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Seriak 05-06-2003 06:45 PM

I believed they kept changing the carbon, but using the same freshwater carbon. But who knows. Just something to check if phosphates are not the culprit. Doesn't hurt to give extra information as long as your not reaching information overload.

Aquattro 05-06-2003 06:47 PM

Yes, I've never heard of there being FW vs. SW carbon. It might be marketed that way, but G.A.C. is just in any water.

Seriak 05-06-2003 06:47 PM

What, you guys or going to make me dig for an ancient article. Alright, I'll search.

mikey_d18 05-06-2003 06:48 PM is good to get extra info, but if u dont believe that info in correct, its ok to say so, it is a message board

Aquattro 05-06-2003 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak
What, you guys or going to make me dig for an ancient article. Alright, I'll search.

search away :biggrin: Remember, if the at=rticle is too ancient, we'll discount it as too old.
Carbon can be a concern as some leach various compounds, and some carbon can be fine tuned to adsorb particular things, but they all work in any water.

mikey_d18 05-06-2003 06:51 PM

good job brad, hehe

Aquattro 05-06-2003 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by mikey_d18
good job brad, hehe

yeah, unless he proves me wrong. Then I'm just an idiot :biggrin:

Seriously though, certain carbons may have an affinity to more of compound X in FW vs SW, but carbon is just a charged substrate that adsorbs other charged compounds to it's surface.

AJ_77 05-06-2003 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak
I believe, if memory serves, there was a post on this board a while ago about someone who had green tank for months and was about to give up when he checked and saw that he was using freshwater carbon. He changed it and everything cleared up almost immediately.

That was me. I unwittingly substituted the wrong carbon - same brand, but labelled "for freshwater use ONLY." Big duh! Apparently one of the additives that made it so marketable for FW was a ticking phosphate BOMB.

Even with totally green water, I registered elevated phosphate levels. After running the phosphate sponge, etc as mentioned above, it started to clear within days. The clams actually seemed to help too.

I can't get the thread up, as it's too old now. But there was a TON of advice and within a couple of weeks the tank was nice and clear.

Seriak 05-06-2003 07:20 PM

Alright guys, I deserve something for that. Thanks Alan.


Aquattro 05-06-2003 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak
Alright guys, I deserve something for that. Thanks Alan.


An honourable mention maybe? I started a thread with Randy on this to get a chemist's opinion.
Also, here is a link for some carbon answers.

We now return to our regular programming instead of highjacking yet another thread!!

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