areas of your tank?i always tell everyone to place them in a shotglass and sink it in one area and let them crawl out on their own in one area.there is a guy in alberta that sells berghia(i think in calgary).i sell them for $14 each and with shipping(around $4o to alberta)

The dealer I got mine from told me that they can starve to death before finding enough food. So to prevent that, spread them out. Just what I was told.

monocus 01-02-2013 07:00 AM

you keep them together so they can mate-if they can't find each other there is no offspring.they can go from one side of a 15 gal tank to the other in less than 5 minutes.they also usually feed in packs(although they do separate to individually feed)a group of berghia will start at the base of one aptasia-devour it and move onto the next

Baldy 01-02-2013 03:05 PM

Sheesh, someone should start a bhergia nidibranch myth busting thread lol. I was also told that they won't eat the bigger ones and that if I wasn't careful the aiptasia would eat the nudis.

Oh well, this thread really got off topic lol

monocus 01-02-2013 04:54 PM

off topic
they will eat the large ones-just that they will group feed on them.aptasia wiil eat a berghia only if they fall on the feeding to your cyano,what salt are you using.i never had cyano untill i used h2ocean salt.i switched to seachem reef salt and only get cyano maybe twice a year-fixed with also could be a certain time of year where it occurs naturaly

Baldy 01-02-2013 05:57 PM

I am using h2ocean. I have been since I started the tank. If I wanted to switch what kind of process would I be looking at? Just doing regular water changes with the new salt?

monocus 01-02-2013 09:10 PM

that's what i did-just switch for water changes-use up your old salt first.there was a breakdown on the chemicals in different salts on 1reef if i remember right.seachem reef salt had the highest magnesium and calcium

hfp75 01-02-2013 09:30 PM

its a red slime algae/bacteria....

I used this and the problem was solved in a week or less & NO problems for any of my fish or Corals....

I dosed one time...

Red Slime Remover.... I have lots... PM ME. Save the Cash.

Baldy 01-03-2013 12:06 AM

hfp75, thanks but ive already ordered some chemiclean from JL.

monocus, its strange that you mention h2ocean as the probable cause. from what ive read, it seems to be a popular salt.

monocus 01-03-2013 12:11 AM

i talked with some of the staff a j&l and they said a lot of people had cyano out breaks when using that salt,of course it could have been the mix at the time,but i never went back to using it

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