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Boomboy 05-06-2009 03:46 AM

its funny that your using a QO400HH in your 10Gallon, that is cut in half when i have one on my CL on my 80G. hahahah i think your going to have to go bare bottom, but you should make a video of the water movement then drain it again just so we can see it in action. i think that should be allowed, for entertainment purposes only of course :biggrin:

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 03:57 AM

Maybe it's just the motor or something, this pump has been sitting dry for over a year, but it doesn't seem to be putting out that much. I filled with H20 just to test for plumbing leaks, and it's not moving overly fast....herm...

Myka 05-06-2009 04:03 AM

Didn't Christy just say you couldn't have water in the tank at all? :lol:

Did you try cleaning the pump with pure vinegar? Then let it run in a bucket for a couple hours?

EDIT: Ok, am I halucinating, or did Christy not post saying you couldn't put water in the tank at all on page one, and you replied "Yes boss..."??? Am I going mad? :lol: Did that post get deleted? Did she change her mind?

JDigital 05-06-2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 418111)
Didn't Christy just say you couldn't have water in the tank at all? :lol:

Did you try cleaning the pump with pure vinegar? Then let it run in a bucket for a couple hours?

EDIT: Ok, am I halucinating, or did Christy not post saying you couldn't put water in the tank at all on page one, and you replied "Yes boss..."??? Am I going mad? :lol: Did that post get deleted? Did she change her mind?

Nope, your sane..

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 04:09 AM

the water wasn't in the was in the tub... :D either way, wasn't going as fast as it should. I took apart the thing and noticed a broken impeller shaft :bad-word: but it still goes. I'll try the vinegar bath

Myka 05-06-2009 04:38 AM

That sucks...but an easy fix at least.


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 418114)

Oh good!! Wrong thread though, so I am still half mad... lol

Zylumn 05-06-2009 04:57 AM

Rbacchiega's 10 Gallon Yashia Goby House of Love

I feel the love anyone else. LOL


Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 06:08 PM

so, we're on the hunt for an impeller I'll be picking up Krylon Fusion and might work on building the stand. I'm feeling pretty lazy today, so there's a good chance nothing will get done, but hey, at least I'm honest. Not to mention the Oceanic order is coming I'll be busy with that (STOOOOOOOOKED)

Edit. Pump won't go now, so maybe I just buy a different pump? with not QUITE as much UMPH. We're still going SPS, but gotta think about my Yashias! Open to suggestions ladies and gents...

Edit x2: Maybe buying another pump is the way to go. I only need about 50-60X turnover really for an SPS tank (more wouldn't hurt...but whatever) so that works out to 372gph worth of flow. So I need a 500gph pump and that should work....I think.

I hate getting ideas AFTER The fact.

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 07:18 PM


I don't want to spend oodles of money on another pump, and I happen to have a 500gph pump kicking around. Taking into consideration headloss etc total display gph is up around 30x turnover. So I should still be able to keep a few SPS, but this might be a zoa tank...we'll have to see. The main thing is I want my Yashia's to be happy and out and about. No point in dropping oodles of cash on a fish for it to be unseen...

decisions decisions.

Rbacchiega 05-07-2009 08:49 PM

switched out pumps. Now using the pump that was orriginally purchased with the tank from John (lobsterboy).

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