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-   -   Roommate's friend's kid scratched the hell out of my tank. Must vent before I scream. (

daplatapus 02-02-2015 02:08 PM

Sorry to hear of the tank woes, that sucks. My wife babysits a 3 year old every other Thursday and I'm always worried about mine.

Seriak 02-02-2015 02:22 PM

Man, I can't imagine what I would do. I can't even keep my scraper in my tank as my son gets a little too excited when he sees me using it. Here is hoping they do the right thing.

Simons 02-02-2015 03:03 PM

I you have warned the parents and the roommate of the dangers of using the magnet, which I have no reason to doubt that you did not; then the parents are on the hook for the entire bill. There is no wiggle room and no excuses, parents are responsible for the actions of their underage children.

I see this as not only very disrespectful that a parent would let their kid touch anything like that that wasn't theirs, but also completely and entirely on the hook for it's repair and whatever that would involve. I get pretty upset over this kind of stuff because IMHO it appears that a large number of parents just don't take it seriously enough.

While you are now stuck with 'living with it' as you say just lets the parents off the hook. I would be calling and telling them the seriousness of the issue and be prepared for a significant bill. I had a similar issue years ago (not with a fish tank) where my property was damaged by some kids after repeated warnings to the parents, they refused to pay for the damage so I filed a police report for vandalism. You should see how fast their attitude changed when the cops showed up at there door and they paid up or there kid was going to be charged.

Dearth 02-02-2015 03:05 PM

That sucks....

My nieces and my neighbours kid who looks after my tank when I am out of town all understand the rules and are respectful of my tank unfortunately the adults are not so much and on more than one occasion I have seen my nieces give my brother crap for doing something silly with the tank.

I guess I have been lucky that way

lastlight 02-02-2015 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 933375)
I guess I have been lucky that way

same here. i've had kien watch my tank on a number of occasions and while he has to reach up pretty high on my kids' old bathroom stool to try and get food over the top of the tank, i make sure to not leave any magnets around for him to play with.

Seriak 02-02-2015 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 933381)
same here. i've had kien watch my tank on a number of occasions and while he has to reach up pretty high on my kids' old bathroom stool to try and get food over the top of the tank, i make sure to not leave any magnets around for him to play with.


CM125 02-02-2015 04:32 PM

This is why I don't trust anyone with my tank

The Grizz 02-02-2015 04:58 PM

Hey Adam that is a real **** off when that happens but the scratches can be polished out if they are not to deep. I used cerium oxide and a glass polishing bonnet to remove several scratches out of my glass on my 300 before i put it together. It take some work and patients but can be done.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 02-02-2015 05:11 PM

Take lots of photographs that show the sections that are all scratched up. Also, place a ruler on the stand to show that it would require an adult holding up the toddler for him to reach the magnet cleaner. Then go see the parents and explain that unless they cover your replacement costs, you will be filing charges against them and their kid for damage to your property. This sucks that some adults are just so irresponsible and if they have been warned several times, then they have no excuse.

gobytron 02-02-2015 06:20 PM

The parents need to be taught a lesson.

they obviously have no respect for other peoples property and have passed that lack onto their kid.

entertaining their child (or keeping it entertained so they can rest easy and just enjoy the game) obviously was held in a higher regard than caring what happened to your tank.

That sense of entitlement would have me losing my ****.


Kids will be kids?

Only if their parents let them.

You should get all their contact info from your roommate. If they won't pay. the responsibility should fall on your roommate.

I would even consider calling the police and reporting destruction of private property just so you have record.

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